

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
127 Chs

Chapter 93

Daria's eyes seemed to tear up as she said it. Placing her cheek to my chest looked back up at me. "I have known you for a few years Tagem. I have been following you not just in the game but in real life. I know everything about you, but you only know what I am like in the game and just a week and a half here.

"Have I truly taken your heart?"

"Do you know that I am the one you want?"

In the Blood Family once you are married you are married for life! I want you to know this, for this is a meaningful union when those in the family unit as one.

Looking at her very carefully, took her arms from around my neck placing her hands on mine. Bringing myself to one knee I may not have known you in person, "I may not have had your kiss, the feel of your love gaze on me, or see this beautiful face."

"I knew a long time ago I was in love with you!"

"Holding you these past days has confirmed, has only increased my feelings for you, and I would be lost without you."

"You know me inside and out!"

"I want to know you in that way, for you have been everything to me for quite some time. You had been my shoulder when I needed it, a shadow in my dreams that I couldn't reach that has helped guide me in real life, and you are the one I love."

Tears started running down her face, swelling of her eyes releasing her hands from mine placing them on my face. Kissing me gently on the lips with what was barely a whimper she uttered the words" I do!"

The people from the gardens all in their yellow rain gear and others that stopped to watch which was a once empty room erupted with cheers and crying surrounding us.

"I guess we need to find Catherine after she is done talking with the Elders and tell her the news," Daria said as we walked into an elevator. "I stopped; will this be an issue with her?" I did not think, or I thought she knew that I was here for you. Do not get me wrong, I do love Stacks but that will have to be a discussion later. I did not want to think this over, but now thoughts started to run through me a mile a minute.

Daria placed my face in her hands, "Tagem!" With a tentative smile, this is all unexpected, and she knows that we are together. I care so much for you, and this is one of those reasons. You care about others. Funny thing is, Catherine and I have already discussed this issue in great detail. If you did want me to be your Queen she would be your One, you're submissive. This was going to be our little conversation over dinner tonight. Daria started walking out the elevator down one of the halls that I did remember going down.