

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
127 Chs

Chapter 77

Nancy, without even looking at Stacks" did you and Tagem meet with anything out of the ordinary between here and the Airport?" Looking at me the whole time she asked the question. I did not know if Daria was feeling the stare since she was right next to me. I could dee Daria unconsciously moving her hand over to her right arm as dry skin was wiped away showing a tattoo that looked like mine by her bicep just the same as was on my bicep.

Lady Nancy eyed us as Catherine explained in detail the course of actions that had taken place from the first time, we met at the Airport giving me the blood supplement drink she handed me at the terminal. Described the hippies that sat next to us at the terminal to what I ate before departure.

She paused; the look on her face dropped like someone realizing something that was so obvious that everyone saw her expression in the room. Lady Nancy looked at Stacks the same way she was looking at Daria and I. looking at Stacks closer I could see a marking on her right arm. She was displaying a new tattoo, but something else was different about her and then it hit me, her eyes. The light green eyes were coming through those beautiful brown eyes that were once light brown.

Stacks continued with what happened on the plane in complete detail. Putting a little smile on my face, since it was an unusual chain of events that happened that day and night and the next day Stack's PM'ed someone to get the card with the information of the woman who was the flight attendant on the plane, she proceeds with the chain of events in the lavatory where the Stewardess had bitten me.

That piqued Vixon's interest.

Vixen moved over to my location feeling the heat from her breath on my neck as Stacks/Catherine explained the following after the flight to the arrival of Samantha again at the hotel. Vixen placed her hand on my shoulders from behind as Daria just looked at her wondering what she was doing. Everyone took notice of what Vixen was doing as her hands explored my shoulders and neck.

Aw found it!"

Placing her fingers over the spot where I was bitten which seemed to have mostly healed.

"Johnathan!" She called to one of the science professors "please check this and take a sample."

The tall slim young man perked up as his name was called, rushed over to her taking out a swab from within his coat pocket. A poke from a sharp item penetrated what was left of the bite mark. For Vixon used her nail on her left index finger and poked me to cause me to bleed. Johnathan dabbed at the new cut placing it in a vile and hurried away out of the room. Vixon had a peculiar look on her face wondering where she had seen this type of bite before. Another look expressed upon her face, taking a few steps away. You could see that she was PMing, finished her walk to Lady Nancy, and whispered in her ear.