

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
127 Chs

Chapter 117

"Then how do you succeed if you are expected to fail?" she asked with sadness in her eyes. It was time to leave; I would love to finish this discussion later, but the night was ending. I never caught your name. She leaned in, whispered "Amelia and it was a delight to have meet you Tagem of NewBlood for I do hope that we meet again."

"As do I" I whispered back.

By the time we left the room till we arrived at the dome room the alcohol was truly taking effect. I felt good and exhausted at the same time. We pushed the beds together, the girls stripped off our toga's dresses as I peeled off the lion cloth and passed out.

The next day we woke to noises on the outside of the room. The High Priestess walked in taking in the surroundings as the four of us under a sheet naked in the same bed.

"Do hope you enjoyed the dinner and activities." She only seemed to stare at me when saying this. I stood up, waited to recover my balance after getting up from the bed. Walked around towards the High Priestess, I placed my arms around her bringing her close to me, closer than what she expected I guaranty.

"We had a great time last night." Leaning back with her still in my grasp, "I do hope we can do this again." then smiled as I wanted to see what she would do.

She smiled, shook her head, and closed her eyes. "Know I see what my daughter had seen with you on the plane." Then quickly wrapped a hand around my balls. I faintly Uhm sound puffed out of my lips with her saying "now I feel the other reason as well." Her smile was bigger than before. You will have to take care of her as she viewed her attention towards her daughter Samantha on the bed trying to get up. She is under your control, and I would be offended if anything happened to her, turning her gaze to me again with a now serious expression with a grip that tightened. "I want to show you something but put some clothes on first Tagem" she advised with just a rise of an eyebrow after she lowered her view. Letting my lower regions go she turned and walked out the door. I hurried to put some cloths on, followed her with a quick sprint I caught up to her noticing how incredible she looked from behind. Being only five foot two with a body that looked to be in excellent condition, seeing her muscles flex and relax after each step made me think how old she was really.

She led me to a different floor, with signs that I could not read since in demon language it was understandable. Thinking to myself, I will have to learn this language as we passed the signs walking down a much lit up hall leading to a double door. Off to the right a big window viewing into a room full of children playing in what looked to be like recess in a school.

They looked to be three or four-year-old running around having fun. That one with the blonde hair with the curls is you daughter Tagem. Not looking at me for my expression for I did not think she even cared. She continued, for you see she is not like a norm but has shown no vampire in her as of yet. We are looking at her more than the others for obvious reasons.