

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
127 Chs

Chapter 112

"You are surely a sight to see." Her eyes were squinting from under the veil. "How is it that a Vampire who in all my years cannot produce a child in the demon or lesser case Normals way. How is this possible? How does my daughter not recognize a Vampire scent in the first place plus be involved with a vampire?"

"How is it possible that you Tagem can reproduce? As she titled her head to the side, her breast raised from her breathing as if trying to calm herself down. She stared at me for at least three minutes until she spoke again.

"What is your intention with my daughter Tagem of NewBlood?" I could hear the anger in the voice. Her hands in a clinch with blood trickling down drip by drip with her nails digging into her own palm.

"Since I cannot harm you in any way that would make, my daughter despise me until the end of days." Taking her view off me to her daughter "or try to kill me!" She turned her body to Samantha with her body in full glisten from the fabric as the blue fire roared behind her.

I was trying to keep my view of the body that was shown through the fabric and trying to keep my angel of view to her face or the part I could see as she watched Samantha.

"I will treat your daughter like a lady should be treated. I have no means in any way to hurt or punish her. What she has done to me or tried to do to me is all in the manner of the life she leads. I am only starting to know what type of women she is, and I am amazed at what I am finding out." Taking my eyes off the High Priestess looking to Samantha.

"I will be there for you the demons and our daughter." I noticed the guards in the room tightened their grips on their weapons. For I was sure that they could use them quicker than if I could move to do any harm to their High Priestess. "All my girls mean everything to me; I would do anything for them for they are my family. Vampire, demon, or even as you say Norms. If they take my name, I am theirs as much as they are mine."

Still looking at Samantha, "I see that we want the same thing as Tagem of NewBlood! I would like our two families to grow closer as well."

Releasing my view from Samantha to the High Priestess she stepped closer to me leaning in. "I think you might be the one to make that happen feeling the warmth of her body as she pressed up against mine. I felt uncomfortable, and this had been the first time since I turned that I had felt this way. She placed her head on my chest, putting her arms around me.

"Never been this close to a vampire Tagem! Your body seems warm to the touch, and you have a heartbeat. Hmm, I thought you vampires were the walking dead and cold hearted!"

"Well, books like to portray our kind, not in a pleasant way." That was all I could say with her breast that seemed to rub up against me as she was now kneeling on the ground pressed up against me and her hands resting on my bottom feeling me up for what it felt like.