

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
127 Chs


A gentle knock barely heard from the entrance door as it took my attention from this beautiful sight in front of me. "Stack rise and see who is at the door and get rid of them," knowing that she was naked and was about to give someone a treat. She stood up walked across the room as a runway model would walk down the catwalk looked through the peephole opened the door to show herself entirely to whoever was on the other side. I could not see who it was and did not care as I started to walk to the kitchen and grab some wine off the wine rack. I opened the red wine set it on the counter to let it breath opened the fridge to see if there was any cheese "Yes" I thought to myself.

Closing the frigerated I turned to notice two people off to the right of me from the corner of my eye after I had grabbed the cheese from the refrigerator. I stepped back seeing the lovely Samantha standing there with her flight attendant outfit on with her bag on wheels by her side.

"Ah am I to gather that you would like to stay the night?"

"If you wish, Sir?" Stacks spoke in her innocent voice.

I smiled "then I guess three glasses are required for the wine."

I grabbed three glasses, walked over to a couch, placed the glasses on the table to my left and sat down. After I was comfortable, I looked to now the two young women and waited. Stacks whispered into Samantha's ear walked up to me then kneeled in front of me.

Samantha wheeled her bag to the chair took off her coat started to unbutton her shirt.

"What are you doing?" I asked slightly annoyed

Samantha turned around puzzled at what I had said.

"Stacks I would explain to her how someone should undress in front of me," I said softly

Stacks jumped up quickly walked quickly to Samantha and guessing she told what she had to do to undress. Walked back over to me kneeled back in the place she was before.

Samantha seemed to redden a little seeing she was not used to having men tell her what to do and how to do it. She had caught herself before she said anything. I could see the struggle rising inside her to keep quiet and calm.

I noticed my neck starting to hurt slightly putting my hand on the spot to message it out remembering that was the place Samantha had bitten me. I never took my glance away from her until she finally decided to do as told. Samantha unbuttoned her blouse tossing it to the chair with the blue skirt unzipped letting it fall to the floor. Either she looked at me trying to figure out what she was doing here or trying to figure out how to control this situation.

"Precede, Samantha. " I commanded.