
New Zennith

In a world with magic and monsters, two runaways find solace and kinship in each other’s company. Bjorn an expert at martial fighting, a Dwarven warrior. And Graum an unconventional mana user, a mischievous Devil-kin. With their trust in others fractured by tragic events from their respective pasts they accept temporary work from a mercenary guild and take a quest that will inevitably change them. Will this change lead them to their own version of salvation? Or will it solidify their damnation?

And_Ven · Fantasi
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22 Chs

Chapter: Declaration and Acceptance pt 2

Chapter: Declaration and Acceptance pt 2

As bjorn held Tanora's hands, guild members walked by with raised brows.

"Alright. Right this way." She smiled pulling her hands away from his. Bjorn eagerly followed Tanora out of the foyer, down a split hallway, the went down the right path, which had a metal door. Bjorn followed Tanora up to the metal door. Bjorn heard a musical melody coming from behind the door.

"Music?" Bjorn asked confused. 'If this is suppose to be the way to the forge, why do I hear music comming from behind the door?' He thought to himself.

"Yeah..." Tanora chuckled rubbing the back of her head. "Since we don't have a full time blacksmith, one of the girls comes down here and plays her instrument." Tanora explained.

"Is she so bad, that she has to come here to practice?" Bjorn asked bluntly.

"Oh-no. Quite the contrary actually. She is fairly skilled. She just comes down here because she is shy, and doesn't want to distract other members of the guild." Tanora smiled opening the metal door, and gestured for Bjorn to enter.

Bjorn walked into the doorway of the forge and saw a purple haired Imalidae girl with feline ears, wearing a blue dress and facing the forge with an instrument in hand. She held the neck of a wooden instrument with one hand, as she balanced the other end of the instrument between her head and shoulder. In her other hand she held a thin wooden stick that had strings affixed to it. As the Imalidae girl slid the wooden stick across the instrument, a soft melody began to fill the air.

Sitting on one of the metal tables against the walls of the forge room sat someone he recognized, Rheila. Soon after Rheila noticed Bjorn standing in the door way, she waved to greet him.

Bjorn waved back returning her silent greeting as the melody of the Imalidae girl increased in tempo, Rheila silently beckoned for him to enter the room with a hand gesture.

Bjorn took a few steps forward but the Imalidae girl ceased playing the instrument. Removing the instrument away from her head, she turned around pivoting at the hip to see what was behind her.

As the girl turned around she made eye contact with Bjorn, he noticed she had tears streaming down her cheeks. They were empty tears. Realizing someone was suddenly behind her the girl wiped the tears away against the shoulder straps of her dress.

"Oh! S-sorry if I was being to loud.." the Girl timidly apologized.

The melody the girl had just played, captivated Bjorn leaving him standing there speechless.

Rheila gently hopped off of the table, dusting her pants as she stood up.

"I didn't know you were still here, Bjorn." Rheila smiled.

"Oh...uh... ya... hrrmmmmm...." bjorn paused, shaking the captivating melody out of his head. "Yeah, Tanora was giving me a tour of the guild." He replied with a macho smirk.

"Planning on joining or something?" Rheila joked covering her mouth as she chuckled.

"Actually, Mystilynn invited them to join the guild..." Tanora added, walking out from behind bjorn and into Rheila's view.

"Them?" The Imalidae girl softly asked placing the instrument on the table infront of her. She timidly peaked over her shoulder.

"Aye, my brother and me." Bjorn warmly replied.

"If your both joining, then why is Tanora only giving you a tour of the guild?" Rheila quickly asked.

"Mystilynn, wished to discuss a few things with... what was his name... Graum, right?" Tanora remarked looking to bjorn for confirmation.

"Yes!" Bjorn and Rheila replied in unison.

Tanora and bjorn looked at Rheila with surprised expressions. Bjorn was surprised she remembered Graum's name, and his own...

Tanora was impressed she knew his name at all.

"What? We were introduced earlier today..." Rheila pouted. "... besides how could I forget the name of the guys who saved us." Rheila's pouting expression transitioned into a soft smile as she grabbed the Imalidae girls hand.

The Imalidae girl turned and faced Bjorn while still holding Rheila's hand.

"H-h-hello, I'm Rheske, Rheske Malker. Th-Thank you for saving us." The Imalidae girl with an aloof expression, nervously introduced herself.

Bjorn noticed that as Rheske introduced herself, she kept squeezing Rheila's hand. Either for comfort,or strength.

"Be still my beating heart..." Bjorn gasped under his breath at how innocently adorable Rheske acted, like a shy child.

"What do you think of the forge?" Tanora asked changing the subject.

"Right, the forge.." bjorn spoke aloud to himself.

He walked into the room to get a better view of the forge itself.

'It looks like it's in great shape... kinda like it's barely been used..' he thought to himself.

Turning around he noticed tools upon tables and all kinds of equipment scattered on racks. Leaning against the wall closest to the door was a familiar greatsword, his greatsword. Next to the great sword was a pile of armor cluttered together... his armor.

"Wait...WHAT THE!?" Bjorn exclaimed frantically patting himself down. He checked to see if he was wearing ANY armor... as it turned out, he wasn't. He was wearing the tunic and rough spun patchwork pants he wore underneath his armor.

"Uhm, is anything wrong?" Rheila asked with a confused tone.

"MY ARMOR, how did it get there?!"

"Before you were confined...er,um... I mean placed... in the dungeon...oh, um I mean basement; your armor and weapons were removed and put here. Same with Graum... although, we only found a knife and a quiver with some arrows... no bow." Rheila explained as her eyes guiltily shifted from left to right.

"I'm naked..." Bjorn defeatedly whispered to himself as he ignored half of what Rheila explained.

Rheila and Rheske looked at each other and shrugged. They heard him whisper something, but couldn't make out what he muttered.

"If this is what you consider naked... I can only imagine what you consider NAKED" Tanora teased, giggling as she tugged on his tunic.

"Ladies please, Avert your eyes! I'm to indecent to look at!" Bjorn groaned.

As Tanora continued to tease Bjorn, Rheske noticed black markings on Bjorn's skin.

"Sissy, what are those?" Rheske whispered to Rheila,pointing out the marking to her.

"Oh! I see them... I'm not sure..." Rheila whispered back. "Hey Bjorn, what are those?" Rheila asked pointing to the markings on his skin.

Bjorn looked down at his tattoos.

"Oh these? They're my Tattoos." Bjorn explained proudly.

"Strange for a human to have dwarvish tattoos." Tanora suspiciously added.

"Why is it strange?" Rheske timidly asked.

"From what I hear, dwarves consider tattoos a rite of passage, symbolizing heroic deeds on the battle field..." Tanora briefly paused. "So for a human to receive one, let alone..." she paused again gesturing broadly at the many markings that covered Bjorn. " is... well... I have never heard of that ever happening." She finished.

Rheske and Rheila took in Tanora's explanation in awe.

"I have these Tattoos because I'm a Dwarf. Not a human" Bjorn proudly answered.

"Huh?!" "What?!" Rheila and Tanora exclaimed, surprised by Bjorn's answer.

"You're short compared to the dwarves around Aelhyrst." Rheske softly added.

Bjorn felt his pride crack, as Rheske commented on his below average height.

"There is no need for me to explain myself. I can PROVE I'm a dwarf, just allow me to use the forge." Bjorn huffed.

"Go for it, it's not like we know how to use it." Rheila chuckled gesturing to Rheske and herself.

"Using a forge isn't within my repertoire of abilities... so I don't mind...although I should mention, the individual that used this forge last. Did mention that there was something wrong with it." Tanora explained.

"Pfff, She'll tell me what's troubling her once I start to caress her." Bjorn proudly chuckled, un-intentionally sounding lewd as he referred to the forge.

"Oh?" Tanora lewdly smirked as she whispered under her breath.

-back to Graum and Mystilynn-

Graum had just finished reading over the guilds charter. He summed up all the information that would be relevant to him and bjorn. As long as they: maintained or raised the guilds social standings, protected innocent or less fortunate bystanders along with their fellow guildmates. And didn't cause intentional harm to citizens or other guilds/ guildmates. Graum and bjorn would be alright.

"There is a lot of repetitive information in here." Graum groaned as he rubbed his eyes.

"It's a formal charter. Of course there is." Mystilynn covered her mouth as she chuckled.

"So as long as we don't bring harm to our guildmates or citizens... we are permitted to stay members?" Graum asked, crudely summing up the information.

"If that's what you took away from that... than yes." She smiled as she let out a disappointed sigh.

"And if we are attacked, Are we not suppose to defend ourselves?" He glared at her with suspicious eyes.

"Of course you should protect yourselves. As I hope you would... but do not use 'self-defense' as a cloak to justify assaulting your assailants" Mystilynn replied matching Graum's suspicious glare with her own.

Tension filled the atmosphere of the office as both Mystilynn and Graum glared at one another.

"Im just confirming these details now, instead of down the road... however be it citizen or guildmate, if anyone intends to bring harm to My Brother the retribution I would bring down upon them would make even demons weep." Graum passionately warned.

Mystilynn could feel how serious Graum was by his intensely cold tone.

"I hope someday you feel as passionate about protecting my girls as you Bjorn. With that being said; the women in this guild I have come to care for, like a mother over her children. And I will protect my girls from threats both foreign and domestic." Mystilynn declared with a tone just as intense as Graum's.

Mystilynn took in a deep breath before the intense atmosphere sprouted seeds of anger within her.

"You have a problem with authority, don't you?" She sighed.

"I have a problem with people who think their way of thinking is correct because of a title they hold." He replied smugly.

"Do you think that way about me?" She asked.

"If I'm to be honest, yes. Other than your divine beauty, I see no reason to blindly follow your orders." Graum replied, feeling guilty by how callus he sounded.

"Care for a friendly wager?" She asked sweetly.

"Depends... depends on the stakes and the wager." Graum cautiously replied.

"A test of wills.." Mystilynn paused walking around her desk and up to him. "Who ever let's go first loses." She continued as she extended her arm towards him like a hand shake.

"Um.... okay...." graum replied hesitantly taking her hand.

"The terms are simple. Other than this, physical contact is prohibited and will result in a forfeit. Meaning, I can't physically push you away, or vise versa. Each person is to channel their own mana through thier hand and into the other person's. The goal is to surge enough mana into your opponent, forcing them to let go" Mystilynn explained.

"Alright, I understand the task. But what about the stakes? A wager must have stakes, otherwise what incentive do I have to take this challenge seriously?" Graum replied suspiciously.

"You have a point... hmm.." Mystilynn paused, taking a moment to think "..alright I got it. If you win, I'll leave your conduct to your discretion with no repercussions from me. But if I win, you HAVE to do ANY ONE thing I ask of you. Is that acceptable?" Mystilynn answered, with playful tone and a stern expression.

Graum thought about the stakes and weighed the benefits against the risks.

"Agreed." Graum accepted her terms.

"Good to hear. Now on the count of three the challenge will begin. But I won't start until your mana surges. Consider it a gesture of good will, after all I don't want you to think I cheated." Mystilynn joked.

Graum narrowed his eyes suspiciously at Mystilynn. 'Why would she give up an advantage like that... is she that confident she is stronger than me?' He thought to himself.

"1..." Mystilynn began to count


Graum concentrated, pulling his attention to the challenge.

"...3." She finished, starting the challenge.


Graum began to gently surge mana from his hand into Mystilynn's hand letting her know he was ready. She smiled as she began to do the same.

"I'm surprised you didn't pour everything you had from the start." She replied smiling warmly at him.

"To use your own words: I don't want you to think I cheated. Even though it would've been a strategical move." Graum smirked

*M: surge increase*

"Oh! Sounds like you fancy yourself a Tactician" she chuckled.

Graum felt Mystilynn's mana push his back.

*G: Increase surge*

"I 'fancy' myself as someone who can adapt" graum grinned as he felt his mana easily push Mystilynn's mana back.

"I hope your prepared for this." Mystilynn replied as her smile turned into a smirk.

*M: pour mana*

The progress Graum had gained was taken away by Mystilynn, as she channeled a stream of mana.

Graum felt the nerves in his hand begin to twinge with discomfort as her mana over powered his.

"That's pretty good... however.." Graum continued to grin as he closed his eyes.

*guise: off*

When graum released his guise, he was able to match Mystilynn's mana output taking away the progress she had just made.

The amount of mana that the two of them tried channeling into the had reached a stalemate, the nerves in their hands started sending out pain signals.

Graum saw Mystilynn wince painfully in discomfort.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Graum remarked with a sinister grin on his face.

Since Graum was a devil-ken, he was able to feed/ replenish his mana by a singular emotion. Pain. Because he had inflicted pain (albeit a very micro amount) into Mystilynn he was able to replenish a very small amount of spent mana.

"Is that how it's gonna be? Alright..." Mystilynn remarked increasing her mana output by an large amount.

*M: mana stream.

Once again, Mystilynn's mana pushed graums aside. The sheer amount of mana sent pain coursing through his entire arm and into his shoulder.

Graum gritted his teeth trying to cope with the pain. He was at the limit of his pain threshold, if he didn't do something soon... he would lose.

Graum pulled his arm back towards himself, the arm that locked hands with Mystilynn at the beginning of the challenge. By tugging his arm back towards him it caused her To take a few steps towards him. She managed to stop her self inches away from him. And before she could take a step back, Graum placed his free hand behind her elbow, the elbow she had locked into place when she first extended her hand out to him.

*G: mana pour*

With Mystilynn briefly distracted, graum was able to push her mana back into her hand.

"You Cunning Devil..." Mystilynn gritted, as she wanted to say something more offensive.

"I am well within the regulations of the challenge that YOU proposed." he grinned. "Although, if you pull your arm back you will be the one to break the rules." He continued. As he saw her expression twinge with pain.

Graum began to replenish his mana as his surging mana caused Mystilynn pain, he would then use the reaquired mana to surge back into her. Creating a loop that gave him an advantage, taking the lead.

"You would allow those who wrong you to get away unpunished...,That isn't showing them you're peaceful... that's showing them you're HARMLESS." Graum smugly antagonized, attacking her ideals. he felt a euphoric rush come over him; when he felt Mystilynn's hand shake and tremble.

Graum was sure he was going to win...

"You're wrong..." Mystilynn replied in a soft tone. "I show them that they were wrong, and I show them another way..." her hand became steady, no longer shaking. "I do this not for their benefit... but for mine..." her tone grew shallow. "Being harmless is easy, you take thee abuse given to you and accept it without retaliation" she continued as her blonde hair began to glow, irradiating mana. "Peace is hard, peace you fight for, peace you protect... ... ... in order to claim that you are peaceful... you must... be capable of ...Violence!" Mystilynn angrily explained; her blonde hair shined like the sun as her eyes glowed white. Mystilynn brimmed with mana.

*M: Mana Eruption*

Mana erupted from Mystilynn as she channeled it from herself and into Graum.

In that moment Graum could feel Mystilynn generate an overwhelming amount of mana and forced it throw his hand and into his body. Graum felt his nerves burn with pain as she relentlessly drowned him in her mana.

His pain threshold broke, like wet paper against a storm. He could not withstand the challenge any longer. As Graum loosened his grip, the overwhelming force from the erupting mana sent him flying backwards colliding with the stone doorway.

*crack* *thud*

Graum cracked the doorway upon impact momentarily knocking him unconscious, only to wake when he hit the floor.

Graum slowly arose to his feet.

'Such…Unrelenting Fury' he thought to himself as his eyes trembled with fear. This was the first time, in a long time, that he felt fear like this.

Mystilynn took a moment and contained her furiously overwhelming mana and when she did, her hair went back to its elegant shiny blonde, and her eyes no longer glowed white.

"Oops, I'm sorry! I think I over did it." Mystilynn apologized as she rushed to see if he was alright.

"It would seem...I lost." Graum panted gasping for air.

"Your not hurt are you?!" Mystilynn asked with a concerned expression.

"Only my pride." He replied, as his nerves had gone numb from the overwhelming eruption of mana Mystilynn had subjected him to.

"No, I went to far... I could've really hurt you." Mystilynn tried reasoning.

"NO! I lost... I make good on my wagers." The defeated Graum glared. "What is the one thing you want of me?" He asked...almost not wanting to know. The suspense sat in his stomach like a rock.

"I want you to give this place and it's people a chance..." she said sweetly, as she lifted his low hanging head up to her. "If left to your own devices, you would lose out on a life changing opportunity. And i can't sit back and watch as someone drowns in themselves ...knowing I could've helped." She finished giving him a comforting smile.

Her smile once again, washed away Graums doubts.

"Yes, Ma'am." Graum replied as her speech sparked something else within him he hadn't felt in a long time... hope! However with that hope, something else also sparked, something dark.

"Ma'am? Please call me Mysti." She tilted her head slightly as she smiled