
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasi
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77 Chs

[2.24] EXTRA STORY - Laras Wants to Be Strong Part 2

Still on the same day, Laras immediately received training from Luna's best friend Selena.

In the small courtyard where Salena and the other maids practice.

Luna and Nova watched Laras practice. Meanwhile, the other servants were not watching as they were doing other housework.

"Okay, let me introduce myself again. My name is Salena Raskah. A novelist and my hobby is crafting or DIY. My power is alchemy only. So, who are you?" Salena said with enthusiasm.

"My name is Laras Leskar Mentari. Alchemy power only. Please help, Master," Laras said in a respectful and polite voice.

"Okay, fine. So, why can't you use alchemy abilities?" asked Salena.

"I don't know, every time I make it, it always fails," Laras replied.

"Then, try to make a sturdy, sharp, and antique knife," Salena ordered.

Hearing that, Laras immediately tried it and the result seemed to be a knife with a strange shape.

"Hm... What is this?" asked Salena, who was holding the object Laras had made and observing it.

"Knife," Laras replied with some trepidation.

"Knife, did you say this? What were you thinking when you made this?" asked the curious Salena.

"It's about ordinary knives but made from the toughest materials, can cut anything and looks classic.

"Yeah, the design is nice and antique, but it's not usable. In fact, the blade isn't even clear and look at this handle, it could even hurt the user. It seems like you're a bit guilty of imagining the things you make," Salena commented in surprise.

"Really? I think I imagined it correctly," said Laras, who was surprised by the way she imagined it.

On the other hand, Luna and Nova who were watching her were also surprised by the objects Laras made.

"Hm... What did you imagine this knife to be made of?" Salena asked.

"A combination of stainless steel and Damascus steel," Laras replied.

"So it's a combination of imagination. Do you know what the two steels look like?" Salena asked.

"Stainless steel, a steel that resists rust, and Damascus steel, a strong steel that doesn't break easily," Laras replied.

"Both are correct. Then, have you ever seen and held both types of steel or at least seen their abilities?" Salena asked.

"No, I only know from reading," Laras replied.

"What about the manufacturing process or the shape of the knife that is good for the user?" Salena asked.

"The process that I know is looking at the video, if it is suitable for the user, I have thought about it too," Laras replied.

"I've seen where the problem lies. You never got to see and hold the materials in person. You don't seem to think much about the user comfort of your items," Salena said.

Laras was silent when she heard Salena's explanation without denying it.

"For example, I will make a throwing knife that is sharp and strong," Salena said, and a knife appeared in her hand.

Then, the knife was thrown towards a wooden target in the yard.

The throwing knife stabbed deeply and almost penetrated the wooden target. The knife could not penetrate the wooden target as it was held back by the handle.

"Look. I strengthened the other one and made it hiltless with front and back blades," said Selena, who made another throwing knife.

Then, the knife was thrown again at another wooden target and the throwing knife pierced it. Laras who saw it could only be amazed.

"Well, if you are able to know correctly from the ingredients, the process and can feel the feeling and comfort of the user, then making something like that can be possible. If you skip one of them, for example the sense of process experience, then it will be like this," said Selena, who then made another knife throw.

Then, Salena threw it and it only stuck a little bit and soon the knife fell to the ground.

"Well, that's how you make things half-heartedly with your alchemy skills," Salena said.

Laras understood what Salena was saying, but there was something she couldn't understand. "Then how can I make it like that?" said Laras.

"It's easy, of course, by seeing the process firsthand," Salena replied.

"Uh, did Salena mean we're going to the manufacturing site?" asked Laras.

"Yes, that's right. We'll leave now. I have an acquaintance who specializes in sharp tools," Salena said.

"Uh, right now?" asked Laras, who was surprised by the suddenness.

"Selena, you can't suddenly come to that place, you'll get scolded later," said Nova, who suddenly approached Selena.

"Ah, right, their professional level is a bit different. Then, please contact them, that we are going there with my student," Salena said.

"Okay, I'll contact you and schedule it," Nova replied.

"Alright, then that's it for today. Let's make some snacks," Salena invited.

Hearing that, everyone just followed Salena's lead. Then they all went to the kitchen to make something.

"Alright, time to make some snacks," Salena said.

Then, another waiter came with the required ingredients.

"Sister Selena, here are the ingredients," said the waiter.

"Thank you, Firli got it from the warehouse," Salena said.

"Then let's start making something sweet," Salena said once again.

Laras, Salena, Nova, Firli, and Luna each made something sweet to snack on.

Everyone was focused on the process of making their own snacks, but during the making process, Firli saw Laras put in ingredients that should not be included in sweet snacks.

1 hour passed. They finished making the snacks and took them to the small garden in front of the house and all sat there.

Laras, Luna, Salena, Kela, Kina, Nova and Firli enjoyed the sweets in combination with tea.

"Alright, let's try the snacks one by one. Luna's first," Salena said.

Everyone enjoyed trying the snacks one by one until Laras' last snack.

"Okay, now for a snack from Laras," Salena said.

Then everyone took Laras' biscuits and all ate them together.

At that moment, they fell silent for a moment.

"Uh, how is it, is it good?" asked a curious Laras.

Kela then gave her first impression. "What kind of poop am I eating?" she said.

"Eh!? Shit!" said Laras, who was shocked to hear such a piercing insult.

After saying that, everyone immediately spit out the food.

Kina was a little surprised to see Salena like a person whose soul was about to leave her body.

"Miss! Wake up, Miss!" said Kina, trying to wake Salena up.

"You... what material did you put in here?" asked Kena.

"Biscuits, milk, chocolate, meses, margarine, cheese, salt, sugar, eggs, apples, vinegar, vegetables, and so on..." said Laras, not finished immediately cut Kena.

"Stop, wait. The beginning of the material you mentioned is correct, but the rest starts to make no sense!" Kena said.

"Oh, I'm back!" said Salena, regaining consciousness.

"Ukh...." Salena, who felt her mouth was strange, immediately drank tea to make the strange taste in her mouth disappear.

"Maybe I know why you have trouble using your alchemy skills," Selena said, but a confused Laras didn't understand what she meant.

"This cake looks really good from the outside, but once you taste it, you will have a strange experience," Salena said.

Despite the insinuation, Laras feels insulted and doesn't even know what her cooking has to do with the alchemy she made.

The day continues.

Laras then received training at a specialized iron forge known as Selena.

Since that day, Laras began to learn about the various types of iron and steel, as well as the process of making them into objects.

Laras became Salena's special student from that day on. The others did not know that Laras had a special trainer for her. Luna didn't tell Laras' friends about this because of Laras' request to keep it a secret.

The others only realized that the development of Laras' alchemy ability was growing rapidly and made the others more eager to practice.

Laras was happy to have a great teacher even though her brain was a little off. Even so, Laras knew that her teacher was not a bad person.

Laras' side story ends here first. What do you think? Any flaws, or suggestions, or is there anything you're looking forward to? Give it all in the comments! Stay tuned for Volume 3.

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