
New World Shadow System

The world has fallen into brutal lifestyles due to a war that destroyed half of the world’s population. With the awakening of powers and new beasts. Will there be someone who will help those who can’t help themselves? Will someone stand up for the minority? Can Eric be that person, or will he succumb to the chaos?

MikeOrder66 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

Two Secrets Revealed

On his way back to the barracks, Eric decided to check the notification he received from his system.

< Opponent Defeated. + 80 EXP gained.>

< 390/640>

'I need to figure out a way to level up faster. I might be at a higher level than most my age, but that doesn't mean much. No one cares about age when it comes down to it. Blake was lower level than me but his power was more dangerous than mine. If he was on the same level as me, he would have won that fight.

After he went into his room, he decided he would take a nap due to his late-night activities. He was planning to do the same thing as last time. He was going to stop by the training center and take two more gems for himself.

As he laid down on his bed he placed his arms behind his head as his habit was. He closed his eyes for but a moment and then his eyes shot open.

'Wait, I forgot. I have a beast gem. I should absorb it while no one was there.'