
Chapter 2 : WHERE IS JONES?

After leaving Jones in his class, Rika is walking in the doorway with her school bag on her back, with bag straps on both shoulders. She is on her way to her own class in a cheerful mood, with a warm smile on her face, enjoying herself. But then that smile was gone when she saw Andrew coming towards her, locked his eyes on her, and brought his evil and mean smirk at the corner of his, those pink thin lips. This starts Rika, filling with anger. She clenched her fingers and gritted her teeth, thinking in her mind, "THIS JERK, MUST BE USING HIS DAMAGED BRAIN, TO ANNOY ME IN SOME WAY AGAIN, I need to be careful"

Then her gaze got shifted behind Andrew, and her fist opened, that anger evaporates when Mr. Vamp came to her sight, who is just a few steps behind Andrew. Rika was so lost in Mr. Vamp and just feeling herself drawing to him, without realizing that Andrew has passed by her side. She suddenly stumbled in her way, her eyes shut and her both arms, spread out to balance, like birds open their wings to fly. Her body is bending forward to the ground, she screamed in fear that, she will surely hit her mouth on the ground.

But then she stopped, she is not moving forward. She is feeling fixed in her bending position, and bag straps are stuck to her shoulders uncomfortably, giving her the feeling of tightness around her shoulders because, her bag is grabbed by someone at the front pack of the bag, making her be in a hanging position.

She felt strong arms around her waist. She opened her eyes and found herself in the arms of Mr. Vamp who is there to protect her so that she doesn't fall. At the perfect moment, their eyes get locked up, looking deeply into each other's eyes. Rika froze, her eyes got widened and her body stiffed when she noticed something strange in those sparkling eyes.

They were changing their colors, from black to blue with an emerging sight of a castle in the background and two hands are approaching each other, one with a ring on its middle finger, to get hold. These sights in Mr. Vamp's eyes, making Rika move her face close to Mr. Vamp's face slowly to go deep into this magical view. Subconsciously her lips are opening a little bit and in a low voice enough to be heard by Mr. Vamp, only one word escaped from her mouth, "Virgil".

After hearing this name from Rika's mouth, Mr. Vamp gasped and blinked his eyes, pulling himself slightly backward. With that one blink, that magical sight vanished and Mr. Vamp's eyes were changed back to those hypnotizing black-colored eyes. Rika's eyes squinted at these sudden changes like she is still finding those sights in his eyes.

Mr. Vamp straightened himself and Rika, still looking at each other. Andrew also took off his hands from her bag as well. He steps back to maintain the distance between them. Rika is looking down at the floor with embarrassment and shock at what happened just now. She's thinking deeply and sinking in her thoughts," What the heck it was. What all those sights were about, and how can I see them in Mr. Vamp's eyes, Why I or there is something strange about him. Virgil, I even never heard of it and what it has to do with me and Mr. Vamp. That castle and those hands."

She stretched out her hand to see, as she is looking at her hand, someone grabbed her hand gently and pulling it slowly, taking her out of her thoughts. She looked up, Andrew is examining her hand and he looked up to her, from her hand and asked in a worried voice, "Is there anything wrong with your hand Rika."

Rika pulled his hand back and replied in a subtle low voice, "No, it's fine" Mr. Vamp step forward in Rika's direction and asked, "does it hurt Rika, then let me take you to the infirmary". She looked at him and replied gently," No sir, I am completely fine, Thanks for your concern "

Andrew put his hand on her shoulder, advising her with a little giggling just to tease her. Because Rika already knows that he is the one who just tried to make her fall on the ground.

Andrew, "Rika where is your mind nowadays. You should be careful while walking otherwise you may hurt yourself and might others as well too." Rika grimaced at him but then she looked at Mr. Vamp and apologized.

Rika."I apologize, Sir."

Mr. Vamp said," It's ok, just be careful. Now, I should get going. I'll see you two in the class." With the saying, Mr. Vamp is going, his back facing them. Rika is continuously looking at Mr. Vamp when he is walking away and having those magical sights flashes back again in her mind. She said in a low tone, "Am I dreaming."

Then she felt a pain in her arm and screamed. She saw Andrew just pinched her hard. She yelled at him with her killer look," WHAT ON EARTH, THE HELL ARE YOU TRYING TO DO ANDREW" He replied with a laugh, " Hey be cool, I am just waking you up from your dream and assuring you that whatever it is within your dumb head, is not a dream."

He is closing the distance between them and making Rika, step back. He asked her in a deep low voice," By the way, What were you dreaming about, Was it about me?" An evil smirk came at the corner of his lips. He is holding her chin up with his fingers, leaning in and he asked her," What you exactly dreamed, Rika"

She stopped and cupped his face in her both hands, leaning in. She is focusing on his eyes trying to see what he saw in Mr. Vamp's eyes but there was nothing except those Andrew's mean eyes. Andrew was surprised, he pulled his hand back from her chin and stepped back. He asked her in confusion," WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" She pushed her face sideward with her hands and said sarcastically, "NOTHING AND YES, I was dreaming about you, that you are far away from me and has been stopped annoying me," Andrew replied with a wide grin, "NEVER IN YOUR WILDEST DREAMS"

The School bell rang, for the first period and they made their way to their classes. Rika is somewhat distracted by what she saw in Mr. Vamp's eyes. Even in Mr. vamp's class, she tried eye contact but Mr. Vamp was avoiding her the whole time. The whole time only one word is in her mind "Virgil". Andrew observed Rika and her disturbing behavior. Andrew is familiar with this strange behavior of Rika where she distances herself from everything and doesn't pay any attention to their quarrels when she is thinking about something unusual.

After school Rika is standing near the school gate waiting for his brother. Usually, she found him waiting for her, but today he is not there so she went to his class to check on him but she found from his teachers that he already left the class on time with other students.

At first, she thought, maybe he is in a kid's boy's restroom, so she went to the male peon and asked him to check if he is there or not. But he was not there. She went to the playground, moreover asked other teachers and his friends but nobody has seen him anywhere. She asked the gatekeeper if he saw him going outside the school but he didn't.

But she didn't found him anywhere. Rika is so worried about him. She is almost about to destroy the whole building just to find her brother. She is looking for him in the whole building like a crazy person and calling out his name. While crossing the turn, she bumped into Andrew. She apologized to him but haven't pay any attention and was about to go further, but he didn't let her go by blocking his way and asked him seriously," what happened Rika." He never saw Rika that much worried before.

She told him about Jones. Andrew volunteered to help her, in finding her brother and they went in separate ways to find him. Both are looking for him everywhere from different classrooms to different clubrooms. Andrew is still looking for Jones, he came to the basketball ground and saw that Rika is sitting on the ground and sobbing in tears, covering her face with her hands.

He came to her and sat beside her. He put his arm over her shoulders while Rika's eyes are full of tears. He made her look up at him with one hand. He wiped off her tears. He was trying to calm her and encouraging her to find Jones. He made her stand on her feet and suggested looking for him at the backside of the building.

They were going to the backside and in the middle of the way, they ran into Mr. Vamp. Rika asked him about Jones," has he seen Jones anywhere". Mr. Vamp told them," Jones is alright and now he is in the infirmary". Rika tried to run into the infirmary but stumbled in her way, Mr. Vamp and Andrew prevented her to fall by holding her both arms each by one. They went to the infirmary and saw that Jones is resting on the bed and he has a bandage on his wrist.

Rika called out Jones's name with relief, after seeing that he is alright. She went close, and sat near him, and held her brother's hand. He opened his eyes and smiled at her. He sat on the bed, he placed one hand on her cheek and, asked her in his cute and heart-melting voice," sis, why is your face so is red and what happened to your eyes. Why are these puffed?" She replied that she is alright and something got in her eyes that is why these are puffed.

She hugged him, asked if he is alright and where has he been gone? She checked on him if he has any other bruises on his body. Jones holds Rika's hands and told her," I am a completely fine sister. You know I am a strong boy".

Andrew stands beside Jones, stroked his head, and said in a soft voice," We know you are a strong boy Jones, but for now, let your sister check on you. She was worried like hell about you. When she didn't found you for the last 2 hours."

Rika smiled and said," it's okay as long as you are alright and with me. You know how important you are to me Jones, more than myself." Jones nodded in yes and hugged her tightly. Mr. Vamp is also standing near the bed. Andrew asked Mr. vamp," where he had found him".

Mr. Vamp told them that he heard the announcement, then immediately he went to look for him and found him fainted on the ground, at the backside of the school building. Rika got the worried look and Andrew asked Jones," has he skipped today's breakfast or lunch." Jones told him, that he had both his breakfast and lunch.

When Mr. Vamp found him there, he brought him to the infirmary and was going to make the announcement that," Jones is in the infirmary". All the three are now looking at Jones to know how he ended up there.

Jones explained to them that when he was on his way to the gate, he heard a voice calling his name and saw a magical ball which was rolling on the ground and that ball was changing its colors so he went behind it to pick it. But ended up at the backside of the building and there he saw that magical ball disappeared then he was about to come back but he fainted and then he won't remember anything.

Rika, Andrew, and Mr. Vamp did not get anything but they haven't said anything. Now Jones is completely fine so they head out to go home but they are late so Mr. Vamp gave them a lift to their house as they are in the same neighborhood.

Rika is only thinking about all that, has happened today, on the way back home with Mr. Vamp. She is wondering about the sights she saw in the morning in Mr. vamp's eyes. Those castle, hands, and that name, "Virgil" she never heard anywhere before. Then about Jones, What has happened with him today and why he was saying that magic ball kind of silly things which was only seen by him.

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