
The Collapse Of Leadership

Jackals took the city back and started making defences before the next attack and planning counterattack against allayed forces at Brasa city.

"With me here we had a good amount of people" Said the new adition Derek D ranker who landed with reinforcements for Gordas he was a fast dual knives/pistol fighter and sniper.

"That is true this is four cities of alliance" Said Gordas showing on holo map cities with short information of defence capabilities.

After some minutes Derek said.

"In the normal strategy we should attack weaker points but it seems this family had one C rank and alliance between criinals is based on strength. He is the main pillar and most possibly commander we will strike him when he dies alliance will fall and fight for themselves having as many plans as leaders"

"That is true let's show him what price he needs to pay for disturbing our lord's plans" Said Gordas with a sinister grin

Almost 5k Jackals 2k SDS 80 LAB and 150 LTS were making their way to the outskirts of the city were waiting. Derek and Gordas looking at them

"We will strike from 2 sides from the front on land and air on the right. Attack on right will be made by Derek with use of light drop ships and front by me with those shiny new toys" Gordas grinned and showed with hand at LAR and LTS chuckled go through troops.

"Today is the day we will cut off the head of Enemy Leader!!!. Today is the day they will die!!" Roared Gordas

Jackals started shouting and slamming their military boots on the ground making scary bangs some even fired into the sky Morale was high.

7 hours later

POV of Aliance front main base

"Scanners shows some signatures flying in our way" Said Famillys soldier into coms

"Understood it is none of ours send fighters to deal with it" Ordered the commander

240 Pirate light fighters and 20 star vipers go to intercept the enemy but meet with 200 Maccan fighters and 40 star vipers fight to go on as fighters were chasing each other with and clashing with beautiful dance of fire and explosions and Alliance air force is losing hard.

"We lost contact with pilots more and more signatures on land and air" Reported now scared man

"This is no random skirmish. They are here to attack our strongest base all troops on positions!!" Ordered commander as alarm go through all city.

14k criminal soldiers made it to positions 500 skiffs with E-web were placed in strategic positions other E-webs were placed at more defended buildings Then fighters came into city sky and fired at forces in the city also rockets came into more bunkered buildings.

Almost 30 fighters were taken down by E-Webs or rockets of defending troops causing even more chaos as burning wracks fell on streets or buildings exploding killing soldiers or destroying buildings. After that rest go off to intercept any fighters that will be sent to help from other cities. A frontal attack came and it was a shock for any criminal as they were sure their enemy are small gang and now they saw that they were lost in the air and space it is a separate fight as big families only fought each other and didn't care about their fight.

Now they are stormed by forces a little smaller than them with droids,two legged machines and some transporters they had newer saw before.

Mechs and transports started already fairing at their positions when it was 1km between forces back of transporters opened and more soldiers came out.

30 Min later comes the next attack as drop ships come and go low over buildings as droids jump off them on roofs firing at people under and other roofs.

On one roof 5 soldiers fired at a dropship over them as doors opened as shadow shot out of the vehicle before their registered it was fast enemy not sun played between them stood man with two knives as their bodies hit the ground.

In another place of the city blaster shots from the bunker building and get under heavy fire from 2 LAB making them unable to hold positions as SDS stormed Building on another street two Skifs fired at LAB making him step back as armor started to give up. When Skifs attempted to go after bot one of them got 2 heavy hits making it explode next skiff made fast retreat but he met with LTS and a group of jackals in close streat that destroyed it.

"Thanks sis that was good shots" Said the pilot of the damaged LAB looking at systems showing damage at 70% on robot's top body.

"No problem that was easy" Said a female pilot in LAB crouching in the distance holding bigger version of sniper Zack's snipers use looking for another target.

6 hours later offensive made it to main building as doors blown of SDS with shields go into building with jackals fairing some of them die from defenders but they kill them smothly they made it to the office of building seeing man with his back to them looking through the window as outside

Smoke shots and explosions still rang in coms that were placed on the table only screams for reinforcments were heard Gordas stood in the center as Jackals surrounded Leader aiming at him.

"So I lose. Who is your backer I don't believe someone who was on bring of destruction gathered such forces and these unknown vehicles" Man's voice showed some interest

"It is nothing you need to know" Answered Gordas in a cold voice and motioned jackals to leave as they would make no difference in so close range.

"So be it" Man sighed and with fast movement attacked Gordas with a Knive who strikes him with his fist they fought for some time exchanging blows that made office

walls to crack. Gordas made a punch infused with mana to make long range blast that broke the window as the Leader of Alliance avoided it swiftly. Gordas Smirked even when he got strong strike in the face for exchange.

"What is so fun.. kah" Man felt pain in his stomach he looked down seeing the front of the blade going out from him then he felt mana signature behind.

'This bastard broke the window for his companion to get in without sound but How I don't feel him?' was man's though he tried to smash man behind as he must be a fast type but fist go into his face from front throwing him at table breaking it and throw him of building window under at street under office crashing into it he coughed and powerup himself with all he had. He looked at two men before him as his mana covered him and flared up.

"C and D ranker hahaha Only good in it is that now I'm sure I lost to someone stronger than me no some small gang haah" laughed man as a knife go at his head that he covered with hand but it was a distraction as shadow show in the air it was Gordas with eyes that burn with red energy

"Bang!!" The man blocked with crossed arms but was pushed back his body shaking and one arm cracked he didn't have time as two mana slashes in X form went at his back he reinforced

them but still it made bloody wounds just don't kill him he fell on knee blood seping throw mouth eyes unfocused. Hand grabbed his face lifting him in the air.

"Don't worry soon anyone from this system Famillys will join you to discuss how stupid you were to even fight" Was last he heard as hand covered in mana crushed his skull.

"It is a big success. Send info to Lord" Said Derek spinning his two knives and leaving to hunt any rat that survived.