
Growth and Big Contract

After good deal with Hutt Zack returned to Jawin 4 after landing he got a call from Kakashi who after getting better was sent to act with Shadow Claws Mercenaries to gather experience as for now there were no dangerous missions, so Zack wasn't afraid of him going into another D rank. Kakashi made report about ending another pirate hunt after it Zack ended call.

Zack look at his balance 400M ED's rather good, so he Decided to buy Some Big And medium factories, exactly 20 big and 10 medium for 120M Ehh that wasn't small expense he also bought blueprints for:

Sith Interceptor made by 2 big factories, made 200 a day

Drop Ship 4 medium made 200 a day

Maccan star fighter 6 big made 1200 a day

Star viper Mk2 6 big make 1400 a day

Proton Torpedo 4 medium make 5000 a day

ES Sniper and E-WEB heavy blaster for 80M Total ( for blueprints ). Rest of 2 medium was used to bust production of blasters ( BM Series SAK-4 EN-5 ) making great bust in production.

Right now only SAK-4 is trading goods as for last 6 big fabrics they were making SDS droids busting production to 12K Droids a day not as good production as Zack wished as Geonosians even under Republic Invasion was making millions of droids B-1 Type mostly that is trash to his SDS but still sheer number is scary.

Next 100M Was to make other medium city located Close to sea that was found With dock for sea ships landing pads and also civil factories where will be produced Whiskey Tequila and more drinks that here are unknown that can get more money than weapons as only Criminal Worlds and maybe Mandalorian and Trandoshans or other militaristic nations will buy weapons, but alcohol will be sold in the whole galaxy for good money in the future for now it wouldn't be as much as it is only starting and more fabrics need to be build, also I think about making drugs to made concurrency for Spicy but only in some Criminal world for main System will be only produced light types that will be made differently to not get my citizens into addicted state that would be bad.

With 50M was bought small shipyard that can build frigates mostly droids, so production is faster 30M cost blueprint of Murishani Frigate small shipyard don't have much space only to build 10 ships at time and only frigates as Murishani Frigate is medium length there will be 10 every month good start for last 20M he bought 2 Mainstay Light Cruiser and 1 Samurai Frigate with human crew only troopers will be made of Infantry trooper and heavy troopers in ratio 5/1 and SDS droids also small change was made in boarding missions and any that had little cover.

On every ship now is magazine of shields for front row that gives better cover in field and corridors for advancing they were normal not energy shield.

Zack had two light cruisers and Samurai Frigate in colors of merc company then he got signal of incoming call from Kakashi he answered

"My Lord we got contract from Nalaro this time it is big one I'm sending Information" Said Kakashi

Then Information shown on Zack's hologram contract to Destroy Slavers Fleet and Base on Rinoa System.

Price 300M Upi and loot rights

Known information: Base had heavy weaponry strong walls 40 anti fighter guns numbers estimated to be around 20K pirates in it

5K Elites Fleet composed of 50 Interceptors Frigate 20 Crusader Corvette 4 modified Dolabra Mining Barge 1 Keldabe Heavy Cruisers 10 Pelta Class Cargo that makes 16K pirates and most likely 200-300 Star fighters also information of 30 F Ranks and 10 E also one D rank is there as well, normal for that big force.

Zack lack numbers but with BM Blasters and SDS Droids as shield for troopers he is confident It is Big Contract ehh there will be not small loses Zacks Shadow Claw Mercenary Company at this moment rose but not to this point. There is no Heavy Cruisers but maybe better, when there is only one big ship from start you know where main commander is and can focus fire to end him also Drop Ships can't land close as air defense of base will destroy many only plus is that there is no shield generator.

'I will go in one day for some better equipment will be available like ES Sniper and E-web more SDS droids and BM Series blasters ok what I had' was Zack thoughts actual stan of Shadow Claw Fleet showed:

-3 Samurai Class Frigate

-5 Mainstay Light Cruiser

-25 Murishani Frigate

-5 Pelta cargo Modified as Troops/Star fighter Carrier

'Well we have almost same power as we have more Star fighters that can even be used as light bombers in sens as Star Vipers Mk 2 had 4 Proton Torpedo and Maccan star fighter had 2 to not lose his speed too much also 20 Sith Interceptors were added as some pilots reach lvl to use them I had my own elite Squadrons now' Zack smirked but still it will end with big losses hmm not help here

" Kakashi We Will accept but go there tomorrow as Prob droid send reports of enemy positions "Said Zack into comms

" Copy "Answered shortly Kakashi

"After a month of making the name for mercenary company, I Can only hope that first big contract wouldn't end as big defeat " Sighed Zack and decided to relax before mission in hot Springs

For all that could bear with Grammar errors

This chapter was made with Free Corrector leave your thoughts if there is any change in poor grammar.

Have nice day and hope that you will stay for more :D

Danse_Macabre_creators' thoughts