
New life starting from Marvel

[Before] MC dies Gets shoved in Marvel by accident Finds shit he didn't want Gets thrown into random schemes by pure coincidence Has enemies that he doesn't even know existed And peace was never an option How will he survive when the entirety of Gods are trying to get him killed one way or another ? *All the Marvel work belongs to their original writers Names, Places and Events are not related to anyone they are totally fictional* And it's gonna be slow-paced for most of the time so you've been warned and is kinda slice of life P.s this is before I decided to take it seriously Afterwards this happened - [Consider this as true synopsis....kind of] What happens when you pick someone who knows certain things and how thing work And give them a chance and open a new door to the Infinite realities ? Let's find out P.S - I rewrote the synopsis and it may change cause why not P.P.S - It really is slow paced and updates will be slow....hopefully they won't but no promises (This was supposed to be a Fanfic but I f'ed up and here we are)

Luci_Hellsblade · Seni bela diri
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What the hell happened before meeting the Eternals? - Part 2

•Still in Spi-*Ahem* I mean Elementals Dimension •

*Leo POV*

"Okay, cave sealed now let's try to find that door ...."

I look around and see 2 moons and deadpan at my stupidity

My mistake was not marking the location when I dropped.....*sigh* ....looks like having powers sometimes turns your common sense down to 0

"...Let's get searching once again"

And I'm back at it

But there is a tiny bit of a problem that I may have forgotten.....this is night time in a forest meaning, predators of the night are awake, in short words, my difficulty just went up from 0 to 100 real quick

I push my senses on a high alert as everything quiets down. That only means one thing, something is coming


I hurriedly dodge to the side narrowly avoiding a invisible wave which cuts few trees in its way before stopping

I quickly look at my assailant and it turns out to be a owl ....how weird can it get ?

It's a big owl around 5ft height, 10ft wing span and it's eyes are glowing in green

'Which means it's capable of controlling wind or air .....please don't be capable of something like creating a air vacuum around my head'

As if answering me it flaps it's wings and sends a sharp air blade towards me

Again I dodge narrowly before I start running at full speed

Now why am I running you ask ?

You see the problem while fighting these kind of enemy is that it's using wind and unlike what's shown in Avatar, air is invisible and I can't exactly see it .....although I can sense it I'm still working on the range as it's limited to only 2 meter radius and why am I not using telepathy to just highjack it's mind? Simple

I can't, as much as it pains me to say it, I can't. At least not in a subtle way .....I mean I can destroy it but can't always depend on that now can I? And besides, it's control over air/wind is way higher than mine so I want that exp

After the fight with cat and bear, I went over the fight and translated what they said from the start and the cat said something that concerns me a bit

<Cat:-Did you feel something boss?>

Now he said this the exact moment when I used telepathy.....meaning they were able to sense my telepathic waves and the fun part, is that they weren't even that strong.

Conclusion:- Telepathy won't work on stronger opponents unless I want their minds destroyed

And the owl that's chasing me is about 3x stronger than the duo. I guess it has something to do with them being spiritual beings or something, I mean they do have a higher level of mind and basically use SE (spiritual energy) instead of psychic enegry to command nature so it's possible they can sense me while I'm using psychic abilities to mess with their minds

So what can I use to counter this?

....Let's try energy blades .....but that'll just attract more attention

First rule of Darkness:- Never light anything, that'll just give out your location to anything unknown that's there with you

'So that option is out.....What about elemental manipulation? I mean technically I'll be fighting the same way as they are so it only depends on who has the better control over the said element'

I stop running and slide across the ground while turning back to see the owl coming strainght for me

"Let's see how you deal with this!!" I shouted and gathered fire on my plams before forming a flaming disc and throw it towards it

...It may have been a bad idea cause wind+fire = a loud explosion


I deadpaned as the forest lit up for a split second making every animal that was waiting in ambush visible.

Rule no 1:- Rules are ment to be broken.....

.....not a good rule

"Shit" I curses under my breath as I feel everything single one of them getting ready to attack

'Tis gonna be a long night eh?'


•Next morning still in different Dimension•

*3rd PPOV*

*inhales and exhales*

"Took a bit longer than I thought" we can see Leo lying on a flaming panther which was shivering in fright

".....Why the heck you so afraid of? Aren't you alive ?" He questioned the animal and then looked around "Right..."

It's fear is pretty understandable as they were surrounded by broken and torn corpses of it's kind

All the predators thought he was a easy prey when they saw him running from the owl, but little did they know he was holding back to not attract the attention of a certain monster but plans went to hell after that little firework so he just said 'fuck it' and activated his kill mode

"So you guys are different from the bear .....how interesting " Leo muttered while petting the panther "All made of blood and bones with a little core for a specific element....." he suddenly pushed his hand inside the panthers head making it roar in pain before dying

"Let's see...got it " he pulled out a red gem

"It's safe to assume these natives or life on this particular plant is divided into 4 categories" he walked towards the other bodies before doing the same to them

"First are full Elementals, beings entirely made of elements like the bear who was fully made of rock."

"Second are these mixed variants who have a biological body made of flesh and have a energy core inside them .....if it wasn't for the lack for magic circles I would've thought these were beast from some fantasy magic novel or something.....now that I think about it they are closer to Pokémons in some way, although I don't know whether Pokémons have a core or not ...hmm..... dissecting Pikachu will work I think?"

*somewhere in the omniverse a Pikachu shivered in fright as if targeted by it's natural predator*

"....Back to work. Third are the captives of various planets or worlds aka slaves or experiments or those who chooseto work for them.....gotta be careful of that bunch" he collected all the cores before eating them

*Crunch*x 5


"And Forth are probably the same as the monster that I encountered before, isn't that right, miss monster?" He suddenly looked to the right where a figure was sitting on a branch for who knows how long

There was a woman dressed in green with shades of yellow, her attire consists of cultivator clothes and a animal fur on her neck

"Isn't it a bit rude to call a lady monster the first time you meet her?" She acted as if hurt by the comment before blurring away

She appeared right next to him and whispered in his ears in a teasing tone

"And from the looks of it, aren't you quite a monster yourself?"

'.....I'm fucked' were his only thoughts at the moment. Even with ATP and slowing his preception by 1:3 he wasn't able to see her move

"....As much as I'd like to entertain you I have to go back home" he decided to take the gamble

"And why is that?" She slowly backed away casually walking among the dead beasts

"Mother will beat the ever living daylights out of me if I miss dinner" he too walked some distance and stopped with his back towards hers

They both were standing few meters apart in each others range ready to attack at any moment. Staling and distractions didn't work

He made a energy blade I his right hand and tensed his muscles and kicked ATP full force trying to slow his perception of time as much as possible

They both quickly turned towards each other and attacked leaving a sonic boom behind slashing at inhumane speeds before exchanging places

Leo slid across the ground before stopping and looked back at the lady only to see her pointing at his left arm with a smirk


Leo's hand slid down by the prefect cut the lady did with a lightning blade

'That explains her speed' he was outmatched in speed and from the looks of it in damage too as she didn't even have a scratch

"Wanna try again ?" She waved her sword around as if challenging him

Leo stared with a blank look and took a Iai stance as small electrical arcs started spreading across his body

The lady lost her confident smirk as a dreadful aura started filling the air

"No more playing around kid" she too held the sword above her head and started gathering lightning towards her blade

The night sky was illuminated into 2 sides, one with a yellow light and other with blue


Dark eerie clouds started to form as their aura spread further and further

Lady:- "Lightning God..."

Leo:- "Thunder breathing First form...."





No noise was heard for few seconds only the sound of a sword being returned to it's sheath


Few things happened at the same time

Air broke apart in a loud explosion and clouds dissapeared, ground crack all over by the sonic boom of the clash

"...How?" The lady looked back to see Leo still standing with his back towards her

"....Secret" he smirked over his shoulder and watched her body break as cracks spread all over her

"I-it's not over yet brat, t-they will come for y-you" she said with her head in process of dissipating

Leo looked back at her "I'm counting on it"

He watched as she turned to dust with a yellowish green round core in her place. He tried walking but as soon as he took a step



Veins of his arm and legs blew up and every bone in his body shattered

"Wait no!" He lost his balance and fell face first on the hard ground


"...Ow?" Even shutting down pain receptors didn't help when his nose cracked


*Leo POV*

"Well.....it kinda worked but the side effects are too much for a normal human to handle" right now I'm laying in the puddle of my own blood, unable to move a inch with my left arm long disintegrated into ashes

For those who are about to stab me lemme explain real quick

ATP works by overloading my neurons to think at superhuman levels by inducing either pure energy of any kind be it cosmic or bionic. Now normally I'd like to use the cosmic energy but the thing is I'm low on cosmic energy...nah just kidding, I've got enough of it to blow around 100km ground to high heavens but I'm saving it as a last card. Back to the topic, I used bionic electric charge, the small charge created by cells and human body has around 3.5 trillion volts and the biggest lighting ever recorded was around 1.3 billion..... I think?

So yes, every human is a walking talking nuke

Before anyone else gets confused, psychic and bionic are totally different.....well not so much but not the point.....the point is, psychosis is a higher state of mind and uses psychic energy which I have no idea where it comes from, whereas bionic means using the energy produced by the body to use various powers which I won't explain .....too many abilities, got a headache last time when I read it

And the reason why I'm still lying in blood instead of healing is because it was awfully sus how she found me

First it was the bandit duo, then the owl(which was a coincidence i think?) And then the lightning chick. I don't belive in coincidences so whatever is observing me is wating for a chance to strike

I can still feel it. The danger, it's like a sword hanging just a few millimeters away from my neck

So whoever it is should take the bait now.....

~8 hours later~

*3rd PPOV*

'Are you fucking kidding me!!??

I've been laying on the FUCKING GROUND STILL BLEEDING for EIGHT FUCKING HOURS AND NO ONES HERE!!??' Leo screamed internally still in the dried up blood

'Okay that's it. I'm getting up, fuck this shi-'

"Finally dead?"

'...Oh you dead .....but not gonna let my work go to waste so gonna lie here and see what you'll do'

"Looks like it....wait let me check"


'.....Did this dude just stab me through the chest ?'

"That should do it right ?"

"Try stabbing the head just in case, you never know what they might be capable of"

"Good point"

"Oh fuck no ain't happening bruv" Leo quickly got out of the way and narrowly avoided the blade

"It's still alive!!!!" One of the alien screamed while trying to shoot him

"Get him quick!!" Other just tried to slash him

Leo used elemental manipulation and made earth spikes before impaling the aliens and targeted their limbs


"Hold on boys, just gonna take something real quick" he burned one of them and absorbed him to heal himself

"Now....who sent you ?"

"I ain't telling you shit humie" the alien snarled at Leo although a bit afraid

"Well, torture it is...wait I can your mind so why the hell am I even asking you that" Powers do something take your common sense away

"Let's see...okay this is...concerning " he muttered while releasing the brain dead alien

"So half the planet is the noble faction and the other is royals.....what cliché plot did I walk into?" Leo just hold his head in defeat

He just found out the planet was lot bigger than he thought, atleast 3x the size of the earth. Not only that the strongest fighters were capable of affecting the entire planet simply by being there

But the good news is he found a way back home and right now he is on his way to go home


"Finally back!!!.....Wait a second" I stare at the still lit sky.....meaning either I was gone for 24hrs exactly or time didn't move at all

Well, head home first then I'll think about it

~Few minutes later~

"So how long was I gone for ?" I asked sis while brushing her hair

(.....a habit I picked up when my OCD triggered seeing her messed up hair and now everyone wants silky smooth hair....I shot myself in the leg with this....back to the story)

"Dunno around half a day?" She answered relaxed as I braided her hair

"Okay done .....now who's next ?" I looked at Maya and Eli who almost got into a fistfight.....it's pretty funny watching them fight with no winners on top

*sigh* "Eli you had your chance last time it's her turn" as much as I want to see them fight, I had to separate them and picked Maya up before making her sit in front of me and start brushing her hair while humming a song

Times like these just make me feel human I guess? Enjoying little things once in a while

"Say brother, where the heck is Nira?" Sis just asked a random question which made me pause my hands earning a protest from Maya

Now that I think about it ....where is she?

I have a bad feeling, the same kind I had when deviants attacked Fen's pack while we were away (no need to worry we got back in time before there were any casualties.....although Fen went crazy by rage .....had to sacrifice my limbs...again... to calm him down)

I quickly stood up and scaned the area to search for her

'Atleast my powers increased somewhat' absorbing the elementals cores had pushed or upgraded my psychosis and SE to new level

First I was able to scan around 10km, 15 max until I started bleeding from nose now the limit is increased to 30km

After scanning, I found her running in a direction where the rift was.....not good

"Girls I'll be back" I start running slowly until they lose sight of me and the next moment I step on the ground and vanish leaving a shockwave behind

"Awoooooooo!!" I can hear her roar as she excitedly wags her tail but the problem is she's dangerously close to the rift

"NIRA DON'T MOVE!!" I yelled from afar and she just did the opposite of what I said

"Motherf" Quickly making my way towards her I grabbed Nira in a hug as we both fall through the rift. I quickly deploy a telekinetic shield along with few other energy shields to fight the spatial storm

"Next time I'm gonna hang you on a tree for few days" I scold the scared wolf while trying to clam her down ...that was a mistake cause I saw something that made me every swear word in my dictionary

A giant fucking Eldritch closed eye.....

"###*#*#*#*#*#*!!!" I can see it open and....a powerful wave hits my mental shields knocking me out still covered by the shields and a scared wolf in hand


*Unknown POV*

I was having a wonderful nap, away from all the screaming and shouting of my devotees, away from the pesky mages who tried to keep me away from my kingdom, sealed and locked in my own dimension just drifting in this never ending voyage...

When I was suddenly woken up by a gaze. Now this wasn't anything surprising as a sorcerer or a being with high enough awareness was able to sense me, but this was different.

I could feel it, it's astonishment,reverence and most importantly, fear

This was interesting to say the least.

The amount of fear I was feeling from this gaze was beyond anything I've ever felt, it was just emitting pure fear of me

I opened my eye and gazed at the one responsible for it and many questions came to mind

'A new God? This soon? I know I am scary but why fear me this much?'

I narrowed my eye at it. I couldn see it swearing and sweating. It was falling through dimensions while holding something and trying to defend itself by those pitiful shields. Almost makes me laugh at it's foolish attempts

I could feel it, it was afraid ableit unconsciously but fear is fear and it is a good news for me.

The more it feared me the more powerful I felt. Gods like us live through the devotion and fear others had of us, making us stronger outside our domain

Still curious though why is it afraid of me so much...no, not for me but something else entirely

I tried to breech it's mind but it turned out to be almost impenetrable but that did render it unconscious

I would've loved nothing more than to control it but the rules don't allow me to use my powers outside my domain the only reasonI could even use them is that he's outside the Dimensions that hold those rules but he entered a problematic realm...

Whatever that was....I.Want.It

A new God with unlimited possibilities and maybe a way out of this prison....can't wait for out next encounter hehe hehehe Hahahahahahaha!!!!! *Cough* *Cough* .....that did not happen

*Sigh*....Back to rasing a army again
