
New Life In DXD (Rewrite in progress)

After death, a man starts his new life in the world of dxd . accompany him on his new journey

dreaming_dog · Komik
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18 Chs

Magic Training [Edited]

**** 1 Year later ****

A year passed since Veronica left the Orphanage, and I have been bored the whole year. I had no one to talk to. all the other children are younger than me. they are little kids of 2-3 years. and let me tell you, most of them are disgusting... I now understand why some people hate kids in my previous life. I never realized it because growing up with me, Veronica did not do weird things because 1. I stopped before she could do that, 2. she was an intelligent child, and most of the time we played alone as other children has their groups, so I never realized the horror the kids caused. they will put anything and everything in their mouth. I don't even want to talk about it. All of the people who think kids are cute just spend a day with a 2 or 3-year-old kid you will understand the horror. anyway, let's forget about it, let's talk about something else. Veronica has not visited me for a long time. she only came to visit twice in the first month, then her father has a transfer overseas so she left the country. her parents said they will try and come see her for the holidays but haven't visited since. I miss her, after staying with the kids more so.

About me, I now look like an 8-year-old kid, I have shoulder-length hair, and I have a lean body built now people can call me handsome rather than cute. I have started training my body, and every day I follow the legendary training regime that will make me invincible and defeat my enemies with just one punch.

I do 100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 sqats and a 10 km run to keep my body healthy. I have not started training magic yet. I am waiting for my mana channels to recover fully, and apparently, my magic circuits were fully developed a year ago, but they were damaged and unstable, so, I have to wait for them to recover otherwise, I will be a magic cripple. when I was trying to sense my magic, I saw that most of my magic circuits were damaged and covered with cracks, but were slowly healing, thanks to Luna, she was the one who kept my body from falling apart, I can sense that unique magic aura of hers healing my body from within. they will be healed in a few days, and then I will start my magic journey.

** A few Days later **

It's been a few days since my circuits healed completely. luna is still absorbing my magic but has slowed down the pace at which she drains it. and it can also be attributed to my fast recovery rate and large magic capacity. now that I have some magic left for myself to use one or two times, so today is the day I will start my magic journey.

I am a little scared, so for starters, I will start with a fireball spell.

So to start first I concentrated and then I imagined a flame at the top of my hand and gathered my magic power there, first, there was nothing, but after some time there was a spark, slowly more sparks appeared, then those sparks turned into a flame. seeing that flame. I was happy, I tried injecting more magic into the flame and the flame started expanding it started to take the shape of a ball, from a spark that turned to a flame that turned into a fireball size of a tennis ball then that turned into a fireball size of a basketball, and then it vanished as I cut the magic supply.

'I could do better' I thought to myself, the magic I just did was very weak compared to my expectations, I knew that I could do better with time but the excitement and expectation of using magic were very high, so I decided to cheat a little, I decided to make an ability for better magic control, I made an ability named [magic control ] for better magic control. after I created that ability I felt my control over my magic increase. when I imagined a fireball forming, it formed an instant, in front of me, and I did not have to concentrate on it. it formed just from my imagination. then suddenly I remembered an ability one of my favorite anime characters had, the ability was called [child of magic ] so I decided to create it.

After I created this ability I felt ' Alive '. I mean everything in front of me changed. I could see the magic particles in the air, I could feel them. For the very first time, I felt the world around me, interacting with me, and I could feel it resonating with me. I felt one with nature, I felt so calm and good. I also noticed something else, the color of mana, the color of my mana, I could see the color of my mana it was a blackish red, black color with a hint of red and gold, I could also sense a white color mana somewhere hidden in my black one, it was weird and unique but it felt good, I decided to research about the mana color later and continue with the testing, I thought of trying and creating a fireball, but the second I thought of creating it, a fireball materialized in front of me. I did not have to imagine, I didn't have to concentrate, just from a thought the ball appeared.

I wanted to try it out more I wanted to feel more, so I started injecting all mana in the fireball, the fireball started to grow it went from a tennis ball size to the size of a car, I wanted to increase its size more, I wanted to see its limits, But then I felt fatigued, I felt my mind spinning I felt powerless and weak, and I started shaking, after a minute of shaking and staggering I fainted. I fainted because of overusing my magic.


It's been a month since I fainted, and I have advanced a lot in magic and my physical training. I also figured out the secret of mana colors, I think that each color of mana represents something from my guess my black color mana could represent my aspect as a devil, the red could be for my power of destruction, the gold could be from the gate of Babylon, and the white could be from my akashic grimoire, that's just my speculation, I also checked my speculations by observing our headmaster and found some shocking news in the process, first the mana color of our headmaster was yellow, and so was the mana color of the twins that entered our orphanage, I believe that's the color of human mana, the second thing that I found out that shocked me was that one of our caretakers was a Devil, Yes, sister Yana our caretaker and headmasters sectary was a devil, to top it of I was not able to found out her level. I found out about her when I was trying to sense our headmaster,

one day when I was standing outside the headmaster's office trying to clear my hypothesis about the color of mana, I used my sensing ability with full force and tried to sense the mana inside the office, and what I sensed surprised me I sensed two signatures inside the office, one was a yellow colored with hints of blue, and the other was black pitch black, the same black as my mana, that second I understand that there was another devil in the orphanage except for me, and it didn't take long to figure out it was sister Yana,

I think she is here on the command of my father to watch over me, I have found her several times watching me, and veronica while we were playing, or this could be my paranoia, anyway regardless of anything I decided to maintain my distance from sister Yana and use the camouflage ability of my ability [Child of mana] to hide my magic signature.

I have been training my magic non-stop for a month, I have trained it to a proficient level, and I was able to do that in a short amount of time, because of the sub-abilities of my skill [Child of mana], the [true insight], which helps me to have a peek into the truth of any magic, item, or phenomenon, and the [true comprehension] which helps me comprehend the meaning and secrets of any magic, item, or phenomenon. and I also took a page from Naruto and created a skill [shadow clone] to help me achieve my goal faster. I have also unlocked my [power of destruction], but have yet to try it out. 

I have decided to start my sword training today onwards. for the training, I summoned a short sword from [ The Gate of Babylon ] and started swinging it around. I will not create a sword ability for now, because I want to train my body and I want to test out the limit of [true insight]&[true comprehension].


somewhere in an abandoned church, two fallen were talking to each other.

" Are there any orders from Kokabiel-sama?" asked a girl in a black dress to the man opposite her

"No, but he is quite upset because Azazel-sama denied his request for war, once again" replied a man in a black suit.

"Any news from the other organization" asked the man

"Yes, the Unique magic we sensed a year ago has returned, and we are tasked to investigate it " replied the girl

"Have you found anything about the magic?" asked the man in an authoritative tone

"Yes, it leads to the orphanage run by that old mage, sir " replied the girl in a quiet voice.

"hmm, that magic can't belong to the old man he is a human, the magic was demonic so a devil, and it was a unique type of magic, that old man is too old to have invented a new kind of magic and is to weak to emit that kind of power even if he is reborn as a devil,... Saleen we are going to pay a visit to that orphanage, so get ready " said the man

"yes, sir" replied the girl.