
New Life In DXD (Rewrite in progress)

After death, a man starts his new life in the world of dxd . accompany him on his new journey

dreaming_dog · Komik
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18 Chs

Body [Edited]

I pick the [black heart] in my hands and activated the ability,

as the ability got activated, a black-colored fog started surrounding my hands, and the heart, slowly the fog engulfed the heart,

and as it did a searing pain assaulted my body it started from my hands and went to my right side of my chest,

the pain persisted there for about a minute. then it vanished and what replaced it was a calm, soothing, and energetic feeling.

I feel full of power, full of energy, it feels as if there is an endless amount of energy coursing through my veins.

it feels like a huge weight has been lifted from my body.

now, I have removed a very big limitation that was holding me back.


its been a few days since I made my [Black Heart], and things are going fine,

luna still has not woken up,

she also stopped taking my mana today,

I can feel that the formation of my second sacred gear [ Akashic grimoire ] is complete and I would be able to summon it soon.


it was evening, and it was magic training time with diablo,

we were doing a casting battle, and to do that we were throwing spells at each other,

I shot a fire spell at diablo,

he moved out of the way and fired an ice spike at me, I defended myself with a wind barrier, and shot a lightning attack at him, he made an earth dome to counter my lightning magic, then he used magic and teleported behind me and attacked me with a black spell, I reinforced my legs and moved out of the way, as I moved I made a hammer out of the earth and attacked him head-on,

that was a mistake

he calculated the trajectory of the hammer and moved out of its way, as he moved out he prepared a wind attack and shot it toward me. I moved towards my left to doge, but it was a calculated move by him,

on the spot where I was about to land, an earth spike came out and flew straight toward me, I was unable to dodge it, and the spike pierced my leg.

but the fight was still not over, I started healing my leg and fired a shot of [power of destruction] toward diablo,

but things did not go as planned,

the minute the spike pierced my leg, and my magic circuit got disrupted,

I lost control over my magic,

it started to run wild, and it spread to the whole room and further, with no visible intention of stopping,

the room was half-covered with ice and with the power of destruction,

random things started vanishing from the room. and frost rapidly started to engulf the whole room

at that moment, I activated a failsafe I put in my heart for if any event like this ever occurs,

the failsafe cut my connection with my [Black heart], and removed all the mana from my body, leaving me the bare minimum,

as I activated the failsafe my magic power started to dwindle, it started to decrease bit by bit. after a minute, I was left with an amount of magic which is the bare minimum. the magic was gone, and so was my strength.

I was exhausted,

I sat there on the ground without a leg, taking deep breaths.

At this time diablo approached me,

he had his right leg missing and so was his left arm and there was a hole on the right side of his chest. he sat next to me.

" it looks like I have won," I said to Diablo in a joking tone.

" kufufu yes it does, master," he said.

"Can you heal my leg," I asked him as I was out of magic, I did not want a repeat of what happened just now, I would not open my [black heart] until my leg was healed.

" most certainly," he said to me and started healing my leg.

it took him a few minutes to heal my leg.

after healing my leg, diablo stood up and summoned two prosthetics, one for an arm and one for a leg., and placed them on his missing body parts. 

I looked at him with question marks on my face?

" what are you doing, WHY THE HELL are putting prosthetics over your body, why aren't you regenerating them? " I asked him in shock and anger as to why he was doing such a thing.

"Oh you need not worry, master, these are temporary, I am in my spirit form and I am currently out of magicules, they will be recovered when I have enough magic power " he replied to me in a calm tone.

I was shocked by his statement because I remembered something very crucial, the demons in the tensura world need a body to stay outside of the spirit world and Diablo currently does not possess a body, he is roaming in this world in a spirit body.

"you- you are in your spirit form, and do not possess a body, why did you not tell me before about this? do you think I am incapable of providing you with a suitable body" I questioned him trembling in anger, angry at him for not telling me sooner and angry at myself for forgetting about it, then I remembered another thing, and I asked him-

" you, how are you recharging your magic, there are no magicules in this world," I asked him because he was no longer in the tensura world and the air is not filled with magicules, it was filled with the corrupted mana of the earth.

"Master, I am touched that you care so deeply about me,

I did not tell you about the body as I did not want to disturb you with such a trivial thing, I have found a suitable vessel for myself, and I was just waiting for the right time to possess it

As for the magicules, when you granted me my beautiful name, I gained the ability to live in this world and I also gained the ability to convert the natural mana of this world to magicules " said Diablo with a joyful face.

I don't understand how he has a joyful face, "sigh" I sighed and held my head with my hand, 'he is going to be the death of me ' I thought to myself.

I sighed again and said to him "Go, freshen up a little and we will talk about it in 10 minutes in the common room" I said to him as I moved towards the showers.

I reached the shower room, removed my clothes, and got into the shower.

I removed all the blood from my body and checked and cleaned my new leg,

as I was done showering, I tried to find out the cause for the lost control of mana.

' so that's the problem ' I said in my mind,

I found the problem for the earlier incident, as I checked my body, I found there were some stretch cracks on my mana circuit, which only happen when there is a forceful push of mana through the mana circuits, so what happened is, while making the [black heart] I put the enchantment on both the generator and the container, as I found out from my experiments that by putting the power of the concept of [infinity] it is possible to increase the mana capacity of the container, so as the volume of the mana increase the heart also started pumping more mana throughout my body which exceeds my magic circuit capacity. 

i could not leave it like that, at the rate this is going, I might lose my magic circuits completely leaving me a magic cripple, I saw only two solutions to my problem

1: I limit the output from my [black heart] to the limits that my body can handle and let it adapt naturally.

2: I can create a physique from one of the animes I watched which will help me to adapt my body for this and any future changes.

I chose the second option because limiting my mana output is only a temporary solution, it will solve the problem for now, but what about the future, I chose that physique so that it will help me to adapt to this and any future changes.

I checked my body for any problems, and when I did not find any I reopened my [black heart], as I did an overwhelming amount of mana started flowing through my body. this time it was rather painful, but I bore with it.

after a while it stopped and returned back to normal, I checked my body again, and there were some more cracks in my mana circuits. this confirms my thoughts.

so as to not cause any further damage to my body, I started creating the physique.

the name of the physique is [Tyrants' Physique ], it is the physique of Tyrant from Akame Ga Kill.

Tyrant was an extremely powerful dragon-like Danger Beast known for its possession of an incomparable life force so formidable that its flesh was still alive within the Teigu Incursio. it also possesses the ability, to adapt and evolve continuously, according to its needs and environment.

as the physique was created,

an unimaginable pain assaulted my body,

it started from my chest then to my arms, to my legs, and then moved toward my whole body,

first, it felt like millions of ants were biting my body, then it felt like my whole body is on fire, I could feel my blood boiling, my mussels tearing, separating, moving, and reforming. I felt my bones moving, breaking, joining, and reforming.

after 5 minutes of this torcher, the pain increased,

I feel my body expanding, and taking a blue hew, my face and nose started to elongate and formed a snout, my fingers started to elongate and became webbed, they took the form of wings, I felt unbelievable pain near my eyes and 2 new pairs of eyes appeared under my already existing eyes.

"shit, I am transforming into the Tyrant" I realized and was shocked,

i created a teleportation circle under me that will transport me into the pocket dimension we found in the basement,

I did that so my house would not get destroyed.

I vanished from my bathroom and appeared in that dimension.

in that dimension filled with nothing but some land and myriad of floating objects, I moved toward an empty area and waited for the transformation to be over. it took nearly 30 minutes for the transformation to end.

the pain subsided quickly.

now that the pain had subsided I checked my body, I was now a wyvern, I had the body of Tyrant, who was a wyvern,

in this form I had 6 eyes, two legs, a pair of wings, a tail, and blue color scales covering my whole body.

I tried to move around a bit, and it was easy, I punched the ground to test my power, and there was a crater under that place. the power behind the punch was enormous, I tried to fly, and it was fun,

I checked my body again and the cracks on my mana circuits were starting to heal and adjust to the flow of mana.

then I looked at myself again, ' i do not want to look like a dragon, I am fine as a devil ' i thought, and started working on modifying the ability I created to gain this physique, after some time I returned back to normal, I chose so that the devil form is my main form and I can change into my tyrant form whenever I want.

after I checked that everything was alright, I returned back to my home.

I teleported back into the shower and took a bath again, after I was done I came out, wore my clothes, and moved toward the common room.

in the common room, I found Diablo sitting there but this time he had his hand back.

" did you wait for long," I asked him to start a conversation,

and he looked toward me surprised, then he had a calculative observation in his eyes, then he smiled towards me and said

"No sir, but you sure look different from our last meeting" I was surprised at his statement and I asked him-

"Why do you say that " he looked at me with a smile and said-

"Sir, before you had a little diverging aura, earlier your aura was like a mixture of 3-4 different types of aura, but now it looks like one it looks like you have assimilated all others" after listening to him I did realize that, it should be the case as I have different abilities from different origins but with my new ability it has become one. I shrugged it off and left its thinking for the future.

"Now, let's not get away from the topic and talk about your body, you will not take someone's body I will create you, one," I said to him as I was thinking about how to create his body, and what should and should not be added in the creation of his body.

I asked him what he needed in his body and added what I thought should be there, we started writing a list, and I started making his body after we were done with the discussion, it took 1 week to make the body, and it took so much time because one thing let to another and I added many functions in the body which were not needed, the end result was a ball a palm-sized ball,

a ball that was the perfect body to a core for a demon,

and a ball full of various abilities.

after the body was completed I presented it to Diablo, he looked at it with shining eyes and said to me, "Master, I am very thankful to you for this body that you have presented me, rest assured I will serve you to my best even if I am turned into a ball" I looked at him with surprise and annoyance, surprised at his words and annoyance at his thinking that I will turn him into a ball, I looked at him intensely and said "you will not turn into a ball, just take it and you will know" I passed him the ball as I said that.

he took the ball near his chest and the ball started entering his body, soon his body got rapped into a cacoon and started evolving,

after nearly 2 hours later he broke free from the cacoon.

he looked much different, now he has black hair with some red, golden and silver bangs, he has pure black eyes and gold purple with a hint of red in them, underneath he had a devilishly handsome face with thin lips, he is wearing a standard butlers uniform in black color with an ash grey tie, he looks more refined now.

the first words out of his mouth were " kufufu Master, I am thankful to you for such a wonderful body you have provided me with, I don't know how to repay your kindness"

I looked at him with a deadpan look and said "You can repay by, serving me with that body of yours, " he smiled at me and said, "My body is yours to command."

I looked at him with a thinking face and said "My first order to you is, I want you to bring me a set of evil pieces that the devil uses "

he said to me with joy on his face " kufufu Your order will be fulfilled shortly, master "