
New life after rebirth

What would a person who knew the plot of one very popular game do if he were reborn in this game?

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4 Chs


"It really does seem to be a mora. Then it turns out I was reborn in Teiwat . That's great news... It's one of the worst options for reincarnation. It's better than Berserk or Goblin Killer, but it's still not the best option. If a man doesn't have the eye of God, he's weak. But in this world there are a lot of strong monsters that can defeat even the owner of the eye of god. But if you think about it, I didn't have the eye of god, so I'm just a simple man, that's bad, very bad. "

With another sigh he tosses the bag of coins into his bag and, putting it on, sets off along the river


The world around us was a colour of green. Green grass, green leaves, green bushes and green moss. Fresh air was blowing everywhere, giving strength to the travellers on their way. Quiet breeze moves from side to side like a vagabond. One can't forget about animals, which like the last fragment of jigsaw puzzle complemented the fairy world of Tejvat. It was very special for Itsuki, who had come from the grey world of the stone jungle. At every step he looked around him at the nature around him.

"Teyvat is undoubtedly a beautiful place, but it's worth thinking about future plans.

The first thing to decide is where I am. It's definitely not Inajuma or Sumera, and we can also throw out Snowy, Fontaine and Natlan. That leaves me only with Monstad and Li Yue but I have not seen any big mountains, even though I have been walking for about an hour. That's why I think I have come to Montstad.

Now that I've figured out where I'm at, I should head into town. But how do I find it? I have not found any identifying signs such as teleporter or the statue of Anemo the Archon so far. I haven't seen any people either, just squirrels, hares and boars. Nothing at all. That's right! While I was walking in the trees I encountered moss. If my knowledge of wilderness survival is any indication, the moss should be pointing north towards my destination. "

He approached the nearest tree and inspected it. The tree was like a tree, but there was a green spot on its brown trunk. Turning to the direction where the moss was looking, he continued his walk and thought of his future plans.

An hour passed, then two more. Once the primary question had been resolved, two more questions arose. The first was when he came into the world. The second is what he is going to do after he arrives in the city. If the first question was decided upon arrival in the city, the second was something to think about rather than racking his brains. The first thing that came to his mind was that he should sign up as an adventurer. He needs something to live on. Secondly, to take care of his place of residence. And thirdly, to start training.

As he walked he noted small but very important details - his stamina and hunger. If in the previous world he would have been tired and hungry after such a long walk, in his new body he would not have felt tired and hungry at all.

Undoubtedly this is another bonus to his new life .

He stopped paying attention and kept walking. Some time passed before something finally changed in his surroundings. Although it was still the forest with its characteristic sounds, a new, previously unknown sound could be heard among them.


This strange sound, neither human nor animal, was coming from the bushes near the trees.

Itsuki, trying not to make any noise, takes the knife out of the bag, then slowly removes it and places it on the ground, walking towards the source of the noise.

Slowly retracing every step he took, he approached the bushes and the first thing that came to mind when he saw what lay there was, "Fuck. "

Actually it was not surprising, given that in the bushes under the tree was sleeping a strange humanoid creature. It was a human-like creature, only its skin was grayish black, and its distinctive features were fur on its head, a mask covering its face and ears. Beside him lay a wooden club, a shield and a simple one-armed sword, and not far away there was an extinct fire.

"Bitch and what am I supposed to do with him? I can't just walk away. God forbid if he wakes up I don't stand a chance. Then that's all I have to do. "

Quietly bringing the knife over the body of the still sleeping monster, he plunges it sharply into his chest. The knife blade passes through gray skin and straight into the heart, ripping it open. After the blow all that was heard was a soft scream from the monster, but it soon rolled away. Slowly he drew the knife, shook off the blood and put it back in his bag.

Immediately thereafter he returns to the cooling body which was still bleeding. Folding his hands in a pleading posture he says -

"You were the first victim in my development, thank you and rest in peace resident Khaenri'ah. , "

Before saying goodbye to the body he took away the only valuable thing that was there, and that was the sword, which had been lying next to the hilichurl. The sword was without sheath, but even so it remained almost intact and clean, apart from a little rust on the sword. As there was no sheath he secured it to his belt with a belt and continued on his way.

There was, however, something that troubled him.

His murder .

As many psychologists and writers have written in their books and articles, people feel some emotional pain and emptiness after killing even an animal, let alone a human being. But he did not feel that. He was not unfeeling, he was not affected by time in the void, it was much simpler than that.

It had to be done .

He is at this point comparable to someone who has never killed before, but was compelled to do so because he was a participant in a war and was defending his own life and the lives of those around him.

In both cases it was a simple necessity , they were not prepared , but they had to .

Putting the thought of killing aside, he finally decided to make the pass as the sun slowly began to set.

Having sat down in the shade of a tree, from which hung a strange fruit, which was similar to both pears and apples and oranges, he took out from his bag a neatly rolled up piece of dried meat in paper and began to chew it. He swallowed the last piece of dried meat, washed down with water and was about to leave when suddenly a branch sounded in his back. Drawing his sword he aims it in the direction of the sound.

"Who are you ?"