
New Life (Overlord Fanfic)

[This book is in the middle of editing] Welcome Adventures. What you about to read is a story about a man and his journey in life, a story about a man life and his new world. A story containing adventure, struggle and beauty of the new world that he has to face. Please enjoy your stay, Adventures. Note: I'm a new author so I make a lot of mistakes in my story, so if you have any suggestions about my story feel free to spill it out. Cover Art: エレシュキガル | 魚酥子 #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/86564068

Birdinthesky · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Part 2

Good morning everyone, after a very complicated day yesterday my mental health is more or less back to a normal level, I even surprised that I can come off such situations relatively easy, maybe because now I am an animal that my life instincts kick up and tricking my brain that everything is okay all for the sake to survive another day.

If my instincts play a big part in my dilemma yesterday then I can continue to relays on it until myself catch up with it, because realistically speaking I can't kill an animal with literally my own hand or should I say feet, don't get me wrong I can kill an animal but only with the weapon and the animal I kill are chicken and fish. With my huge body that means I must eat as much as I can to sustain my body to function properly so that I can hunt and survive another day.

I did not think much about it yesterday but what should I eat for today there doesn't seem any small animal coming I didn't even hear the sound of anything except the wind and swaying branches. This makes me a bit nervous if there any strong creature lives near me that drove away other residents in the forest and if it true then that makes me little happy for the fact that my instincts didn't pick up any danger that means I am more or less equal in strength of that strong creature.

Speaking of strength, can I check my overall status or skills like in the game or is it requires a specials skills like appraisal? Whatever it is there nothing loss in testing it. Status! Appraisal! Open Status! Open Menu! Not working huh, maybe I must say it out loud for it to work, let's try it.

"Wof! Wof! Wof!"

Fuck. I forget that I can not speak any word except wof wof and auu auu. Fuck it's not convenient to be a wolf, I guess form now on I must rely on brute force alone to tackle anything.

If magic won't work then just brute force, that's sound easy but in reality, it's not. Seem like now it's the time that I must check the full capabilities of my new body. I hope it turns out as well as I hope it to be.

I stand up, extended my front feet and start stretching. Now everything ready the first thing I need to do is... Pull out my claws, wow look at that size of that thing they are huge if I slap human face with this his face would probably become a total mess. For how sharp my claws is I tested it on a tree and it cut cleanly through the bark. I have a silly thought that I can climb a tree if there any danger below and to satisfy my curiosity I climb the tree with some difficulty but it works, I climbed a tree.

Now I can climb a tree that means I can see my surroundings, that why I climb it even higher but I am a little worry that the tree can support my weight and fall, honestly, the tree is big but as big is it only the main body can support my weight.

Up in a tree, I can see my surroundings quite clear, to the north there is a huge lake, to the west, east and south as far as I can see there are only sea of tree. Lake is the source of water and every living thing needs water to survive that mean where there is water then there is food waiting to be eaten.

I jumped from the tree, hop. Let's go to the north. I readied myself and run, run as fast as I could to test my strength. Wind blowing to my furs, my ears only hears the sound of the wind, my eyes, on the other hand, only see silhouette of trees. It feels great, it feels like something that I forget for long that, the feeling that I experience in my childhood and my youth, it is the feeling of freedom.

Now I think about it, maybe it is not that bad to live in this for, maybe I can have an adventure of my own and live freely even as a wolf. Yeah, it's not a really bad idea to taste this world of freedom and adventure, even if I have to bet my own life on the line I will gladly accept it, to remove my boredom of normal life in the normal world I will gladly accept this new world with open arm.

I know this world will not only full of wonderful and beautiful thing but also a cruel and unfair thing but, even then, I will welcome it as it is, after all, it all part of the adventure as well. So lets me say it clearly.

Nice to meet you, New World.


After running a considerable amount of distance I finally arrive near the lake, I hide my self in the back of tree to survey the area looking for any threat or potential meal.

Clear, there are no animals in here, the entire area of the lake to be precise the north tip of the lake fell eerily scary. I feel something looking at me in that area, but there is not malicious feeling that looking at me rather it is curiosity one, at least, that what my instincts told me.

I decide not to bother about it if it does not pose a threat to me than I will leave it be, I will take that simple measurement at least for now until I am strong enough I will not change my decision, after all, curiosity killed the cat, but, I am a dog.

After thinking all of that, I sit and drink some water from the lake, turns out I can drink so many waters but the big questions that pops up in my mind are pee and poop. Shit, I really don't want to piss and pooping in an awkward position. For Eris-sama sake why must I bear that?

Water problem solved, now the priority is food, this place is a great place for waiting for food to come but I think there will be no small animal that comes to this lake for a drink it will like suicide for them. That means only large herbivores or carnivorous that will come which means playing catch and tag or fighting to the death. Huh, I didn't really like those idea.

I hear a sound coming from my right side it must be the food I am waiting for. From the sound of it, it seems like only one animal is coming towards here that means I can lose my chance to eat it or I fasting today. I keep myself as flat as possible and start crawling to the tree to hide.

I looking for the animal to reveal itself and sure enough, it reveals it's presence to me. It shocks me, I already expected this world to be a fantasy world but seeing it with my own eyes is unbelievable, because what I'm seeing right now blow my mind.

It's a deer, but it's not normal deer. Its body covered in red fur with pink hues on the side of its body. On the back, there is triangle shape black line runs from its neck to its back with pink hues on the side of it. It has strange four gem-like red eyes looking to its surrounding, it too has strange four ears. But, what attracts me the most are its gorgeous red gem-like antler.

What a wonderful creature, full of beautiful colours not like plain black me. I want it. I want it beautiful antler, I want it beautiful furs and I want that gem-like eyes. I wonder what its taste like, I bet it will taste fantastic.

Fuck! What that, is that my instinct telling my brain to eat that beautiful creature. Hell no, but still I wonder how I'm supposed to hunt that thing, I bet that thing will outrun me in no time. I must make a plan so that my chance of eating it will not miss. But I have to make it quickly because I don't know how long it will stay in the area.

After some thinking, I got a plan to work with. The plan is I will sneak to it as close as possible and strike when it drinking, but for this plan to work I need to be patient and wait until it relaxes and sits down then I will strike it down.

I only got one chance for this to work, if I failed to sneak it will run away. Yes, in this sea of forest the red deer can't just run straight, sure I can still chase it, after all, I'm confident about my strength after experiencing it on my own. But there a catch I'm not used to this body yet and I don't even know the red deer dexterity, that's why I only got one chance.

I try to be as flat as possible to the ground, I make sure to not make any sounds to not alerts it four ears. As stealthy as possible I make myself closer to it. Until I got to where I see as the best spot possible to be my striking range possible. I hold my breath and stay low to the ground not moving any cm of my body.

The red deer move closer to the lake to drink but before that, the red deer check its surroundings to see any dangers, it looks to its back seeing nothing but normal forest then it looks at its right side only to be the same. I who in the left side of red deer feel the sudden tension as it checking it surrounding, I can already feel my paw sweating.

The red deer finally check it left side where there is me laying flat on the ground. Our eyes meet, we stare at each other to guess each other intention. Damn it, now I only got two choices, to hunt or to flee. There no way I will let this food go away I don't have food supply to choose from that easily.

There only one option, and we both know that as we keep staring at each other. We know from our instinct that the one that moves first will win. But I know I will win, why? Because the red deer body is facing the lake that means it must turn around first then it can run. Only If the red deer don't have any lightning speed or crazy reflexes.

Distance to the enemy is quite far. Ready to attack in 3,2,1 atta-. What?! That thing as soon I stand up it do not run instead it charges at me. Ugh, this is bad, there is no time to think, that deer is unexpectedly very fast! Fuck, it's coming. To the side quick! Dogd- Ugh, Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!!

I successfully dodge it, but it cost me my fur and my skins. I can tell my left side are bleeding from that attack and it fucking painful. I swear I will fucking murder that stupid deer.

I turn to my back to face that fucker only to see it prepared for another charge attack. Does that fucker think of himself as a rhinoceros to use charge attack, that's illegal! But that fucker is stupid instead of running away after that gold chance he has, he instead uses the same attack thinking that I will fall for it again? Hell no!

I growled to provoke it and it's work, it just charges blindly charge to me, as expected of simple-minded animal it thinks it already wins the fight. Fool I will tell you who will win this fight. Let's go deer come at me! I will not dodge this time, I bet my life in this attack of mine. It's do or die, which means only one of us can live to see another day.

As the deer drew closer, my adrenaline skyrocketed to prevent any anxiety that constantly coming to interrupt my focus. It came closer until it is in a 5-meter range not now it must be much more closer, 4-meter, 3-meter, 2-meter, 1-meter I quickly lowering my self until below the deer neck level, it's scary when you look up and realize two horns that can insta-kill you.

Grining, I headbutted the fucker, its must fell shocked to find his opponent bellow his neck. You fucker after you damaged me it's time for you to become my food. I turn my head, open my jaw widely, bite it on the neck. I bite as strongly as I cloud for it not to flee because it's thrashing very strongly right now.

I cannot let this one escape that's for sure but seeing it thrashing around hurt my hearts. I will end your suffering. I bite very strongly until one of my fangs meet then I as quickly as possible pull off my jaw, cutting off half of its neck and its artery, putting an end to the deer suffering.

After killing it my mood to eat just drop, until the very end the deer fight for its life, it doesn't want to be eaten maybe that why it's fight instead of fleeing, maybe because its know that I will chase it until it drops from exhaustion.

Now I realize that this world is not only the world of sword and magic but a world of kill and survive. The rule of the jungle very much applies to this world. Maybe because of the modern life that too comfortable with all the convenience it offers, I forget about the fundamental that makes us as us now as a modern human. It all started when our ancestors started to rule the lawless earth to what it is today, a modern world. Then to survive in this world where weaks suffer and strongs thrive, in this wild world. I will become strong and make my own rules, I don't want to become a ruler that pain in the ass, what I mean is that if someone messes with me then I will justify them with my own rules.