

" mom ?, were are you going?" 6 year old Cyrus asked his mother whom had a huge bag hung over her shoulder. “ sweetheart, from now on you have to leave on your own ” the black haired woman with soft green eyes said as she opened the door of the small apartment. hearing what he's mother said he rushed to her clutching her leg, preventing her from leaving. “ you can't leave me, you won't leave me ” he sobbed into her jeans. “ honey you have to understand that a lot of bad people want to take you away from me, and I can't let that happen ” the green eyed woman stated calmly patting his jet black hair. “ but mom you can beat them up, you are very strong ” he knew he's mother was crazy strong, ever since he was 3 he had seen his mother fight of crazy creatures who wanted him for some absurd reason he didn't know . “ yes I can, but you are still a child, you could get seriously hurt ” she said making him sob harder . “ how about this then. you have to grow up fast and strong so you can stay by my side okay ?, until then we can write letters to each other. you just have to burn the paper and say my name ” Cyrus nodded his head since he knew he's mother wouldn't budge from her decision. ********** Cyrus Kingston is a 17 year old with freakishly raw power and disarranged memories, whom looks for his mother that supposedly does not exist . after joining the devil hunters academy under his mother's request, he start to uncover disturbing truths about his origin and what he was. he starts to doubts his own memories and his goal of finding his mother became hazard. follow Cyrus as he discovers dark secrets and undeniable fact about the foundation of his birth. watch as how he conquers the world and pushies past his limits and how he makes friends and how he finds love. ps : this story is an original and is proudly owned by me, try stealing it and you will have me to deal with. PSS : expect high grade comedy and splitting action. also watch out for amazing side characters

Favour_Kennedy_8533 · Fantasi
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Chapter 1 : letter of participation

3000 years ago, humans were being hunted down by strange entities called devil's. no one knew how they came about or how to stop them. humans were defenseless against this strange creatures that devoured any living soul they came in contact with never once showing mercy.

The victims of this cruel faith always prayed to the heavens for mercy or to send someone to their aid. eventually their prayers were answered and the heavens sent down warriors to defend them.

the heavens sent down accendant of the heavenly realm to fight against the weak and protect the defenseless against the devil's. they were sent down to awaken the humans from their primitive prison. then gifted them with the power to vanquish all evil.

these beings were called Gods .


Year 5001

mom ?, were are you going?" 6 year old Cyrus asked his mother whom had a huge bag hung over her shoulder.

" sweetheart, from now on you have to live on your own " the black haired woman with soft green eyes said as she opened the door of the small apartment.

hearing what he's mother said he rushed to her, clutching her leg. trying to prevent her from leaving.

" you can't leave me, you won't leave me " he sobbed into her jeans.

" honey you have to understand that a lot of bad people want to take you away from me, and I can't let that happen " the green eyed woman stated calmly patting his jet black hair.

" but mom you can beat them up, you are very strong " he knew he's mother was crazy strong, ever since he was 3 he had seen his mother fight of crazy creatures who wanted him for some absurd reason he didn't know .

" yes I can, but you are still a child, you could get seriously hurt ya know " she said making him sob even harder .

" how about this then. you have to grow up fast and strong so you can stay by my side okay ?, until then we can write letters to each other. you just have to burn the paper and say my name " Cyrus nodded his head since he knew he's mother wouldn't budge from her decision.


Year 5012

~ Dear Mother ~

Mother it's been 5 long years since you last replied to any of my letters but I will keep writing them in hopes of you replying one day.

mother I finally finished the marital black combat book you left with me and some how I came as top student again in elgrism academy .

I also applied for a higher institution in ( DHA ) as per your request but I haven't gotten in yet.

that's all..


the letter burned in blue flames on Cyrus's hand as he stared on ahead.

back in the day, he would write and write about every single thing he did or whom he talked to in his letter and his mother would reply with a long list coming of as a letter telling him what and what not to do.

but now he only went straight to the point not pondering about the other trivial matters.

it had being 5 year ago she stopped replying to his letter, while he feared the worst but he's resolve of seeing his mother again didn't let him ever wonder if he's mother was still alive.

" alright it's another day " Cyrus stood up from he's study desk and went of to complete his morning routine which consist of a 200 feet hike, pumping 50kg iron and finally meditating under water for 10 minutes.

it may seem like a ridiculously impossible training session but it was nesscesary. the martial black combat book required an insane amount of fitness and stamina for one to follow the strange styles fluently or death would be the result.

And despite years of physically training he's body instead of he's powers, he wasn't muscular apart from having a complete set of abs and biceps, there wasn't anything else to add, he's body seemed very and oddly average to his mates but his handsomeness seemed to balance the nice guy facade.


Elgrism Academy

fire and water kept clashing into one another making the entire classroom steamy. The girls screamed as their uniforms were being soaked while the boys laughed as they could see through their shirts .

Cyrus sat down at a silent corner away from trouble, reading quietly, waiting for their teacher to come in and announce the final results when three boys with different hairstyles and colour, matched up to him and ripped the pages of the book he was reading .

he looked up with nothing but a poker face already fed up with the trio " well if it isn't Mr green and blue " the tallest of them ' Darren chuckled fully aware that it got on Cyrus's nerves even if he didn't show it.

back when he was still a kid, he was always mocked for he's different eye pigments, which was caused by the strong genetics his mother and he's father he knew nothing about had, which led to discrimination then isolation.

But soon enough he learnt to block them out.

" look I can't deal with your stupidity today off all days, so please if you don't mind, get away from me " Cyrus sighed massaging his head

" you little bast—"

Darren and his goons were cut of by the teacher whom glared at them with so much animosity that could melt anyone. feeling cautious of the green haired teacher, they turned around but not before they glared at Cyrus one more time before taking their seats and like everyone else they patiently waited for their final exam results to be distributed.

soon after the teacher addressed and congratulated them for their efforts and bid them a farewell. The stack of paperwork flew out of the teachers hand, distributing it to their owners in thin air.

after a few seconds, murmurs and groans could be heard loudly from the classroom. the exam did have a five percent passive rate so it wasn't surprising why sounds of despair and disappoinment filled the the class.

Cyrus stared at his result cheat not surprised by his perfect marks, he looked up just to see the teacher walking out of the class. chairs started scraping as some of the students gathered together and shared their plans of the upcoming graduation party. And the others left not wanting to be among the group.

Cyrus picked up his stuff and left, although on his way out, ' Mackenzie ' the owner of the school's daughter approached him.

wearing the most tightest school skirt and shirt .

" Cyrus were are you going " she practically purred his name.

he only smiled and walked away not wanting to get into trouble because of her. it was known that her ex was a terrifying freak that killed two students on the spot for trying to talk to her. And because of his background, all evidence was erased.

But that wasn't the main reason why Cyrus didn't ever involve himself with her, he simply didn't want to tarnish the image he struggled to build just to get into ( DHA ). He wanted a fine and clear reputation in his record.


' It is very important to keep a clear reputation in other to get easy asses to DHA. You mustn't socialize. Don't allow anyone to distract you from your goal, not now at list '

He recalled the words of his mother written on the last letter she sent but was interrupted by the Darren and his lackeys.

" wow I didn't know Cyrus smokes, dude you look so innocent and and well-behaved but who knew you were actually a rebel " James called out watching him like a crow .

" I suggest you guys leave now cause I'm not in the mood, I'm really pissed of as it is " he drew another long shot before exhaling.

" huh?, I think you have forgotten who you're talking to. boys, how about we give him a little reminder " they cackled like raw hyenas ready for their prey.


Cyrus sat down on a pile of bodies with a stick of cigarette in his hand, lost in thoughts when a gentle breeze followed by an ominous aura surrounded him.

" don't you think that's a bit too much " a young slender guy in in a cooperate black suit appeared out of nowhere holding an expensive brand of cigarettes leaning on a pole pointing at the bodies

" in my defense, I warned them " he dropped the stick and smashed it " who are you anyway " the presence of power was far too noticable for him to just be an ordinary person.

" oh right, I forgot to address myself " his demeanor took a 180 turn when he straightened himself " my name is Tobias, your evaluator "

Cyrus inwardly cringed at the mention of the word ' evaluator ' inwardly coursing himself for making a first bad in impression on his evaluator. this could potentially write him out as a trouble maker. Not Good

" well as you already know, I am your evaluator so let's begin shall we ? " a clipboard with a file attached to it materialized in his hands as he assessed the information in it

" name : Cyrus Kingston, 18 years old with perfect grades and no bad records " he eyed Cyrus for a second then continued " extremely health " he stopped reading the profile .

" okay so tell me why you want to join DHA , or should I guess " a bord expression suddenly plastered on his face clearly been through this more than once " you want to avenge a loved one or you want to be the right hand of justice or maybe your sole purpose was to defeat evil. which is it " he asked

" non of those " Cyrus was a bit stunned though from the entire purpose but sadly non of it were his intention.

" non? "

" nada " Cyrus shook his head

" huh, okay, then tell me why do you want to join DHA "

" I want to join at the request of someone " Cyrus replied bluntly while Tobias nearly choked on his saliva .

" you say what ? " He asked clearly dumbfounded.

" I want to join at the request of someone " he repeated again clearly not understanding the magnitude of what he was saying.

" wait so you want to risk your life of peace to hunt down devil's and probably die in the process just because someone asked you to ? " a look of disbelief clouded his face.

" yep, that pretty much sums it "

Tobias suddenly burst into laugher, very amused by Cyrus. in all his years of recruiting people, Cyrus was the most intriguing.

" you're an interesting one, alright take this " he gave Cyrus a thick envelope which he accepted gratefully.

" that contains all the information you need to survive the screening. so you better start packing cause your leaving first thing in the morning " Cyrus nodded in understand but a simple question was nagging at the back of his head so he decided to ask .

" how old are you? "

" 19 years old " Tobias stated proudly

" and you're an evaluator?, how is that even possible " Cyrus was indeed dumbfounded.

Tobias smiled and turned to leave when he called out " oh before I forget, you should call me senior since well I'm older than you "

" never gonna happen " Cyrus stood up and left the smiling Tobias all to himself.

" so after all these years you finally resurfaced, this is going to be interesting "


To he's surprise. when he arrived at his apartment, a small note was waiting for him on his bed.

He careful opened the paper and immediately he fell on the floor.


My Dear son

I heard you were given an acceptance letter, congratulations but this is only the beginning.

Between darkness and light you must choose one or it will choose for you '

The strange note frightened him beyond doubt. He's mother new about the acceptance which was far to odd since she wasn't even here and no one told her.

and what was even more frightening was the note she wrote, he didn't expect that at all.

after twelve 5 long years of no communication between them, this was all she had to say.

he was enraged but at the same time he was happy that she was still alive. he didn't know what to do about the note since it gave him mixed feelings of fear and anxiety.

He picked up the note and wondered loudly " mom where are you ? "