
God eater: Typhon


Hercules stood beside Diomedes who was standing in an elevated the platform that gave him a height advantage and was currently giving a passionate speech to a large crowd of people that had gathered near the docks, every individual from Thessaly seemed to be in attendance from housewives to workers and even the pious priests were in attendance. The crowd was massive, and Hercules could guess there were at least 300 people here.

"Don't you see, the gods play with our lives and only give us measly blessings as rewards they do not care about us…"

Diomedes carried on, seemingly having grasped the crowds attention with many already nodding their heads in agreement to his words, already behind his ideas and willing to support him. Hercules was for the most part surprised after all when Diomedes gave a similar speech in the hunters guild a few days prior, he was quickly labelled as a heretic and had to flee and hide, so he didn't understand why the people seemed to be suddenly backing this idea of rebellion against the gods, he figured the must gave been sympathizers that managed to convince the other citizens.

"We must prevent the tragedy that befell Olympia, we must ensure that the Gods give us humans the respect and dignity we deserve…"

One thing was certain and that was the fact that Diomedes was quite the wordsmith or maybe perhaps the people knew deep down that the gods did not view Humans as creatures of significance, worthy of respect and they thought it was about time they got the respect they deserve. Many have never questioned the idea of worshipping the gods. However, there were those who did not find it reasonable to worship.

"I know what I speak of may sound impossible. After all, how can us humans fight against gods? Worry not fellow humans…"

Diomedes spoke with an increased passion. The Zeal in his eyes was apparent and seemingly infectious as many within the crowd felt his passion and knew the words he spoke were for the benefit of humanity. They understood his cause and were ready to follow him and support him. However, he was right. How can humans face the Gods this very rally just might get the punished.

"We have a champion, someone that can fight against the gods, a hero for humanity that will stand for our cause…. HERCULES!! IS OUR CHAMPION!! With his boundless strength and courage, he will bring us Salvation"

The crowd cheered as Diomedes finished and Hercules found himself feeling a bit nervous about the whole ordeal, he had agreed to his name being used for the cause but the idea of facing gods made him feel anxious, of course this whole thing did not necessarily mean they have to fight the gods after all its just to hold them accountable for their actions but he doubts it is going to be peaceful.

With a wave of his hand he showed his support for the cause and the crowd cheered in elation, Hercules' reputation was well known so the crowd had faith in his strength. however a sudden darkness appeared from up above, casting a shadow over the whole city, they did not think of anything of it. It could have been simply just a cloud blocking the sun, however a sudden loud crash followed by shockwave that sent shards of ice flying of in the air and drop of water splashing everywhere, the shards were not dangerous as they were too small so the crowd wasn't harmed unfortunately however the cheery mood was ruined in the blink of an eye and a roar that nearly burst the ear drums of all that heard it sounded alerting everyone a monster had arrived.

"What is that??"

Diomedes asked in confusion, everything was going smoothly and now a monster had suddenly appeared, Hercules on the other hand took action immediately, the creature was giant, slimy eels for hair that crackled with electricity, the tentacles on its lower body wiggled sporadically like they had a mind of their own, everyone who saw it could only stand in fear unable to move all but with the exception of Hercules. The young demi-god had charged the beast without a moment's hesitation.

All his years fighting monsters and battling beasts his instincts knew when something dangerous appeared and he acted before any thought, body already prepared for combat. Typhon Locked its eyes on his approaching figure and saw the gold light hidden deep within him however it was weak, by all accounts it should ignore him and refocus its consciousness on its split parts, the ones that were following secretly chasing Apollo and it did just that but a meal was a meal even if it was a snack.

A grin appeared on it its face it reduced its side to that of a house and engaged Hercules on a head on collision. The two beings clashed, generating a shockwave that shock the earth and Hercules was sent flying back where he came, however he flipped himself upright and once his feet touched the ground he burst forward once more. Once again the two clashed but Hercules this time was the one to punch the creature in the face and sent it flying through the air and demolishing houses giving him a moment to address the crowd.

"everyone get away from Here!!!"

He Shouted before jumping into the air and following the creature where he had punched it, unfortunately for Hercules the crowd was stunned in shock that they could not register what he had just said, they heard him but the events were unfolding too quickly and the average person needed time to process it. Diomedes on the other hand took this as his chance ,with a deep inhale he prepared to speak.

"Don't you see!!!"

He began and due to his close proximity to the crowd he managed to gain their attention quickly. His agenda against the gods was paramount and had to use every ounce to elicit hate of the gods from the people.

"the Gods are trying to silence us. Look at that abomination, it has the tentacles of a kraken, its hairs were made of eels and its body covered in scales, it was an abomination that only the gods could create, they are trying to use force to oppress us."

He spoke and many among the crowd began to fall back seemingly preparing to run, the shock waves and roars from the fight Hercules was engaged in, had finally registered and the rational thought of running away spawned in their minds However that fear was quickly squashed by Diomedes.


His shout captured their attention and caused them to turn their bodies back to him, fear was evident on their faces but they were willing to listen to his words.


He demanded and the crowd seemed to hear him, of course he had not idea if the gods were truly behind this but that did not Matter what was important was their support and help and he can't have them suddenly cowering in fear just because of a scare tactic.

"Watch him!! Watch as our champion prove himself to you, if he can defeat an agent sent by the gods the he can certainly stand shoulder to shoulder with them, if you run now his efforts will be in vain and we will never achieve our goal under the oppressive them of the gods"

The ground shook and the air rumbled as an intense battle raged on, the battle between the demi god Hercules and the god eater Typhon continued with ferocity. An object flew from the forest and fell from high in the sky and crashed on to the on the of the nearby houses. It was Hercules, his body was not bruised at all but his nose was bloody and he spat out a tooth before he jumped right back into the Frey, his warrior's spirit was ignited, he could feel his body grow hot.


That word rung in his mind as he clashed with the beast once more, a blow to his face that he withstood and returned a gut punch and followed up with an uppercut that lifted the beast off the ground, grabbing it by its tentacles he then slammed it on the ground using it as a hammer as if to level the floor of his house.
