
New Gamer's Multiverse

Author: TheGodSage Type: Original ... [Synopsis] They say games are meant to end... but this one might be hard to. Zinon, a translator in his past life for a fanfic called Marvel's superman, dies and is instantly disrupted in his peaceful rest by the sound of a system... "Congratulations! You have been chosen by TheGodSage to be the host of the Gamer system... Oh, wait... TheSmutSystem!" Follow Zinon in his life of Games and debauchery, all while getting stronger to kill his good old friend TheGodSage! ... Join Server: Discord.link/bingetranslations

BingeFics · Derivasi dari karya
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44 Chs

Chapter 027

Zinon got back home around 9 o'clock, ending the day and wondering what now? The main thing in his mind right now was Momo...

For reasons beyond him, he actually seemed to care about what she thought, hence the fact that he'd just done the right thing... though using crude and not really heroic methods.

"You're back..." Momo's soft proper voice reached his ears as he walked through the door, seeing her sitting right in front of it.

Mrs.Yaoyorozu was locked up in her room, and Inoue in here's neither had come out in hours.

Zinon paused seeing Momo sitting there, the slightest indents in her cheeks indicating she had been crying, that and the slight crimson hidden in the corners of her eyes.

"Yeah..." Zinon replied before nodding toward her and walking away toward the stairs, planning on going to Mr.Yaoyorozu's office and scouring the place for those files, not to give to him, but mainly to find the people he's associated with, he'd need to see if they'd betray him... or die.

He still had the Assassin class to level up, hell he couldn't even pick a specialization yet, something he'd need to level it up to level 2 for.

"Wait," Zinon stopped as a short pair of arms wrapped around his body as Momo's head pressed against his back.

"What is it? I'm busy..." Zinon's response to the girl's efforts were simple words and a sigh. Momo, looking down as her arms slowly slipped off his body, felt tears begin to gather on the corner of her eyes once again.

She hardly cried, hell she hadn't even cried nor showed much emotion when her father had been taken to the police station, but with Zinon she was much more emotional, something she and he had both noticed.

Looking back once before massaging his neck and continuing to walk up the stairs, Zinon thought back to the words she had said.

She hadn't told anyone, even now after confirming, she hadn't said a word. It was too confusing to him, why hide it now that she knew?

He'd half expected to be swarmed by police when visiting Momo's father.

"Hah..." Zinon sighed as he looked back once again to the bottom of the stairs. "Why are you so emotional? Girls man I swear... Chill out, I'm not mad... or whatever... your words honestly helped me..." Zinon said before going all the way up the stairs, leaving the young girl in shock.

'It felt better... to hurt someone for doing something bad... I'll just do it again... and again... and again, until I'm strong, strong enough to fight Sage... and then... I'll kill myself too... All the trash will be gone... Haha,' Zinon finished his thoughts as he opened the door to the chilly office.

With no one managing the house, the heater hadn't been turned on by the maids, nor had they bothered to show up to work today... although he didn't blame them, their boss wasn't there to tell them off.

"Now... Time to get to work" Zinon's words were met with ghost silence as he just shrugged and dug through the office, taking all the files that Mr.Yaoyorozu had in the drawers and also any that were in bookshelves.

After around an hour of reading and throwing all the information of all these people inside the Book of all things, Zinon finally realized.

'There's... nothing useful to me here' He thought to himself as his head flopped on the desk, causing a loud thump to echo throughout the small room.

"Wait a sec..." Zinon said, opening his eyes as he raised his head and slammed it against the wooden desk, smashing right through the middle as papers flew everywhere...

*-2 Hp*

Ignoring the notification as not too long after the hp filled back up, Zinon looked down at the blue-colored files that had fallen around the room.

These were obviously different, and the fact they'd been hidden led him to believe they'd be able to help him. At the very least they should have something in there...

With these thoughts in mind, Zinon immediately got back to work, reading and putting all the info in The Book Of All things, causing him to get a few headaches but nothing that stopped him from continuing...

By the end of it all, 3 hours later, he knew everything about everyone in Mr.Yaoyorozu's gang. There was always the possibility that these weren't all of them, but that didn't matter at the moment, he had people to convince at the very least...

"Phew~" Zinon plopped down in the chair as he looked at the mess he had made... he'd need to clean it up, but he decided to leave it for now, no rush to get things done...

Leaving the room, Zinon decided what to do next, so, making his way across the 2nd floor, He found himself in front of Momo's room.

"Hey…" He called out softly as his knuckles rapped on the door, alerting Momo who had been laying down hugging her pillow. In two seconds she was in front of the door, only hesitating when she had grabbed the handle.

'Wait… I shouldn't act too eager, he was annoyed earlier' Momo thought as she breathed in and opened the door slowly. "Yes? What is it you need?" She asked formally, causing him to look at her weirdly.

"What's with the… everything" Zinon replied as he twisted past her, flopping on her bed ase he looked up at the ceiling, wondering about what he should say.

"I… am sorry for earlier…" He started as Momo closed the door softly, not wanting to alert her mother in the room next door, probably sleeping, but better safe than sorry.

"But you never did answer my question… At least not clearly… What do you think Momo?... I killed Kai, and his wife, his daughter as well… And I didn't feel a thing doing it… What do you think about tha-" Zinon stopped as a warm body pressed onto his, causing his mouth to freeze open as Momo hugged him tightly.

"I… I think it's terrible… To be honest" Momo said as Zinon regained his composure and started to move only for her to hug him tightly. "But… I… I don't know… Knowing it was you… It's just… Different… I…" Zinon started to feel warm tears drop on his shoulder as she gathered her words.

"I.... Well I can't say I like it… But can you promise… Not to kill anymore?" Momo asked, holding her breath as Zinon inwardly sighed and peeled off her arms from his neck, looking her in the eyes.

"I can't… That's something I can't promise…" Zinon said, knowing full well that he would need to kill if he had any spark of a dream to one day fight Sage… Hell that was his only goal… He truly was just a loser with no ambition…

"I… see... " Momo stood up and patted the bottom of her night gown before sitting next to him and bringing his head on her lap.

"The hell are you doing? I swear women are so random" Zinon said as Momo ignored his comment and began to stroke his hair.

"I want to be a hero… I know… sometimes heroes have to kill… So can you at least promise… that it's for a good reason when you… when you k-kill" Momo finished with a small stutter as she thought of people being brutally killed, and also thought back to the dead family.

For reasons beyond her she… just didn't care, it was like Zinon had engraved himself in her, causing her to always find a reason or a bright side to everything he did… "So… Did you frame my father as well… or… I guess you didn't need to frame him did you?" Momo asked after a while of silence.

"That… was actually a good reason…" Zinon said ignoring her saddened expression as her fists clenched on his hip. "Did he… and my uncle?... really do that?" Momo asked the final question she was scared of asking.

"Yes… I don't know all the details… But I am positive that your uncle has been doing that for a long time… I doubt your father has been doing it long though… It was probably the first time…"

Hearing Zinon's words, Momo nodded as she continued to stroke his hair, "Can we sleep… not sex… but can you.. I don't know… Hold me?" Momo asked as Zinon smiled softly and sat up, grabbing momo by the hips and turning her over until they were both laying down on her bed, her arms wrapped around his neck and his around her waist.

"Fine…" Zinon said as he closed his eyes and pretended to sleep, secretly looking at the system wondering which class he should choose… as well as which thing he should erase…

(A/N: Votes for the class specialization Same as last time, Vote in the paragraph or it won't be counted…



Yes I know I know that necromancer and summoner had the most votes, But the problem is that there are so many necromancers, and the people voting for summoner didn't seem to understand what it really did, Probably because of other franchises and such… There is also the fact that they just don't work in MHA, not realistically, I'd have to bullshit a lot for it to work, and then it just turns into a Bs fic, I don't want that Lol, So one of those… I am honestly leaning toward Healer as it has the best. Also side note, Keep in mind that when he reaches 100% he can get a new specialization of the class, So necromancer or summoner are off the table, just wouldn't do well In MHA)

(E/N: *Flashback of Redo of a Healer* I can somehow see that people are gonna vote for Healer…)

(A/N: Funny you say that, Just finished watching that hent- I mean anime… HHMM intensifies)