
A New Beginning

(MC name is Leo Dirk)


'I can't believe that I died like that I thought that I would die when I got old, not die young fat and by getting hit by a bus.

'Oh hi, you guys must be reading about my life right now so let me rewind, half an hour ago. I was looking at some adul... cough novels and was about to check out when I encountered a kid in the adul... cough the section I was in so I said "pst kid over here these are better" the kid looked over and I showed him a {novel} and he passed out, "crap what am I going to tell the person at the counter, am I just going to say that he passed out no that won't work cause when he wakes up he can just tell them what I did. "long story short I proceeded to knock over the shelf and bury the kid in books and said "watch out!" so that I was less suspicious and then called the lady upfront and when she came she said "help me move the shelf and all the books" I helped her move the shelf and picked up the kid and laid him on the counter, I then left before anything else happened and when i left I was hit by the bus.

(Fast forward two weeks)



"Hello are you awake" a beautiful voice could be heard outside the door, "Creak" the door slowly opened and a slightly tall but beautiful woman walked in she wore an expensive blue dress that looked like the ocean and had a pair of sunglasses that covered her bright green eyes and long brunet hair that reached her elbows, she was his sister Allysa.

"Oh hey, sis why are you here and not at the company?" Leo asked

"Well i heard that you were hit by a bus so I was worried" Allysa said

"Well, I guess that you should be worried as the doctor said that I probably won't walk again but that's fine i guess cause you don't see me walking around much anyway."


'Leo saw that his sister was crying and he didn't know what to do cause she has never cried before or at least not in front of him so he tried to cheer her up with a joke'

"Well I found out that wheels on the bus really do go round and round "Leo said

"A smile slowly appeared on Allysa's face" 'beautiful' Leo thought, her teeth were pure white and lined straight with her pink lips.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that I got the newest VR game for you and it is supposed to be really popular right now," Allysa said as she gave a pair of glasses to Leo and gave him the instructions it.

"??? what is a VR game like I know what games are but what is VR?" Leo asked.

"Wait you don't know what VR is?" Allysa asked

Leo was there looking dumb, and not knowing how to reply to her or what to do in that situation because he really didn't know nor did he talk to people because he was a shut-in and also didn't have many friends since he was little because he had medical problems that caused him to have trouble with his weight and everybody made fun of him for it, so that made him stay away from people so that they wouldn't make fun of him.

Allysa seemed to notice the silence and then said: "Well that is fine too, I can just teach you and you will learn eventually ok?"

Leo smiled and you could see that all his teeth were white and aligned but there was a hidden sadness behind his eyes because he could tell she was disappointed in him for not knowing.

"Ok that sounds good" Leo said

He read the instructions and then put the glasses on and pressed the button on the right side and his vision went blank.

{Generating world code 8745}

{Connecting to the internet %50 %68 %74% 89 %99 %100} connection complete you may now begin and start playing or you may create your character.

"Wow I can make my own character and I can make it however I want! he was excited that he could have a body that was not fat or as he would like to say bigger than most so when he got the choice he made his body muscular with white hair and red eyes because he wanted to be domineering and hot so that some people will fawn over him because that has never happened to him before.

He then went and finished his character and he then pressed the {START} button and then everything went white and his mind went fuzzy and his vision went blurry he felt like he was moving but also not moving and felt tingly all over and he was not completely dumb so he knew that if he felt like that then that meant that he could feel things in the game and he knew that it was not normal so he started to get excited and then he could see color.

"Wow" was the only word he could use to describe what he was seeing and he then thought 'I should see if what I thought was correct' he then pinched himself and he felt the pain but it was a lot less painful than what he would have felt in real life but... he could also smell and see small details in the ground and the leaves but he then looked around and wondered where was he.

(Author here I'm just letting anyone who reads this that this is what I want to write and I will take what you guys want into consideration but it will mainly be of what I want ok, you may enjoy)