
New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

In a world of constant competition, one man aims for the top. In this new genre VRMMORPG, he plans on becoming the strongest at all costs. The classes, the races, the starting zones, everything is a mystery in 'New Eden'. This game is coming out without a shred of details. The only thing that was promoted was the freedom of skill choosing. Our protagonist Alexander, gamer tag Astaroth, has always dreamt of becoming an E-Sports athlete. His parents supported his dream, but they are no longer of this world. He fully intends on making it in this new game, if not for him, then at least to honor their memory. With no idea how he wants to play his character, Alexander chooses the most mysterious starting race. Will this be his road to success or his downfall? The game assistant certainly thought the latter. "Do as you wish, young adventurer. I only wish to add this. Do not come back with complaints when you realize you have made the wrong choice," the elf said, looking at him with clear hatred. "We will see about that," Alexander flatly replied. "I love challenges," he added. "Very well!" the elf harrumphed. "Have the adventure of your lifetime, as short as it will last," he sarcastically added. Ahead of him lies an uncertain path, filled with trials and hardships. But one thing is clear in his eyes. He will become the strongest player in the game, even if he must step over mountains of corpses to do so. Over are his days of working hard for nothing, it's make or break now! I now have a discord where you can talk with other readers and me. There are also channels to discuss new weapons; characters; classes; or monsters that you might want to design and see incorporated in the story. I will always give credit to the person that created said thing, rest assured. The link is https://discord.gg/68kPqbSFrN

Galanar · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
1049 Chs

Finding The Den, Part 1

After all the ordeal with Konnor, Astaroth was hoping they would still patrol today. He didn't want to miss out on leveling, even after what had just happened.

Sadly, his health was almost depleted, and he had nothing to refill it. He looked at the casters nearby expectantly, hoping one of them would heal him, but none did such a thing.

Astaroth turned to look at Kloud, hoping to get some answers. What greeted him as he turned shocked him.


A crisp slap to his left cheek, leaving a slight hand print. Astaroth's eyes went wide, as Kloud's hand was still extended.

Kloud's face was a frown of disappointment.

"You didn't need to provoke so much. We lost a good fighter today, because of a childish pissing contest. I am not proud of you, Astaroth. That was very dishonorable of you." Kloud scolded him.

"But, sir. I only responded to his roughness. How am I to blame? Is a duel not an honorable way of quelling a dispute?" Astaroth replied, still in shock.

"It is, but not this one. You could have ended matters quickly. Yet you toyed with him." Kloud said, turning to leave.

"I cancel your patrol for the day. Go home, reflect on your actions." He added, walking away.

"But, teacher, I..." Astaroth stammered, watching Kloud's back get further away.

Chris, from the side, saw the interaction and felt pity for the kid. He walked over and patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry, kid. He is just a little disappointed. You could have ended this fight sooner, but you played catch with your opponent instead. The captain is very strict about how honorable his pupils should be." He said, looking at Kloud leave.

"But, Colonel. I was fighting as best I could. I don't understand why you say I could have ended this sooner." Astaroth replied, still confused.

"Son, I have fought mages with soul aptitude. Me and Kloud both. As soon as we saw the wolf, we knew. That was the Alpha's soul, was it not?" Chris asked, looking Astaroth in the eyes.

"It is, but I." Astaroth started saying.

Then it hit him. Spirit Melding!

Had he used that instead of summoning White Death, he could have overpowered Konnor rapidly with the combined stats? It had slipped his mind completely.

Chris watched Astaroth's face as realization made his eyes go wide.

"You finally understand your mistake. Good. Go reflect on it. I'll go talk to Kloud and make sure you can patrol tomorrow. Now scamper." Chris said, shooing Astaroth away.

Astaroth stood in the courtyard for a while, dejected at losing a day of leveling.

'At this rate, I can never compete' He thought.

'I can't just lose a day.'

He formed his resolve and walked out of the barracks. He would absolutely not waste his day.

He was going to level with or without help. He walked in the village's entrance direction .

He stopped in front of the barrier for a bit, wondering if this was just reckless, but he quickly threw that thought aside. He didn't care.

He wanted to get stronger. He NEEDED to get stronger.

Thus he walked out and started running into the forest, direction, the wolves' territory. As Astaroth had walked out of the barracks, someone had been staring at him.

Korin had seen his eyes go from shaken to steeled. He recognized that look on Astaroth's face.

The look of a fool about to do something stupid. Korin had blended with the shadows around him and started tailing Astaroth from a distance away.

When he saw the young man stop at the barrier, he thought Astaroth had gotten cold feet. But Astaroth quickly proved him wrong about that, and right about his assessment.

The kid was going to do something stupid. He watched as Astaroth walked across the barrier and started running into the wilderness.

He thought of going to warn the Colonel but quickly brushed that idea aside, knowing that he would lose the trail of the boy quickly if he didn't directly follow him. And so he did.

He stayed as best hidden as he could and followed Astaroth. After running for a few minutes, Astaroth could already hear the howling in the distance.

He didn't slow down and re-oriented himself towards the closest howl he heard. He no longer cared about his safety, only leveling.

He would use his skills to the limit and drain his mana dry if that meant he could fight alone. He soon found a small group of three wolves lazing about in a clearing.

Astaroth didn't stop running. He pulled out his longsword, wielding it with two hands, and cast 'Mana Skin', 'Spirit Melding', and 'Enhance Weapon' one after the other. After casting 'Spirit Melding', he felt all his stats go up.

He felt stronger, faster, and sturdier. Like he was unbeatable.

His hair turned white, and he could feel some fur had grown on his cheeks. His canines had also elongated, and he could feel them poking out of his lips.

He almost looked like a half-transformed werewolf! He looked at his status window really fast.


Name: Astaroth

Melded: White Death (Time remaining: 2m28s)

Race: Ash Elf

Level: 14 (4'995/6'450)


HP: 6'325/6'325 MP: 953/1'150 Stamina: 100

Health Regen: 1% / second

Mana Regen: 1/second in combat, 5/second out of combat

Strength: 17 (+47) Agility: 20 (+27) Constitution: 20 (+55)

Intelligence: 20 (+20) Wisdom: 15 (+20)

Attack Power Str: 320 Attack Power Agi: 235 Magic Attack Power: 200 Healing Power: 175

Natural Defense: 7.5% Armor Defense: 14%

Luck: 0 (Stat unaffected by Level up and free points)

Available stat points: 0

Available skill points: 1

Physical Condition: Normal

Mental Condition: Normal

Skill Gained: Wolven Heart (Passive), Alpha's Howl (Active), Hyper Senses (Passive)

Wolven Heart (Passive): Gain the heart of a wolf, granting you high survivability. +1% Health regen per second.

Hyper Senses (Passive): Your senses become one of a canine. Your hearing, smell, and sight are greatly improved.

Alpha's Howl (Active): Howl to establish dominance. All enemies in a 50m radius face genetic fear of the Alpha (50% chance of fear for 5 seconds). Can only be used once per meld.

'What a monstrous boost.' He thought.

'I almost have the same stats as a level 36!'

As he was looking at his status screen, he never stopped running toward the wolves. Now he was right in front of one, and it was jumping at his throat.

The wolf was still quicker than him, but that mattered little, as he was prepared for them. He leaned his body to the side, barely clearing the wolf's lunge, and sliced upwards with his longsword.


Astaroth looked at the number with wide eyes.

If you liked my story, add it to your library!

This story is in the Fantasy Carnival, so it needs Power Stones to up-rank. If I get into the top 100, I will drop an extra 2 chapters that day. Another 2 chapters for top 50. I will up the stakes at 5 bonus chapters for top 20, and another 5 for top 10! Please vote for me! :)

Also, I drop an extra chapter on Monday for every 100 PS I accumulate in the event!

We made it up to 57th! Huzzah! The competition is getting tougher, but we are still slowly inching toward our next objective! Let's keep this going!

Since its new year in the western part of the world, and I was already dropping an extra chapter for it, the bonus chapter for the 200 PS will be tomorrow :)

If you like the novel so far or think something could use work, don't be scared to leave a review :)

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