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Aric_9 · Fantasi
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16 Chs

The Price of Disobedience

The ant colony was bustling with activity as the ants worked to gather food and build their underground home. Amidst the chaos, there was one ant who stood out from the rest. His name was Aric, and he was known for his quick wit and problem-solving abilities.

One day, as Aric was out foraging for food, he overheard a group of ants discussing something strange. It seemed that the queen had issued a new decree, ordering all the ants to stop gathering food and focus on expanding the nest.

Aric couldn't believe what he was hearing. The colony was already running low on food, and if they stopped gathering more, they would surely starve. He knew that he had to do something to stop the queen's foolish decision.

As the other ants went about their work, Aric snuck away and began to gather food on his own. He knew that it was risky to defy the queen, but he couldn't stand by and watch the colony suffer.

As the days went by, Aric continued to gather food in secret, and he noticed that the other ants seemed to be getting stronger. They were no longer struggling to find enough to eat, and the nest was starting to thrive.

Finally, Aric couldn't keep his secret any longer. He approached the queen and told her what he had been doing.

"Why would you defy my orders?" the queen demanded, her antennae quivering with anger.

"Because I knew that it was the right thing to do," Aric replied, his voice steady. "The colony needs food to survive, and I couldn't stand by and watch them suffer."

The queen was taken aback by Aric's words, and for a moment, she was silent. Then, she spoke.

"You have shown great courage and intelligence, Aric," she said. "I can see now that my decision was a mistake, and I thank you for correcting it."

Aric couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had never expected the queen to praise him, let alone admit that she was wrong.

But as he basked in the glow of her approval, a sudden movement caught his eye. Before he knew what was happening, he felt a sharp pain in his thorax and collapsed to the ground.

"You have betrayed the colony and your queen," the queen hissed, standing over Aric's lifeless body. "Your disobedience will not be tolerated."

As the other ants watched in horror, the queen turned and marched away, leaving Aric's body behind as a warning to any other ants who might dare to defy her.

The colony was plunged into mourning as the news of Aric's execution spread. Many of the ants couldn't believe that the queen had been so harsh, and there were whispers of rebellion in the air.

But as the days went by, the queen's hold on the colony only seemed to grow stronger. She had proven that she would stop at nothing to maintain her power, and the ants knew that they had to be careful if they wanted to survive.

In the end, Aric's rebellion had only served to cement the queen's rule, and the colony was left to wonder what might have been if he had stayed quiet and obedient. The end