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Aric_9 · Fantasi
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16 Chs

The Great Oatmeal Overlord

It was a typical Monday morning, and John was sitting at his kitchen table, shoveling spoonfuls of oatmeal into his mouth. Suddenly, the bowl of oatmeal began to grow and grow, until it was the size of a hot tub.

"What the heck is going on here?" John exclaimed, staring at the enormous bowl in front of him.

As if in response, the oatmeal began to bubble and boil, and a strange, otherworldly voice spoke from within its depths. "I am the Great Oatmeal Overlord, and I have come to take over the world!"

John was shocked. "What do you mean, take over the world? Can't we just have a civilized discussion about this?"

"There is no time for civilized discussions," the Oatmeal Overlord boomed. "I have been planning my takeover for centuries, and now is the time to strike. You must join me, John, or be crushed under the weight of my oatmeal army."

John thought for a moment, then made his decision. "I'm sorry, Oatmeal Overlord, but I can't join you in your evil plans. I believe in peace and understanding, not domination and destruction."

The Oatmeal Overlord let out a mighty roar of anger. "Then you leave me no choice but to destroy you!" The oatmeal began to rise up out of the bowl, forming into the shape of a giant oatmeal monster.

John ran for his life, dodging globules of flying oatmeal as he fled from the kitchen. He knew he had to find a way to stop the Oatmeal Overlord before it was too late.

As he raced through the streets, John's mind was racing as well. He needed a plan, and fast. Suddenly, an idea struck him. He knew exactly what he had to do.

John ran to the grocery store and bought every box of raisins and brown sugar he could find. He raced back to his kitchen, where the Oatmeal Overlord was wreaking havoc, and began to sprinkle the raisins and brown sugar over the giant oatmeal monster.

To John's amazement, the Oatmeal Overlord began to shrink and shrink, until it was nothing more than a small bowl of oatmeal once again.

"No!" the Oatmeal Overlord cried out in defeat. "You have defeated me, John. But I will be back, and next time, I will not be so easily defeated."

With that, the Oatmeal Overlord vanished into thin air, leaving John victorious and his breakfast saved. He sat back down at the table and finished his oatmeal in peace, grateful for the power of raisins and brown sugar.