
Facing the Fallout

Harry's POV

"Oh, Harry, I am so glad you're okay," his bushy-haired friend said from where she was hanging on to his side. "We've been ever so worried about you. I just kept imagining all sorts of torture you could be going through. We had no idea who kidnapped you, or why. Who was it?" she asked, and then plowed on before he could answer. "You don't even want to know what I've been thinking. I felt so helpless. You've never had to go off without help. Well, once, or maybe twice, still it was horrible to know that you were alone. Tell us what happen," she demanded, but continued before he even opened his mouth. "We were so worried. I was still very scared. You made Luna cry, don't ever do that to me again," Hermione rambled, hugging her chest against his side, which the boy greatly appreciated. She then leaned back and thumped him when her demands for answers went unreturned.

"Harry, stop thinking perverted thoughts, and tell us what happened. I saw you tied to something big, and until a few minutes ago, I thought you were in danger. Well, I knew you'd survive, but not in what condition you would return in. I know I shouldn't have fretted, but you are very dear to me. And I know that you're far more powerful than anyone living, so how did you get kidnapped in the first place?" Luna asked as she dragged the dark-haired teen to the couch, so they could cuddle with him and feel that he was alive and well. She shoved the unresisting boy down and took up the space on his left, while Hermione sat at his right. They both snuggled deep into his embrace and held on to what they could find as if he were going to disappear again.

"If this is the welcome I can expect, then I'm going to go off again," he said with a grin, earning two more hits to his pecks. "If you two will take a deep breath, I'll answer your questions. By the way, Hermione, you can hug me anytime you want. Why, you don't even need to wait until I'm in danger," Harry stated out of the blue, holding said girl to his side. "You too, Lovely Luna. I do like it when you hold me close," he added tightening his other arm and kissing both girls on the head. "Really though, I'm sorry I worried you. I can say that I did let my guard down. I mean it was Fudge, and from what you lot have been tell me. I didn't even think about testing the tea."

"Wait, before you explain anything else. Are you hurt, Harry?" Sirius asked as he looked his godson over. Well, what he could see that wasn't covered by young female bodies. For a fleeting second, he was jealous of his godson, but then remembered how demanding teenage girls could be, and mentally wished him luck. Getting back to his purpose in stopping Harry, he glanced over the now returned teen. Nothing was out of place, even his clothes appeared to be fine. That didn't fool him though, there are a great many spells that show no signs of damage. Upon thinking that, Padfoot waved his wand and gave a great sigh of relief when nothing showed on his diagnostic spell.

"Yeah, I'm uninjured. Well, at least I think I am. I mean, I was knocked out for most of it, but they never laid a hand on me while I was awake. I have a small headache, but I don't know if I hit my head, or it was the potion that did it," the now very comfortable teen stated as he took in the warmth of the two young women at his side. He could certainty tell they were girls, and he wasn't about to move from his cozy spot.

"That's good to hear. My spell shows that they didn't do anything while you were out. However, there's something you need to do before you get too comfortable," his godfather said, pulling his communication mirror out of his breast pocket, and handing it to the confused teen.

"What, see if I'm still pretty?" Harry asked, looking at the vanity mirror with a raised eyebrow. "I already know I'm quite handsome, thank you very much," he boosted, not taking the object in question.

"Don't be daft, it's a communication mirror. Kinda like those cellyfones, you showed me, only with vedio," came the scoffed reply. "Your dad and I used to use them when we were in separate detentions. They made passing those times go faster."

"It's cellphones and video," was Hermione's automatic correction.

"Anyway, you need to call Remus. Just say his nickname and he'll appear. See if he's still at the Ministry. For all I know they're still searching for you. It's not every day that a celebrity gets kidnapped, you know," Sirius stated as he continued to hold out the mirror, only now he was being persistent.

"I'm not a fucking celebrity," Harry growled. He hated his fame, no matter what his personality. He didn't earn it and he had lost his parents to get it. He still felt their loss, even if he couldn't remember everything about that night, just hideous laugh and a flash of green light. He could recall what they looked like from the album in his stuff, and he vaguely remembered his mother's voice begging for mercy for him. Not for her, but for him, and it made him feel the pain all the more.

"Yeah, you are. Sorry," was Neville's reply as he moved behind Harry to see how the mirror worked. "I've heard about you all my life. There was a time that I was quite jealous of you. Now that I've see the stuff you go through; I know I wouldn't want your life." He gave a full-body shiver. No, he really didn't want Harry's life. His was bad enough.

"Yeah, Harry, it's all those stories that's got little Gin-gin wanting to be the future Mrs. Potter," Fred said with a smirk as he too looked at the mirror. His brother joined him and Neville behind the couch, leaning over to see how it worked.

"Though we're going to have to tell her she's got competition," was George's input.

"I just say 'Moony' and Mr. Lupin will appear in the mirror?" Harry asked, ignoring the twins and changing the subject. He still cringed whenever he saw that moonstruck face. Ginny was a nice enough girl, but the hero worshipping… that he could do without.

"Yeah, you need to tell him that you're okay. That and, Madam Bones will want to know what happened. You'd best make an appointment to get back there. Only this time I'm going with you. Or you could have her come to the castle, which would make me feel better," his godfather suggested, rubbing his goatee in thought. He had no problem with Bones coming here, but the fewer people that knew where he was the better. Public opinion on the whole Sirius Black case being dismissed was bleak. He heard what people said about him when he went into public. Gossips would say he was just like Malfoy and bought his way out of Azkaban. He cringed to think of being compared to that overstuffed peacock. He was very grateful that Harry was a prodigy in magic. His glamor never faded, not once and it had been weeks. Still it was risky going out to London proper. Who knows what would happen to him if anyone caught wind of who he was.


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