
Chapter 27: the crime was false, but the fight was fun

Austin: haha caught you bitches!! Oh your just watching a movie

Sky: yeah dumb ass, what did you think we were….. EWW you sickos your thinking of us doin yuckkkk, we all too fucking young for that shit

Austin jeramy here wasn't too young a few years younger than you hahah

Jeremy: ima knock all your teeth out of your mouth austin

Austin: AHH

Jeramy: come here!

Jeramy starts chasing austin down the bus of the hall

Austin: ok ok ok you win you win

Jeramy: not till your teeth are knocked out


Jeramy: stop acting like a little baby and hold still

Dad: JERAMY, AUSTIN, what the hell!!

Mom: boys stop that

Jeramy: HOLD STILL!!

Austin: never!!

Jeremy gets a hold of austin's shirt collar and pins him down on the ground and is about to punch him

Sky: sibling wrestling!!

Mac: lets goo!!

Mac runs up and tackles jeremy and i follow after her

Austin: haha bitch

Mac jumps on to austin and tackles him

Jeramy: haha now your all getting it

we all start play tackling each other and sway and davon just watch us

Mom and Dad just sit and watch us

After around 6 minutes we finally are all tired out of each other and just lay on the floor

Mom: they haven't done that since they were little

Dad: yeah i missed that

Davon: okay then

Sway: you are very goofy baby

Sky: haha

Mac: yeah she is and keep her with you ok

Sway: of course

Mac: if you break her heart i will break you k?

Sway: ok ok i get it

I stand up and go stand by him, he wraps his arm around my waist and i wrap my arm around his waist.