
Nevermore (Netflix's 'Wednesday' Fanfiction)

(Potential Spoilers for Netflix's 'Wednesday') You and your younger sister Wednesday Addams begin enrollment at Nevermore after being kicked from school many times (Eight schools in five years for Wednesday and twelve in seven respectively for you (you're two years older)) which seems to be a place to somewhat enjoy however when you and Wednesday notice some suspicious happenings around the school grounds, you, Wednesday and a few friends will put your skills to the test in order to solve the mystery and provent the danger's future emergence.

Datman675 · Masa Muda
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9 Chs

Chapter 2:

Some time later, you are sitting on the bed, reading when you catch movement out of the corner of your eye and look at Wednesday who's writing her novel.

Y/N: Did you see that?

Wednesday: Yes, something is in the room with us.

Movement continues until you throw the book you were reading at it which causes a stitched up hand to fall to the ground.

Y/N: Hello Thing.

Thing moves over to you.

Y/N: They sent you here to keep an eye on us, didn't they.

Thing admits that it's true and you chuckle.

Y/N: Fair, I don't blame them, knowing what we're like.

Wednesday: I don't know what you're talking about.

Y/N: A dude lost a testicle because of your piranhas.

Wednesday: You stabbed someone before dumping them on the parking lot and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Y/N: I don't regret what I did, in fact I'd do it again if given the chance.

Wednesday: Me too.

Some time later you are sitting on the floor near Wednesday who's playing her chello, reading another book as Enid walks over to you.

Enid: How did you get that oversized violin out the window.

Wednesday: I had an extra hand.

Thing waves at Enid.

Enid: Where's the rest of him?

Y/N: That's one of the great Addams Family secrets.

Wolves howl as Enid looks out at the horizon.

Wednesday: Why aren't you wolfing out?

Enid: Because I can't.

Enid's nails grow.

Enid: This is all I can do.

Enid explains that if she can never FULLY wolf out she'd be kicked from her pack and potentially never find a mate.

Wednesday: Sounds like a dream.

Enid is about to lose it with Wednesday when you intervene.

Y/N: Do forgive Wednesday, she's not quite clear when it comes to being social, what she means is that if you would be kicked out just for being different then maybe you're better off without them, they should care about you unconditionally, not just because you're able to wolf out.

Enid starts to cry and hugs you for comfort.

Wednesday: Why are you crying.

Enid: Because I'm upset, have you ever cried or are you above that too.

Y/N: Enid, don't, she doesn't enjoy talking about that.

Wednesday: I lost my pet scorpion when I was young, two kids kept me restraint and made me watch as he was run over by a kid on a bike, I cried as I buried him, but tears don't fix anything so I vowed to never do it again.

Enid: I'm sorry, your secret's safe with me.

You walk into the room and slam your fists onto your desk.

Y/N: FUCK!!!

Enid and Wednesday (with Thing on her shoulder) rush in as you're having your mental breakdown.

Enid: Y/N, are you alright?

Y/N: No, I've been suffering mentally for a long time.

Enid: Why?

Y/N: Morticia and Gomez have high expectations for me and trying to match them is draining me and it's even worse since I got with Yoko.

Enid: Why?

Wednesday: They don't know, do they?

Y/N: No, I never told them I was a lesbian, I fear they will cast me out of the family.

Enid: Why is it that you were telling me that I'd be better off if you won't follow you own advice.


You turn to Wednesday and Enid.

Y/N: I couldn't care less about Morticia and Gomez, let alone Lurch, and Pugsley

You walk right up to Wednesday and Enid.

Y/N: Pugsley can go get feasted on by bears for all I care.

You walk away which leads to yours and Wednesday's shoulders touching which triggers a psychic vision.

Wednesday's vision shows you jumping from the balcony to your death and when Wednesday comes back, she chases after you only to see you standing over the edge ready to jump.

Wednesday grabs you and pulls you away from the balcony before sitting you down on your bed as Enid calls Yoko.

Y/N: Why did you stop me.

Wednesday: I can't let you do such a thing.

Y/N: Why do you care?

Wednesday: Because I love you, you idiot.

Wednesday starts building up tears in her eyes.

Wednesday: You're my only sister, Y/N, you are one of the only ones who truly understands me.

Wednesday hugs you for the first time.

Wednesday: Please, never leave me.

You return the hug.

Y/N: I won't, I promise.

Yoko rushes in to see you and Wednesday hugging.

Yoko: Am I interrupting something?

Enid: No, Wednesday just saved her and told her she really does love her.

Yoko: And she finally hugged her?

Enid: Yes, you want to go to your girlfriend?

Yoko: I'm just gonna let them have their moment first.

You and Wednesday let go of each other and turn to see Yoko and Enid standing at the door.

Y/N: Hey babe.

Yoko starts walking towards you.

Yoko: Didn't want to interrupt your moment.

Y/N: That's fine.

Yoko sits next to you.

Yoko: Why would you do such a thing?

Y/N: I'm sorry, everything just got too much.

Yoko: What did?

Y/N: Trying to match with my parents high expectations.

Yoko: You never told them about us, have you?

You look down in shame and close your eyes before slowly shaking your head.

Yoko: I'm sorry babe, I understand that you believe that they'll cast you out and seperate you from Wednesday.

You look up at Yoko.

Y/N: You're not angry that I keep our relationship a secret?

Yoko: No, I'm not angry, but I'm hurt that you never told me that you were feeling this way.

Y/N: I'm sorry, I'm quite stubborn, I don't go to anyone for help but in reality, help is all I want, I fear that I may not make it through the night otherwise.

Yoko hugs you to comfort you.

Yoko: It's okay, I'm here for you.

Y/N: I know and I'm glad you are.

Yoko: What girlfriend would I be if I wasn't.

Y/N smiles.

Y/N: Not a good one, that's for sure.

Yoko chuckles.

Y/N: I love you so much.

Yoko: I love you too.

You and Yoko kiss.

The dorm mom, Miss Thornhill enters the room to see Enid comforting Wednesday while Y/N and Yoko kiss.

Thornhill: What happened to Wednesday?

Y/N: It's my fault, I went to jump off the balcony.

Thornhill: Why would you do that.

Y/N: Well, My parents always had high expectations and well, trying to reach them takes a toll on my mental health so I went to go jump off the balcony, so I can be freed from there expectations and judgement.

Thornhill walks over to you and Yoko before going down on one knee and resting her hand on your shoulder.

Thornhill: I'm sorry, that this is something, you have to go through, why don't I go talk with Principal Weems about getting you to a psychiatrist.

Y/N: That could be helpful, thanks.

Thornhill: No worries, also may I ask why I caught you and Yoko kissing?

Yoko: Well, we were in a long-distance relationship for a while and well we're moving forward pretty well as a couple.

Thornhill: I see, well, I'll leave you to it.

Thornhill leaves the room.

Yoko: Do you want me to move in with you.

Y/N: I have no problems with that.

Enid: Neither do I.

Wednesday: Y/N would definitely appreciate having you with her.

Yoko: Ok, I start packing my things and by tomorrow, there will be a fourth roommate.

Y/N, I'll see you tomorrow then.

Yoko: Yes, I love you.

Y/N: I love you too.

Yoko kisses you before leaving the room.

Y/N: Well, this has been quite the eventful night.

Wednesday: I'll say, I almost lost my sister.

Y/N: I'm sorry Wednesday, it won't happen again.

Enid: We should probably get some sleep.

Y/N: I'll grab my sleeping bag and you can take the bed.

Enid: Or maybe you can share with me.

You look at Enid with a smug grin on your face.

Wednesday: I don't know.

Enid: I insist.

Wednesday: Fine.

Enid keeps quiet but can't help but smile.

Y/N: Interesting.

Wednesday: What?

Y/N: Nothing, don't worry about it.