
Chapter 432

"Based on your mood over the phone I would never have thought you were with Selina." Cedric said with a laugh. "You seemed happy, happier than I have seen you in a while, like when we were younger, before Ilya." 

"I felt at ease around her." Alexi confessed. "I mean it was awkward at first, but eventually we started talking as if the whole thing with Jen never happened." 

"She was never an enemy Alexi." Katerina told her brother.

"I know, it was my fault." Alexi said, shaking his head. "Look, I need time alone, I'll go out for a drive." Alexi said with a sigh as he walked out of Cedric's office.

Alexi had driven himself over, as he had told Cedric he had come over from speaking with Selina. At first he drove around the city, taking in the sights and sounds, he tried not to think, he needed to clear his mind so that he could face Jen without revealing what they had learned.