

Anything can happen in this world. Heroes can be villains. Villains can be heroes. But can there be heroes who break rules like villains?

RedR58 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

The Queen of Stupidity

On the 6th day I appeared in public, I received another letter from Tiny Uniques. To tell you the truth guys the leader of the Tiny Uniques is so interesting. I knew he was a talkative person who gets hit or scolded every time because of his talking. All this while we sent letters back and forth without getting caught by other superheroes. Since both parties need to have a good place to hide the letters, so that other party can get it from there, we both decided to make a hole on Mr. Presidents new statue. The opening of the hole was on the left ear. We have a method to get it from there unnoticed but I'll keep it a secret from you guys. Anyways, I'll read you guys the letter.

" To Luminous: Hello again pal. It's me the leader of tiny uniques. So how are you doing? Probably well considering the submarine you ate with coke yesterday. Wish I had the money to buy that. To tell you the truth is went bankrupt a few days ago and now I only have a small amount in my pockets. So I have to use it with care. Anyways, we are fine as well.

Red Kiss, the only female member in our group is dieing to meet you but if you dare to lay a finger on her or to even glance at her, you are dead as meat. You hear me? She's off limits. Holly cow! Is almost forgot to tell you, yesterday Red Kiss changed her lipstick colour and she kissed my cheek to test out the colour. I kept that cheek unwashed to show you. So you better come quickly. She also changed her costume. I got a nose bleed just seeing her in that costume. That skin colour....

Greenery Ivy is waiting here to show you how to plant a seed of fern. You didn't know too right? That ferns have seeds? It's unbelievable how he planted that. It's already two feet tall. Small flower buds can be seen through the leaves. Wait, was it fern? I don't really remember but you'll see when you visit us here.

The main purpose of sending this letter is to tell you that your interview is over. The payment is eight million dollars. You can pay by cash or online. I got you there. There's no payment. I just really wanted to say that. But you gotta treat us because we spent two nights straight with sleeping at day time to discuss whether we should let you join us. Even my emergency snacks stock had to be taken out. Remember to bring some snacks when coming okay?

So we, the Tiny Uniques welcome you Luminous to our group. From now on you are our trainee. Let's show the other heroes who we are. For the first meeting, meet me behind the Kings Public School, we call it Kings Penis. Don't know the reason. It's just a legendary name. The time is 00:03 on the 19th September. Don't be late and don't come before the time. Not even at 00:02 okay? Be there right at time. If you have a seal or something bring that as well. We need to sign a contract about you joining The Tiny Uniques.

Ummm I think I told you everything I, we wanted to say. Let me see...oh yeah. I forgot one. That presidents left ear, we have to do something about it. I saw a squirrel trying to get the letter out of it. I had to shoot it with a beautiful round marble to stop it. Stupid animal. Also, the cops have been eyeing the statue as well. It's better if we stop keeping the letters there. We'll discuss about the next secret place to keep letters when we meet.

Then, for now, farewell Luminous. We'll see you soon.

From: Tiny Uniques" The first step of my plan was complete. Now the second step which is going to be very tricky.

I stuffed the folded paper into one of my pockets. Even though I had written a note to Tiny Uniques as well, there's no need to keep it hidden inside the left ear since I would meet the Tiny uniques soon. Now that I'm part of a gild, I need to start working on the second step of my plan. My second plan is to get some enemies to my friends group. You know what they say, it's better to have a few enemies among you than everyone being friends.

19th September arrived faster than I thought. I was so tired. So much so that even my ass felt numb from sitting on the chair for too long. Even if I'm the CEO I still had to work like any other worker would do. I had to read proposal plans, contracts, data files, emails. Don't be surprised when I say I wear glasses. Yes I wear fucking glasses. But I'm not that blind, It's just that I can't see small letters. Even my asshole of a sister laughed when she first saw me wearing glasses. I tried my best to avoid wearing glasses at home or outside my office but you can't avoid wearing glasses when you are a CEO of a uprising company. She wasn't supposed to see me wearing glasses. She saw me when I was leaving the company to go home. I was reading a project proposal since my driver was going to drive me home instead of driving by myself.


" Fuck no!" I ripped off my glasses and showed it on to my assistant's hands. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"You wear glasses..."It wasn't that I don't want others to know about my condition. I didn't want to tell them because I know they would make a big deal of it than I do. I know they would make me visit tons of doctors and make me drink tons of medicines to get back my sight. When dad found out about his blindness, he went all around the world searching for a good doctor. They make a big deal of it because in our bloodline, it's impossible to have even a slight blindness but after visiting a lot of doctors he assumed that the reason behind it was him not being a unique like others in our family.

"How long have you been wearing glasses?" I sighed. There's no point of hiding it from her any longer.

"Get in the car. I'll tell you on the way." I said taking the glasses to my hands again thanking my assistant for holding it. I was about to get into the car when Maika asked the stupidest question in the world.

"You aren't trying to murder me to hide this from your parents right?"

"How did you survive for this long with that small brain Maika? If I want to murder you then I wouldn't do it myself and my parents are also your parents dumbass. Just get in already. You are too stupid for this world."

"Oh." There you go. That's how my stupid sister got to know about my blindness. I explained everything to her and made her promise me to not to say a single thing to anyone. Just like she promised, she didn't utter a single word to our parents not even to her friends who are very obsessed with me. Girls.