
Sending Away

"That's right, we're under one of the leaders of United Power, so you must release us," the Ice guy desperately explained, hoping I'd cower in fear.

"Oh, should I be afraid? Who's this leader you're talking about, and how powerful is he?" I inquired, trying to humor him.

Seeing my willingness to converse, his expression improved. 

"I'm working under Ishaq, the Head of the Egyptian God Bloodline," he explained. 

"Ishaq? And how strong is he?" 

"He's really strong, ranked 10 among the 12 leaders. Did you know he killed Zhang with just one attack?" the Ice guy boasted, it was clear as day that he was trying to scare me .

"He killed Zhang with one attack?" I pretended to be shock, just to give the guy some hope. 

"That's right, so you better let us go," The Ice guy's expression transformed from fear to full confidence. 

I touched my chin in contemplation, pretending to weigh the pros and cons of the situation.