
Netori System [Original]

https://www.patreon.com/ghostybones [WARNING EXTREME R-18 SEX] In a modern world full of powerful beings a System is given to every human when they are born. Each System is different based on the System's special abilities and title. The origin of these Systems is unknown and remains a mystery. One high school boy named Jon is betrayed by his closest friend and is outcasted from this world. His life soon changes when he gains a new power that takes everything from everyone! He will get his revenge! In this world, only the strong stand above in their own hierarchy and corruption. Even mythical and legendary beings exist in this world hidden in secrecy. Jon will conquer every beauty in this world no matter what! >[Netori System activated!]Warning

GhostyGodZ · perkotaan
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151 Chs

The Storm Pt. 3

"You won't do shit! You fucking weakling! You are nothing without a system! Let's get him, boys!" Yells out Chad, the leader of the varsity football team, he had shaved blonde hair and blue eyes. His gang of football jocks follows right behind him, in fact, the whole varsity football team goes to punch Jon and show him that he wasn't allowed to set foot every in Prestige Academy that he was outcasted from the Academy forever. All types of strong punches came whirling towards Jon's way. Most of the football team were all buff dudes who were roided up and had zero brain cells. They used their system to boost up only their strength and speed so they can be 'Super Athletes' But what they didn't know was the true dark power of Jon's Netori System, it had a powerful hidden skill that Jon didn't even know himself!

"All of you shut the fuck up and get out of my fucking way," Jon swiftly punches and kicked the buff jocks in front of him so hard in thier jaws that their teeth flew out from their mouths and blood splattered out of thier noses, all of thier eyes turned a dark purple and bruised up quickly. Jon had punched and kicked them with an array of MMA strikes so precise and powerful with his boosted up strength and agility he gained with his Netori System[ Apex Fighter Body Frame]. He was wrecking them all and fucking kick their asses without even trying. One by one the buff jocks fall down to their demise and on to thier faces, backs, and chest, they all ate the hard pavement below. They were all demeaned and destroyed in front of everyone. Blood covered the pavement below Jon as he clenched his fist with a devilish grin, "That's all you got? How pathetic,"

Every Prestige Academy student's mind was blown away at such an insane sight. Jon someone who had no abilities or a system Hliterally crushing very strong jocks faces, breaking their ribs, breaking their teeth, and giving them black-eyes. They weren't even a match for Jon. The football jocks weren't high-tier students like the Royals, but they were a higher tier than Jon! Around tier 3( Jon was only tier 1 and destroyed them). His powerful skilled MMA punches and kicks had all knocked them the fuck out. None of the football jocks were moving. Blood was splattered everywhere.

"THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE! HOW DID JON KNOCK OUT ALL OF THE FOOTBALL TEAM!?" Aneko, Kiro, Asuna, and Hyssei all scream to the top of thier lungs with faces full of shock. Emerald and Silver remained silent as they watch Jon cause chaos and Havok amongst Prestige Academy. The Storm had finally come. Jon was fueled by rage and revenge, he would never forget the betrayal his once best friend did to him. Silver and everyone who follows him will his wraith.

Jon turns his attention to high-tier Royals that were in shock, his knuckles were full of blood from punching the hell out of the football jocks faces. His whole body was exploding out with dark aura or in this case Dark Qi. He was ready to move on to the high-tiers of this academy. Everyone else to him was just trash in the way.

"YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT! WHO THE FUCK YOU THINK YOU ARE! I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!" Chad stands up with blood streaming down his right eye and goes to punch Jon with a side-hook punch. He was the only one who wasn't completely knocked out by Jon's punch.

Jon swiftly turns to the right and doges his punch, he then does a fierce slide karate kick on Chad's leg and actually breaks Chad's leg! His bone pops and cracks! Jon's slide-kick was insanely powerful and lethal.


"AAAAAAAAH!" Chad screams out in pain as he falls face-first on to the pavement and is now knocked out. Fresh ruby blood leaks across the pavement on to Jon's black sneakers.

"Sit down and shut the fuck up like the mongrel you are," Jon said without any mercy as he slams his foot on top of Chad's head, his demonic-looking golden eyes flickered and slightly glowed. He showed Chad who was the alpha and who was the apex. The victor. He wasn't fucking around. He was going to massacre everyone who had ever beaten him up and betrayed him.

Jon again looks over to the high-tiers and stands over Chad's unconcession body, His foot pressing down on Chad's skull almost crushing it like a grapefruit.

"Who's next," Jon cracked his knuckles and spit on Chad's bloody face.

"My god..." Asura shakes and trembles up in fear of her brother. But she also respected how he was standing up for himself. That he wasn't taking 'shit' from anyone any longer.

Silver hands were shaking with pure hate and rage. What Jon was about to do next was far worse. He was just getting started.

Jon activates his Time Control, Mystic Eyes, and brings up his Netori System to unleash the two new skills had bought yesterday. He planned everything last night. It was 100% fated that Jon would get his revenge, for he didn't even fully sleep last night, no instead he did his research.

'So Kiro is the Knight, Asuna the Bishop, Hyssei the Rook, and Aneko the Queen's advisor, all tiers 5-7. I will make this quick,' Jon lifts his right hand the one that had the glyph Time Dial for his Time Control skill. He remembers the game they call 'Chess' and of course 'Poker'. All Royals were going down.

[10mins- Time Freeze] Jon sinisterly smirks as he takes out something from his jean pocket. It was an item he had bought from the Netori Shop yesterday. 'I am not going to waste any time to get my revenge,'


A/N: This chapter needs to be edited.

keep on voting power stones.

Top 40= 2 chapters

Top 20= 4 chapters.

Advanced chapters for Netori System will be posted on my pa treon all day{ Main focus now] So a huge mass release on my pa treon! Just $5 to read on ahead.

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