
Chapter 42

Originally posted on 10/6/2020.  

With Jin (in sword-form) held in one hand, the black humanoid six-tailed hound that was Tobio Ikuse's Balance Breaker form landed on the grounds of the Hellsing Manor with the speed of a bullet but as quietly as the shadows that he was currently comprised of. From the flaming wreckage that was the Zeppelin that Tobio had just downed earlier, he sensed about sixty beings rapidly approaching from the wreckage. 

'Seems that I didn't take out everyone inside that oversized balloon.' Tobio thought, getting into a battle stance as he readied himself for the coming Millennium soldiers. He was quite certain that he could take them on, and was preparing to spring forward and meet the artificially-created bastards head-on, but was surprised when he saw two loud, fiery explosions go off barely fifty feet in front of him, followed by four more in rapid succession. Even in the darkness, he spied with his little eyes the remains of six soldiers, flying in every direction. 

"Mines!" Tobio heard one soldier shouting, as he and his comrades stopped in his tracks. "They planted mines!" 

"Holy shit, they planted land-mines!" came the voice of another soldier, this one slightly louder. 

"Oh, they found the land mines." came Pip's amused voice through the magic-circle at Tobio's ear. 

"Oh my god, they planted land-mines?!" came Seras' shocked voice through the magic-circle at Tobio's ear barely a heartbeat later. "We walk our dogs out there...!" 

"Yea, imagine being stood not even twenty metres in front of said land-mines too." Tobio replied, his voice slightly sarcastic in tone. When he heard nothing but silence in reply from Seras and Pip, he added under his breath "That's what I thought." 

"Okay, we have to stay calm!" a third soldier called to his allies. "Nobody move an inch!" We wait for Zorin, we'll pull back, and-" All the other land-mines were simultaneously triggered (most likely remotely, and by one of the Wild Geese from inside the Manor), almost blowing Tobio's ears out from how loud it was. Freshly-blown-off arms, legs, heads and innards were strewn all over the grounds, with one arm (still holding a gun) landing quite close to Tobio's own form. 

Readying his sword, he focused as much energy as he could into it, and swung in a wide arc, sending a long, sharp wave of shadowy energy forward towards where the Vampires should have been, in case there were any stragglers left that survived the simultaneous triggering of dead-god-knows how many land-mines. 

As Tobio heard fresh screams from within the explosions, he could only assume that at least one Vampire had met its end by his blade. However, as he readied his sword once more, he spied a couple more soldiers rushing forward, having survived even what he had done seconds earlier. He dashed to the left, at the soldier that was nearest, and slashed twice, faster than even the soldier's enhanced vision could process. The helpless Vampire didn't even know what had run at him before he collapsed into four chunks of bloody meat, which dropped to the floor as Tobio dashed over to the other soldier, and impaled him on his sword, which was Jin. 

However, this wasn't quite enough to finish the Vampiric soldier, as it leaned forward and attempted to reach Tobio with its mouth, but that just left it open to a swift beheading from another sword, made entirely of the dark shadowy energy that Night Celestial Slash Dogs was made from. 

Tobio jumped back, putting more space between himself and the oncoming soldiers, of which he counted five. Tossing his sword up into the air, and allowing it to transform into Jin in mid-air, he took the moment to taunt the five soldiers before Jin re-materialised from the shadow in the form of countless blades, which impaled the soldiers from multiple angles, and holding them up until all the life had fully drained from their artificial forms, at which point the blades de-materialised, allowing the corpses to drop to the ground. 

Smirking, Tobio prepared to order Jin to attack again, as he saw more soldiers approaching, but just as he issued the mental command, something crashed into him with such force and at such speed that he found himself spinning around a couple of times, slightly dazed. 

Shaking his head to get the feeling to go away, Tobio looked around, trying to find the source of what had hit him, before the thing came at him from behind and smacked him in the head. Before he could topple over, he received another attack from the front, sending him stumbling backwards onto his ass, just in time to see Jin killing the last of the the grunt soldiers, and bounding over to Tobio in an attempt to aid him. 

However, before Jin could reach its master, something pierced Tobio's shadowy form from behind, impaling him through the stomach. 

The Slash Dog gasped in surprise and pain, not just from the scythe-blade sticking out of him, but also from the shadow that made up his form being sucked from him. Groaning, he attempted to fire a spell or two behind him at his attacker to get them off him, but given that the scythe-blade wasn't removed from his stomach, he seemed to have missed. 

Jin growled, and jumped at whoever had attacked Tobio from behind, causing them to jump away from Tobio and dash off, towards the Hellsing Manor, as Tobio got back to his feet, flickering between Balance Breaker form and regular form a couple of times before settling on regular form. As he looked on as his attacker made their way towards the Manor, he caught sight of their dark skin, spiky orange hair and muscular form. 

"Lavinia!" he called out, through the magic-circle piece at his ear as he reached down to his stomach, beginning to focus healing magic into the wound that his impaler's scythe had dealt him. "Something's coming, faster than I could handle! Someone else is heading your way as well, they sucked the shadows out of my Balance Breaker. S-sorry I couldn't keep them from the Manor-" 

"It's okay, Tobio!" Lavinia's calm voice, but with a hint of edge this time, replied. Tobio blinked, as it wasn't often that Lavinia referred to him by his full name. Most of the time, she just referred to him with the nickname that she had assigned him when he was barely 11 years old: Tobi. "So long as you're alive, it's okay!" 

Tobio, blushing slightly, watched as a magical barrier, seemingly erected by Lavinia herself, went up in front of Hellsing Manor... and was then broken a second later. Whatever had managed to blitz Tobio without even given him a chance to fight back had evidently smashed through the barrier created by Lavinia with nothing but brute force, giving it, as well as the person that had impaled him and sucked the shadow out of his Balance Breaker. 

Tobio managed to heal his stomach-wound to the point that he was able to fight through the pain and stand up... for a couple of seconds before stumbling. Jin dashed towards him and let him land on its form, and letting out the dog's equivalent to a laugh as Tobio held onto him, so he couldn't fall down. 

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, you goddamn mutt." Tobio muttered in reply. "Not everyone's the cursed mixture of a divine Japanese sword and some cunt king that decided to challenge Zeus' supposed omniscience by roasting his own son." 

Jin's doggy-laughter stopped and he gave Tobio a reproachful look for a couple of seconds, before leaning in and giving his master's face a playful lick, which Tobio momentarily grinned at. 

Line Break  

Moscow was, to be blunt, even more in ruins than Washington D.C. was. 

You couldn't go fifty feet in any direction without being confronted by a blazing inferno that Millennium's soldiers had set off: it seemed that they really wanted to settle the score with Russia in particular after what happened at the Battle of Berlin. 

After setting several dozen torches to the Bolshoi Theatre and moving on, one small squad of the Vampire/Fallen Angel Hybrid bastards met up with another of the small squads that had split up to cause destruction and death around the 24th-largest city in the world, and after some short conversation between the leaders of the two units, they merged together to walk down one of Moscow's many long streets: one of the ones that looked less destroyed or on fire, funnily enough. 

Though, as a wise man once said, things can always be MORE on fire. However, that wise saying would have to wait to be carried out as the fifty or so soldiers saw the dead body of one of their fellow soldiers thrown into view, blood gushing from their chest area. Seconds later, the form of one Diana Prince jumped into view, landing on one of the soldiers and stabbing him with her signature sword again, seeming to finish the Nazi off for good. 

Almost instantly, the fifty soldiers who had seen their comrade killed by the self-proclaimed 'Wonder Woman' raised their rifles and began firing on her, but Diana had already reacted to the guns firing before the first bullet had left the Vampire/Fallen Angels' clips. Pulling her sword out of the corpse of the soldier she had just killed, she swung the blade around so fast it became a blur, even to the beyond superhuman soldiers in front of her. Though the bullets fired were all perfectly on course for Diana's body, that just worked to her advantage as every single bullet clashed with her sword with sparks that would've looked incredibly cool to anyone who would care enough to stick around for the sight of a perfect example of her incredible reaction speed. 

This didn't deter Millennium's soldiers, however. They just kept shooting and shooting and shooting until all their clips ran dry. Fragments of what were nearly a thousand bullets fell to the ground in front of Diana, who didn't speak a word as she calmly stepped back, allowing a certain pink-haired Magician to drop into sight, and extend her hand. 

"Sorry about this." Helena Blavatsky remarked, levitating all the bullets and bullet-fragments into the air, and with a flick of her hand, sent all of them back at the Millennium soldier with twice the speed of which they were fired at Diana in the first place. "Hang on, no I'm not." she added, as the bullets made their marks, and unlike with Diana, penetrated the flesh of all the soldiers. All fifty of them screamed in pain as the bullets and bullet-fragments peppered their bodies, tore through them and came out the other side as if they had encountered no resistance. 

"Regardless, nothing personal, okay?" Helena finished, as she seemed to look at a spot past the Millennium soldiers before placing the backs of her hands together for a second, and then pushing them open. 

None of the soldiers had any idea what she was doing, and were just about to reload their guns and fire upon her and Diana (who weren't even in defensive stances), before they all felt themselves being pulled backwards by some unseen force. One soldier looked behind everyone else just in time to see the large portal that seemed to be sucking himself and his forty-nine comrades into what looked like a void, filled with iridescent colours. 

Nein! NEIN!" the soldier screamed, trying to grab onto a nearby lamppost to keep himself out of the void that he saw his comrades getting pulled into. " Lass mich nicht sterben!"  

His pleas fell on deaf ears, as a quick blast of magical energy fired at the post by Helena was enough to destroy it, as well as any hope that soldier had of escaping the void that was now his home, the portal to which was closed by Helena once he was inside. 

"Where did you send those soldier bastards, Helena?" Diana asked of the diminutive Magician, who held her hands above her head and stretched. 

"Dimensional Gap." she replied, casually. "No way they'll survive in there for more than a couple of minutes. And it they do, well..." she turned around and shrugged, lifting up her hand and casting a water spell on the nearest burning building, dousing it in enough water to put out the flames instantly. "I guess Great Red will have something to chew on." 

Diana hummed and turned around, thinking that she heard another soldier coming, but it turned out to be nothing, while Helena opened up a magic-circle close to her ear. 

"Hey Xuanzang," she called into it. "How're you holding up where you're at? Diana and I just finished off 50 of those Vampiric bastards. That takes us two up to 156 between me and Diana, I believe~" 

"If we're gonna make this a competition, Helena," came Xuanzang's calm, slightly teasing voice through the magical comm-line. "Then how's 217 for you?" Helena heard a distant explosion through the magical comm-line. "Hang on. Make that 219. No wait, 218! One of them's still moving!" A small 'thunk', combined with the sound of bones being crushed, sounded through the comm-line. 

"There. Now it's 219." Xuanzang remarked, her voice slightly smug. "Beat that, Helena! ...Helena?" It was just then that Xuanzang realised that Helena had cut the communication between them. She then had to cover her ears as Nobunaga, who was stood beside her, fired an arrow from her bow at a group of three Millennium soldiers. The arrow exploded at their feet, and was powerful enough to reduce all three soldiers that Nobunaga was targeting to nothing more than bloody chunks. 

"Damn..." Xuanzang muttered, lifting her hands away from her ears. "At least give me a warning when you fire those damn arrows, alright?" 

Nobunaga didn't even have time to answer as Sun Wukong jumped over them, and dashed forward as three more soldiers came into their street. He drew his staff, Ruyi Jingu Bang (which was a simple-looking long red staff with golden caps on the end of it), and extended it towards the nearest soldier with such force that the staff went right through said soldier. A simple pulse of strong Senjutsu energy through the staff was enough to make the poor soldier explode. 

Then another Sun Wukong dashed past Xuanzang and Nobunaga, extending his hands out and sending a strong icy aura at the other two soldiers, which was strong enough to completely freeze them both in place within seconds, so the first Sun Wukong could simply bash the soldiers so hard with Ruyi Jingu Bang that they shattered, and collapsed into chunks on the ground. 

"And I'm at 423." came the voice of the Great Victorious Fighting Buddha, from behind Nobunaga and Xuanzang. "More than the pair of you, the pipsqueak Blavatsky and the bratty Amazon Princess, if I'm not mistaken." 

The two clones of Wukong were suddenly dissipated by the bullets of another squad of Millennium soldiers, as they quickly rushed into the street that the three SSPCH members occupied. Said three SSPCH members instinctively prepared themselves for a firefight, but that firefight never came as the soldiers were interrupted by a storm of arrows of light falling from the sky and hitting most of them, killing at least twenty of them and injuring the rest. 

Xuanzang, Nobunaga and Wukong all faltered for a second as a short, black-haired black-winged red-eyed Angel wearing a dark chiton and wielding a silver and blue bow landed on the ground, between them and the Millennium soldiers. 

"Dark Pit!" one of the surviving soldiers shouted, in English but with a very thick German accent. "Ve are under orders from Herr Major to bring you in. As one of the organisation's crea-" 

Dark Pit clearly wasn't in the mood for talking, as he whipped out a black and purple rifle-like weapon with yellow accents. Wukong barely got a sight of the weapon, along with its green markings, several red gems and holographic-looking blue sphere above what he guessed was its chamber, before Dark Pit fired a bolt of light from his weapon at the soldier who talked to him, killing him, as well as three or four more soldiers behind him, with that one single shot. 

The soldiers that were still left looked at the string of death that Dark Pit had left behind with one shot of his new weapon, and then at Dark Pit, who switched to his bow. Splitting it into two smaller blades, he held the blade in his right hand behind him in a casual manner, making a mocking motion towards the Nazi Vampires with the blade in his left hand. 

"Who wants some?" he asked, giving a sardonic smirk for good measure. 

Töte den deserteur!" All the soldiers screamed as one, and they dashed towards Dark Pit, who slashed at the necks of the two nearest soldiers, damn near removing their heads as he did so. However, as they dropped to the ground, the incomplete copy of Michael's Queen didn't pay them any more attention than one would pay regular trash (stuff like empty candy wrappers, broken electrical equipment and Justin Bieber's music), and simply moved onto stabbing the next two soldiers in his way. 

Xuanzang and Nobunaga took small steps forward, considering attempting to bring Dark Pit in, as Azazel had formally requested (through Roxas) that SSPCH members try to do, but Wukong, sensing their thoughts, reached out and tapped them on the shoulders. 

"Don't." he muttered to the pair of them. "Not yet, at least. Wait until he's done with those Nazi bastards. At least we're on the same side regarding them, at least." 

The two females stopped as Dark Pit dodged an attempt to bite his head off by one nearby Millennium soldier, and retaliated by swinging the blade in his left hand down, directly into said soldier's skull. He ended up cutting down to around the soldier's chest area before removing the blade and kicking the soldier's half-bisected body away from him, before reforming the blade in his left hand and the blade in his right into the bow from earlier, and shooting an explosive light-arrow into the body of the soldier he had cut, blowing it up and killing him for good. 

As another soldier jumped at Dark Pit, the black-winged Angel simply dodged to the side, caught the Vampire by the neck with his free hand, and impaled him from the bottom of his chin to the top of his head with one end of his bow, before firing another arrow into the soldier's lower chest (while said soldier was still dangling on the end of his bladed bow), which hit with enough force to blow the entirety of the soldier's lower half off. 

Dark Pit simply shook the remaining top half off his blade, before jumping into the air and using his wings to hold himself above the next soldier that thought it'd be a good idea to attack him. He then retracted his wings and landed on the soldier before using one end of his bladed bow to simply slice his head off, killing him in one go before stepping off the headless Vampiric corpse. 

Splitting his bow into two blades again, Dark Pit swung at the next soldier from opposite sides, splitting him into three similarly-sized pieces before said soldier even had a chance to attack him. The aforementioned pieces dropped to the ground as the last two soldiers in the group that had approached him not a minute earlier decided that instead of letting him Glory-Kill each of their soldiers, one at a time, they'd perform the incredible, revolutionary tactic of... attacking him two on one. 

One came at him from the left, and the other came at him from the right. Left Soldier pulled back for a punch and swung his beyond-superhuman-powered fist at Dark Pit, but he had seen the punch coming from a mile away. Switching away from his bow and instead opting to take on the soldiers bare-handed, Dark Pit simply dodged to the side of Left Soldier, grabbed his upper arm with one hand, then punched up at his outstretched forearm with the other hand so hard that the arm broke and the bone was visible. 

Left Soldier gave a scream of agony at the sight of his arm being destroyed so easily, which was only replaced by a louder scream of agony when Dark Pit took a firm hold of his broken arm, and pushed it straight into his head. The louder scream wasn't out for long, though, as Dark Pit opted to put Left Soldier out of his misery with a well-placed shot to the head with the staff-like weapon he had brought out earlier, which from point-blank range, was powerful enough to reduce Left Soldier's head to nothing more than dust and blood. 

Right Soldier didn't fare much better. As the last soldier in his squad, he briefly considered running away and trying to join up with another squad, but even if he decided to act upon that thought, Dark Pit wouldn't have given him the chance to act. Pulling out his bow again, Dark Pit simply turned around and used his momentum to perform a powerful roundhouse kick on the soldier, disorienting him for long enough for the black-winged Angel to diagonally slice through him. 

The two parts of the soldier were the last things that dropped to the ground around Dark Pit, and Xuanzang, Nobunaga and even Sun Wukong had to stop and stare for a moment at what they had just witnessed. Wukong was the first to start moving again, stepping forward and holding up a placating hand as Dark Pit turned towards them, stepping out of the small mountain of body parts that were a proud squad of Millennium soldiers not even two minutes before. 

"Hey." Wukong spoke, sounding calmer than he actually felt. "Dark Pit, right? Can we talk?" 

Line Break  

Lavinia had barely finished assuring Tobio that he was alright, and that his apology wasn't necessary so long as he was alive, when the magical barrier that she had attempted to erect in front of the Hellsing Manor came crashing down, and something crashed into her with immense force, knocking her backwards and causing her to crash into the wall with such force that she was surprised that her back wasn't heavily damaged. 

Landing on the ground, dazed for a second or two, Lavinia shakily got back to her feet and narrowed her eyes, trying to find the source of what came at her (and what had presumably gone at Tobio, as well). Since she was practically backed up against the wall of the Hellsing Manor, and she detected no magic-circles being used anywhere close to her, she was quite certain that what he hit her had been physically moving while than using any kind of magic. 

Regardless, they must have been moving damn quickly in order to catch Tobio off-guard. 

Readying magical energy in her hands, and briefly considering summoning the the avatar of her own Sacred Gear, Absolute Demise, Lavinia kept her eyes narrowed, ready to react and cast a spell in any direction, at any time. 

After a few more seconds, whatever had been attacking her and Tobio showed itself, in a haze of blue energy coming at Lavinia head-on. Quick as anything, Lavinia let fly the lightning-spell that was stored in her right hand, but unfortunately missed as the blue haze of energy seemingly swerved to the side, dodging her attempted attack. She took an extremely fast, and extremely powerful, punch in the face for her trouble, powerful enough to shatter her nose and send her backwards into the wall of the Hellsing Manor again. Her eyes instantly beginning to stream from the pain, Lavinia gritted her teeth and refocused, trying to find the life-signature of whatever the hell was repeatedly coming at her: sense it, rather than see it, so she could have a better chance of striking at it. 

After a few seconds of waiting, Lavinia felt the signature approaching her and fired another spell, this time an ice-spell, from her left hand. By what was likely sheer good luck, the spell made its mark (judging by the cry of pain that came from her left), giving Lavinia the time to rub her eyes to stop the streaming, and look upon what she'd hit. 

It was a male, who looked to be in his mid-twenties (similar to Roxas). Short, silvery-blond hair, blue eyes, hi-tech blue outfit, fallen flat on his face with one of his legs frozen in a block of ice. Definitely NOT the kind of thing Lavinia was expecting to catch in a spell on this particular night. 

Lavinia began to charge up a more powerful spell to either knock out her attacker, or straight-up put him down entirely (he was a member of Millennium, after all. And Pip did say that if any Millennium soldier was still moving, it needed to die, and once it was dead, they could move on. Though Pip technically answered to Lavinia rather than the other way around, she had to agree with him in that regard), when her attacker's leg suddenly freed itself from its icy prison, and he began to run at Lavinia again, this time winding up a punch aimed at her stomach. But this time, Lavinia was ready for him. 

Quickly casting an explosive shield in front of her, Lavinia rolled to the side and watched her blond attacker run straight into her shield, which blew up in his face, sending him flying backwards just as his punch had done to her moments earlier. While he was still in the air and trying to right himself, Lavinia snapped her fingers and summoned the avatar of her Sacred Gear, Absolute Demise (also known as the Eternal Ice Princess, it was one of the Fourteen Longinus). 

The avatar took the form of a doll, around three metres tall. It was completely made of ice, and looked like a woman (whose body shape was similar to Lavinia's) with four arms. There was no nose or mouth on its face, and the eyes (six of them) were all on the doll's face's left side, while the right side was just studded with what looked like the thorns from a rose. 

"Hey, Tobi?" Lavinia spoke through the magic-circle communication that she still had open by her ear, while she raised her self into the air with magic. "You might wanna get off the ground, because of what I'm about to do." 

One simple mental command from Lavinia later, a powerful frozen wind emerged from the Demise Dolly (the nickname that Lavinia had given the avatar of her Gear), which spread across the grounds of the Hellsing Manor so quickly and so powerfully that the grass on the ground was almost instantly coated in a thick layer of frost. The fire that the wreckage of the Zeppelin from earlier had become almost instantly went out, and the man that Lavinia was fighting landed on the ground. 

Through the pain, Lavinia smiled as her plan came to pass. The instant that the man's feet touched the frosty ground, his feet almost instantly began to be enveloped in a thick layer of ice: one that he couldn't break free from, no matter how hard he tried to pull himself out. 

"Damn, Lavinia!" Tobio remarked, through the magical comm-line. "I thought you were gonna do something like Magic Burst from Dragon Quest, not pull out Demise Dolly!" 

Lavinia only silenly smiled in reply as she began focusing healing magic into herself, fixing her broken nose in next to no time at all. 

Line Break  

"Want a hand?" Roxas remarked cheerfully at Captain America, as he focused a large amount of Dark energy into Clarent Galatine, and swung it at a quartet of Fallen Angels, vaporizing all four of them on the spot. 

"I don't think we do, Twilight." Tony replied, from inside his gigantic Iron Man suit (he had to have been compensating for something with a suit that big). "We've got this situation under control, thank you very-" 

"Wasn't asking you!" Roxas cut across Tony, in the same cheerful voice. Landing on the ground between two Fallen Angels, he pulled out the Vindicator and blasted the head off the soldier to his left with one shot, while horizontally bisecting the soldier to his right with Clarent Galatine. "I was asking one of the guys that wasn't cowering behind a suit of armour." 

Roxas heard Tony growling from behind his armour, but paid it no mind as he fought his way over to Steve. 

"So, do you want my help?" 

"It would certainly be appreciated." Steve replied, throwing his shield at the nearest Millennium soldier. The shield made its mark and bounced off the soldier, stunning it for long enough for Clint to shoot an explosive arrow into him from long range, blowing him up. Black Iron Man finished off the bastard soldier by firing several mini-missiles at and around him, blowing his body apart. "What brings you here?" 

"I'm not gonna sit out on something like this." Roxas caught Cap's shield and handed it back to him as he fired another Vindicator shot at three more Fallen Angels, killing two of them at the same time. The third escaped a bullet-riddled fate for a couple of seconds before his head was blasted off by a repulsor shot from Tony in his giant armour. "The whole situation a week back notwithstanding, things have been kinda dull for a while. Run my companies in areas they need to be run in, kill the occasional Stray Devil, fuck women that want to fuck me, it's fun but it gets repetitive, you know?" 

"I'm sure it could be." Cap, the virgin, replied, as Roxas fired a bolt of Twilight energy past his head at a Fallen Angel that was flying at him, killing him on the spot. "Well, live for the fun moments, right?" 

"You know it." Roxas replied. "Hell, I even went and became a teacher at my aunt's high-school in Japan to break the semi-monotony. It's surprisingly fulfilling." 

"Wait, your aunt is a high-school student?" Wanda called out, from her position close to the Washington Monument. "How does that work?" 

"By her being 18." Roxas called out in reply. "And the little sister of my dad, who's in the 700 to 750 range." He spun around and fired another shot from the Vindicator, hitting another two Fallen Angels and blowing out their chests. A large amount of blood, guts and shattered bone dropped down right in front of Wanda, who squeaked momentarily, but still focused on throwing a ball of some sort of red energy at the nearest Fallen Angel, which sent it flying straight into the path of Clint, who fired three more explosive arrows straight into the body of said Fallen Angel. Detonating said explosive arrows was enough to blow up the Fallen Angel from the inside. 

"It's a supernatural thing." he remarked, to no-one in particular, before out of the corner of his eye, a light-spear landed just behind Cap as he was fighting a Fallen Angel hand-to-hand, and exploded, sending him flying forward. As the other Avengers let out yells of worry, Roxas instantly spread his ten wings and flew over to Cap in the blink of an eye, catching the Star-Spangled Man with a Plan before said man could land on the cold, unforgiving concrete that made up most of D.C's ground. 

"You alright?" he asked, setting the super soldier on his feet. 

"I'm... okay." Steve replied, shaking his head to stop himself from feeling super dazed. "Just wasn't prepared for that." 

"You weren't meant to be." a new, female voice said, as another Fallen Angel, one with four pairs of wings (making up eight), unlike the other soldiers' one or two pairs. Also unlike the other soldiers, this Fallen Angel had cybernetic limbs (a right arm, a left eye and half of her left leg), which slightly detracted from the gorgeous woman that the Angel would be, in Roxas' opinion. Large set of tits, nice hips, long navy-blue hair, and her tight trenchcoat and mini-skirt that seemed to accentuate her curves... Roxas would instantly be trying to get in the woman's pants if it weren't for the current situation. 

The Fallen Angel landed on the ground, both eyes focused on Roxas, and seeming to quiver with incandescent rage. 

"Didn't think I'd see you here, you son of a bitch!" the female Fallen Angel shouted, throwing a punch at Roxas as he approached her. Roxas ducked and swung Clarent Galatine her way, but she caught it with her robotic arm and pulled, trying to disarm the Nephalem, but said Nephalem held onto his weapon easily enough. Said Nephalem actually yanked his weapon back out of his new opponent's hands, which he swung at said opponent again. The Fallen Angel jumped backwards and summoned what looked like a wolf, a sentient wolf, made of pure light, which jumped at Roxas and tried to bit him. 

However, Roxas swung his sword at the light-wolf, cutting it in half and dissipating it in one go. 

"You took my boyfriend from me, you bastard!" the blue-haired Fallen Angel screamed, firing several bolts of light energy at Roxas, all of which he dodged easily enough. "Vaporized him in a church! You fucking Twilight cunt!" 

"Huh, really?" Roxas replied, pointing the Vindicator at the Fallen Angel. "Usually, it's the boyfriend coming at me with something like 'you took my girlfriend from me, you bastard!'." he shrugged, and fired three bullets at the Fallen Angel, who dodged out of the way with impressive speed and grace, for someone so not-graceful-looking. "Regardless, I can't say I remember any boyfriend I took from you. He must've been damn weak." He paused for a second. "Actually, by the way. I don't even know who you are." 

The Fallen Angel blinked at Roxas a couple of times, before letting out a scream and jumping at him, robotic arm outstretched, fully intent on strangling Roxas once she caught him. However, Roxas rolled out of the way. 


"Apoge Evma?" Roxas blinked. "That's a dumb name." 

The Fallen Angel didn't scream (which was good for Roxas, as his eardrums were already aching slightly from the general din of battle that was going on around him): instead, she simply reached into her trenchcoat and pulled out a vial, with some mysterious green liquid inside it. Roxas simply watched, with mild curiosity, as the Fallen Angel stabbed the vial straight into her neck, and injected all of the mysterious green liquid into her body. 

Once all the liquid was injected into her, the Fallen Angel dropped the vial to the ground as she began to grow, right before everyone's eyes. She shot up in height, her muscles bulged to the point that her trenchcoat and mini-skirt ripped off of her almost instantly, leaving her standing naked in the street as she grew taller and taller, shooting up to a height of nearly eight feet. 

As she grew and grew, her skin slowly turned green, leaving the end result as a disgusting Hulk-like being with long blue hair and robotic body parts (which grew in conjunction with how she grew in size, so she didn't look like she had one Hulk-like arm and one human-like robot-arm: but rather, one Hulk-like arm and one Hulk-like robot arm, with the same logic applying to her robotic leg). 

Overall, she looked way less fuckable than before she had whatever she injected inside herself. Even with the robotic body-parts. 

"I'LL KILL YOU!" the Fallen Angel/Hulk thing screamed, lunging at Roxas, both arms outstretched and her mouth open in a manic grin. Roxas didn't even reply, instead choosing to roll out of the way. He came up right next to Steve, who had fully recovered from the explosive light-spear, and was picking up his shield. 

"Another one of your one-night stands, Roxas?" he asked, his tone neutral. 

"What, you think I'd sleep with someone like that?" Roxas replied. He and Steve rolled away, in opposite directions, as the Fallen Angel brought both of her fists down on the road where they stood, cracking the concrete as she did so. "With more robot-parts than human-looking parts? What the hell do you think the inside of her pussy would be like? Probably rows of teeth-" 

"Thanks for the mental image, Roxas!" Tony shouted, from inside his large armour. He fired a blast from his hand at the Fallen Angel, who was momentarily stunned by the powerful laser-like beam, before she forced herself to rush out of it, before dashing at Roxas. "You dick!" 

"-Like a shark!" Roxas finished, laughing at Tony letting out a mixture of a groan and the sound that one makes when they're about to puke. Readying Clarent Galatine again, he dashed at the Fallen Angel and swung it at her non-robotic arm, fully intent on cutting it off. However, once the sword made contact with said fleshy arm, it only got an inch or so in before becoming fully lodged, and unable to cut in any further. 

"You just had to make it harder for me, huh?" Roxas muttered, switching out Clarent Galatine for the Vindicator, created for this specific purpose... or rather, a specific purpose very similar to what Roxas was currently faced with. Aiming at the Fallen Angel's arm, Roxas fired, with all three bullets making their mark and exploding. The Fallen Angel screamed in pain as a good chunk of her left forearm was straight-up blown off her body, leaving her forearm dangling by a thin strip of flesh and muscle tissue. Incredibly dense flesh and muscle tissue, in spite of how thin it was, but still. 

Another shot from Roxas' Vindicator unfortunately missed, but it did force Kalawarner into dodging into the path of another arrow from Clint. Though it didn't penetrate her flesh, it sure did explode, momentarily throwing up smoke in front of her eyes and temporarily blinding her. Roxas smirked, even as right at that moment, the most appropriate thing ever happened... 

Roxas felt his phone vibrating in his pocket, indicating that he had a phone call. 

The Nephalem hesitated for a moment or two, though as all the other Avengers (who seemed to have taken out all of the Fallen Angel mooks from earlier, leaving them with one final opponent) began to converge on the Hulk-like Fallen Angel, beginning an eight-on-one battle against her, he figured that he'd have time to answer. He pulled the phone out of his pocket, and after seeing that it was an unknown number, answered. 


Line Break  

A slow, long, involuntary yawn escaped Lilith's mouth as she felt herself rising from sleep. She heard nothing, her sight was fuzzy as she opened her eyes for the first time, the feeling of her warm bed below her tempted her to fall back to sleep, but the mixed smells of her own sweat, vaginal fluids and trace amounts of the sweet smell of her own breast milk, along with the slight additions of Roxas' own sweat, and smell of his cum, made its way to her nostrils, with the resulting scent being strong enough to wake the First Woman up for real. 

It was then that the memories began flooding back to her: her grandson's cock in her mouth, in her pussy (which tingled slightly as the memory of him first entering her came back to her mind), in her ass, all the sex-positions that she and Roxas had explored together... the feeling of Roxas' thick cum running like a stream down her throat, or just him giving her body a shower with his seed (one of her many fetishes)… his comforting arms around her... 

One of the most satisfying nights that Lilith had ever had, and ABSOLUTELY the best night she had had since Lucifer died. Sitting up and looking down, as she had felt her arms clutching something a few seconds earlier, she smiled as she saw Roxas' face looking back up at her. 

"M-morning, Roxas..." Lilith stifled another yawn as she turned away and slid off her bed. "You want breakfast? I can have some of the servants cook up anything you'd want." 

Stretching, Lilith looked around her bedroom (which, she just realised, was a complete and utter mess in the aftermath of what she and Roxas had presumably done in here last night), before turning back to look at Roxas, before realising that it wasn't Roxas that she had woken up cuddling... it was a body-pillow. With Roxas' (semi-naked) form plastered over the cover of it. 

Lilith's content smile vanished, and was replaced by a small frown as she walked over to the bed and picked the pillow up. It was certainly pretty well-made, and the image of Roxas certainly looked very, very much like him. Except the bulge in the pair of boxer shorts that he wore in the picture on the pillow: she remembered the bulge in the real Roxas' pants being quite a lot bigger... 

Lilith then dropped the pillow back onto her bed as she spied a small piece of paper on her bedside table, with a phone number written on it: that certainly hadn't been there before. 

Magically summoning her phone from wherever it had been last, Lilith picked up the piece of paper and punched the number on it into her phone, before waiting a few seconds. After said few seconds passed, whoever was on the other line answered, and a wash of relief came over her a she heard a familiar voice on the other end. 


"Roxas?" Lilith spoke. 

"That would be the number that you called, yeah." Roxas replied. "Who's this?" 

"It's Lili-" 

"Sorry?" Roxas cut across her as a loud explosion went off on his end, followed by a female scream of pain, with muffled shouting in the background. "Speak up, please." 

"I said, it's Lilith!" Lilith replied, raising her voice slightly. "What's going on?" 

"Probably the answer to the question I'm pretty sure you're about to ask." Roxas answered. "Sorry I couldn't be with you until when you woke up, but I got called away for something pretty damn urgent, which I gotta take care of." 

"Which is why you're answering your phone in the middle of whatever you're doing." Lilith replied, her tone deadpan. "Could you really not be bothered to be around until I woke up?" 

"Hey, I didn't say I was doing it alone!" Roxas replied, slightly defensively, his voice raised now. "And did you hear a word I said two seconds ago? What I got called away for was really fucking urgent, which is why I left. I would rather have stayed back with you, of course, your bed's really damn comfortable. Plus, you might have wanted a round two of what we got up to last night, I dunno." 

"I might." Lilith replied, holding her phone away from her ear as another loud explosion went off, seemingly closer than the first one as she heard a muttered "Oh, shit!" from Roxas, along with the sound of him jumping away from something (presumably the aforementioned explosion). Lilith brought her phone back to her ear as the sound of the explosion faded. 

"How long are you gonna be away for, anyway?" she asked 

"Maybe an hour..." Roxas replied. "Maybe two. That's the high-ball estimate, honestly. I promise I'll be back once I'm done with what I need to do, I forgot the case with Luce and Ombra in it. Might've left it in your living room." 

"You can be such a goof, sometimes Roxas~" Lilith giggled for a second. "I'll check for you, though. Also I'm keeping the body-pillow that you presumably left me with." 

"Oh, that." Roxas let out a chuckle of his own. "Yeah, you can keep it. Made one for Palutena to cuddle with soon after she said she was pregnant." 

"How kind of you." Lilith remarked in reply. "Well, you better be back by the time you said you would, or I'm keeping those guns. See you." 

"Alright, bye." Roxas replied, before hanging up on Lilith, who put her phone on her bedside table, before flopping backwards onto her bed and sighing, with three main thoughts running through her mind. 

The first was the happy thought of Roxas not having forgotten about her entirely as soon as he woke up. After he'd done such a good job of comforting her the night before, it would've doubtlessly done more damage than the original state that she was already in, if he'd just dropped her as soon as he left. 

The second was a collection of the naughtier sub-thoughts of just what she and Roxas could get up to, when (or if) he returned. They had only had sex in the living room and in her bedroom last night, maybe they could get it on in Lilith's bathroom... or in the kitchen... fucking hell, that would be so hot. 

The third was, perhaps the most prevalent thought in Lilith's mind: she needed a fucking shower. 

Line Break  

"Alright, bye." Roxas replied, before hanging up on Lilith. At the same time as he put the phone back in his pocket, he was forced to jump out of the way of a large light-spear thrown his way by the Fallen Angel he and the Avengers were fighting (whose left arm had fully regenerated from the earlier Vindicator shot that Roxas had fired at her arm). He barely cleared the spear, only receiving a graze on his chest for his troubles. Thanks to his Hybrid physiology, the graze didn't hurt him any more than any regular graze, but it still stung slightly as Roxas landed back on his feet and observed that his chest was bleeding slightly. 

The cut wasn't deep enough to be anything that would give him adverse effects in the long-term future, good for him. 

"Alright, that's on me." Roxas muttered to himself. "That's what I get for being on the phone in the middle of a fight." 

Summoning Clarent Galatine back to himself in one hand, and the Vindicator in the other, Roxas dashed back to the Fallen Angel, who was going seemingly berserk against the eight Avengers that fought her. Tony, Thor, Black Iron Man and Red Dude were the main people fighting her, while the others could do very little but provide support-fire, in the cases of Wanda, Clint and Black Wing Guy; or just try and dodge out of the way of the Fallen Angel's attacks, be they via light or physical attacks, in Steve's case. 

Speaking of Steve, he chose this exact second to throw his shield at the head of the Fallen Angel, hoping that it would daze her for a vital second or two, or just distract her long enough for someone else to get in a more powerful shot... well, he certainly achieved the latter purpose. 

The Fallen Angel looked up at the sound of displaced air to her right, and saw the iconic shield flying her way, and simply raised her robotic arm in reply to it. Some purple, psionic-looking energy emerged from her hand and enveloped the shield, stopping it in mid-air and trapping it in some kind of powerful field. 

Steve's eyes widened in horror as, almost instantly, he saw cracks beginning to form around and in his iconic shield, the weapon that he'd carried with him since late-1942. After a couple of seconds, with a sickeningly loud cracking sound, the shield seemingly exploded, shattering into a dozen or so pieces which clattered to the floor. The First Avenger didn't even have the time to start running, either at the Fallen Angel or away from her (chances are he would've done the former, unlike so many others), before he was caught in the same psionic field as his precious shield, which then began lifting him off the ground, and stretching him outward. 

Steve let out a loud yell of unbelievable pain, as there was very little he could do to stop himself from getting torn apart. 

All might not have gone well for Captain America, however, if the robotic arm that had been controlling the psionic field that he was stuck in hadn't been slashed through by the sword of a certain Roxas Gremory. As soon as he was lifted up in the psionic field, Steve was dropped out of it onto to the hard ground. Shaking and panting, the usually unstoppable super-soldier was barely able to look up as Roxas flipped over the Fallen Angel, landed on the ground in front of her, and lifted the Vindicator, a steely look on his face. 

Firing twice, directly at the Fallen Angel/Hulk's chest, was enough to send her reeling backwards, green blood gushing from the wounds that Roxas had made in her. Before they even began to regenerate, Roxas summoned a spear of his Power of Twilight in his hand and threw it into the Fallen Angel's chest, before triggering it to explode from within her with such force that it blew her body apart (and threw the less-protected Avengers backwards), with chunks of it flying in every direction. 

The biggest chunk (the one with her head (which was unfortunately still intact)) was slowly beginning to regenerate, which all could see, even from where they were stood. However, Roxas was the fastest to get into the air and deal with it. 

Summoning a long sword made of Twilight, Roxas grabbed the Fallen Angel around her unprotected neck with one hand, and impaled her from below (where her form wasn't protected by thick green skin), through the brain and out the other side of her body with the twilight-sword, held by his other hand. He fired a couple more shots into her brain with the Vindicator for good measure, before letting go of the Fallen Angel's semi-destroyed corpse and letting it drop to the ground, where it did not regenerate. 

Roxas then landed on the ground a couple of seconds later, dispelling Clarent Galatine and the Vindicator as he did so. As the other Avengers landed in silence, Roxas walked over to Steve's destroyed shield, and slowly picked up the pieces for it. After idly fitting a few of the pieces together before letting them fall apart again, Roxas looked up at Steve, who was being helped to his feet by Black Wings Guy. 

"I can have this repaired, you know." Roxas remarked. "Upgraded, even, if you want." 

"That would be… appreciated." Steve replied. "Hopefully I won't have to give you anything valuable in return, like I've heard is the case with Devil jobs." 

"Nah." Roxas replied. "You're one of the two Avengers I actually respect, I'll do this shit pro bono." As Steve nodded, Roxas opened a pocket-dimension and threw the pieces of his shield into it, before closing it and rubbing his hands (which were slightly sweaty) on his jeans. 

"Well, I guess that's that." he remarked, to no-one in particular. "Though there is one thing that I'm sure at least someone here wants to get done." 

He re-summoned Clarent Galatine, and held it in both hands, a cocky smirk returning to his face as he dropped into a combat stance. 

"I know that most of you here don't like me." Roxas spoke. "And you've got damn good reason to, after the shit I pulled with some of you a while back in New York. If you want a go at me to try and settle things in revenge for that fight, I'm all too happy to oblige! COME AT ME, MOTHERFUCKERS!" 

He looked around all the Avengers, all of whom looked back with expressions varying from confusion, temptation, slight dread to slight amusement. However, the only thing they all had in common was that none of them charged at him with any intent of 'settling things'. 

There was silence for a solid fifteen seconds, before Roxas got out of his combat stance, and dissolved Clarent Galatine. 

"Okay then." he muttered.