

“Every time such injustice occur and the poor are suppressed~” His deep inhalation solidified his decision. “ I will make sure to avenge those silenced voices”. In Hyuk The Crown Prince who was Exiled with his younger brother Jiho from his country after the attack on Palace , suffered a lot during their disguise in other Kings land. He witnessed unjust cruelty against weak and poor and Started Killing those tyrant rich people. His Younger brother stopped him from all the bloodshed. The War of two brothers starts as story unfolds. Note: First chapters are character development, so wait for the main story to unfold.

_Shuang_Wei · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

Concubine Hwa Young Chambers

Jiho swiftly assumed his duties in Concubine Hwa Young's chambers, immediately wearing the uniform offered by Lady Choe.

Jiho was a skilled cook, Jiho's culinary skills was attributed to his upbringing by a mother who personally prepared family meals, with Jiho often assisting her.

Though initially slow, he soon adapted.

Lady Choe, overseeing kitchen affairs, effortlessly commanded her domain. Adorned in a rank-appropriate uniform, her meticulously braided hair ensured precision in meal preparation. Her efficiency remained unmatched, regardless of the quantity of meals she had to prepare.

Lady Choe meticulously trained Ji-Ho, teaching him her own set of rules encompassing behaviour, appearance, utensil handling, and even responses to his master's questions. She imparted every detail, starting from the basics.

Princess, accompanied by her servants and the newly assigned bodyguard, walked to her Mother Concubine Hwa Young's chambers for dinner. Although they had separate morning meals, evenings were reserved for family gatherings.

In Hyuk stood at the doorway, observing Jiho delivering the meal. Clad in a uniform same to other kitchen servants, he blended into his role. Exhausted, Jiho, deprived of food for days, toiled away, compelled to work on an empty stomach.

Obeying the rules for royal servants, he kept his gaze lowered, unaware of In Hyuk's presence at the door. In a fleeting moment, In Hyuk touched Jiho's hand as he exited.

Jiho, glancing back at In Hyuk's face, continued walking with a sense of relief, reassured by In Hyuk's role as a guard. He collapsed upon entering the kitchen, due to hunger and exhaustion.

Lady Choe sighed, "Drag him to the kitchen storeroom. What a nuisance."

In Hyuk stood guard outside the princess's chamber, his mind consumed by thoughts of his brother. "Will Jiho manage well? He's been working hard. What if he gets hurt or bullied? I won't be there to witness it all."

Jiho had been moved to the kitchen storeroom after collapsing during the day. Being the sole male servant in the kitchen, he had no choice but to stay there. In kitchen service, men were often selected, but those lacking in skills were inevitably reassigned.

Hunger roused Jiho from his sleep in the middle of the night. Spotting a small meal beside him, he hastily ate it, though it fell short of satisfying his hunger. Nevertheless, he felt alive again .

Seated against the wall , Jiho reflected on how his life had transformed into a nightmare within a single day. Recollections of the echoes of roars and screams from the Palace haunted him, bringing tears to his eyes.

Days passed ,In Hyuk and Jiho immerse themselves in their work, improving their skills with the lingering danger in Palace. Veiling their true identities was like gambling exposure meant immediate execution, as keeping a foreign prince is an act of treason. For now survival became their sole goal.

In Hyuk shadows Princess Hae Won within the palace, meticulously mapping its intricate layout, identifying key chambers, and noting the patrols of guards.

He skilfully sketched a detailed map, discreetly hiding it in a wooden box beneath his bedding.

"Just a few more places to check… I need to find a way out of here."

Jiho, dressed in a servant uniform, was serving tea to Concubine Hwa Young . The tea slipped from his hands, causing it to spilled .

"You clumsy fool! How dare you!" she slapped him hard across the face.

In Hyuk, who was approaching with Princess, freezed in shock "Jiho…"

Concubine Hwa Young ordered in anger " Drag him out and give him a good lesson"

Jiho was getting dragged by guards to get punished and In Hyuk was walking towards Concubine. They saw each other but In Hyuk couldn't do anything. His eyes became teary, leaving In Hyuk clenching his fists in anger.

In Hyuk returned to his room, aching with sadness. Retrieving the wooden box, he looked at the map, contemplating his next move "I can't let Jiho suffer. I need to find a way to protect him."


Princess Hae Won sat in her chamber, accompanied by In Hyuk, who stood beside her. She admired him as his hair fluttered in the air.

Smiling, She remarked, "You've been a loyal and capable bodyguard, Han Wool. I'm grateful to have you by my side."

In Hyuk bowed respectfully, concealing his true emotions, "Thank you, Your Highness. It's an honour to serve you."

She stood up and tried to hold his hand , which he quickly moved away from her , " Do you need anything Your Highness"

" Ahhhh , it's nothing" She thought " Let's give him some time to adjust"

Jiho endured a brutal beating, lying alone in the kitchen storeroom. Driven by hunger, Jiho stealthily entered the kitchen for food. Intent on checking on Jiho, In Hyuk opened the kitchen window to invade and talk to him.

Witnessing Jiho stealing food, In Hyuk quietly followed him. In a secluded spot, Jiho consumed the stolen food while In Hyuk filled with guilt, watched from afar, his heart burdened by the unfairness of their circumstances.

He let Jiho be and returned to his duty that concluded at dawn. Heading to his room, another guard took over his shift. He took out a small wooden box beneath his bedding, realizing there are still numerous places he must inspect.

The Palace exit remained elusive, causing constant concern for Jiho's well-being. When they were in Palace, In Hyuk spent much of his time alone in his homeland, immersed in learning.

Destined to become the future King of Silla, he underwent rough training in Martial Arts from a young age. His companion in practice was Kim Hae In, a friend and bodyguard of the same age. In Hyuk had limited time to spend with his family, in contrast to Jiho, who always remained in the company of his parents.

Although Jiho possessed decent sword-fighting skills, they were not exceptional, merely sufficient for his royal lineage. This fact concerned In Hyuk greatly, because it was difficult to even talk to Jiho.

Prince Park Dae Hyun's cruel treatment of servants was notorious. Indifferent to gender, he would mercilessly beat and punished them for minor errors.

One day, as Jiho walked past Prince Dae Hyun's chambers, he witnessed a maid being harshly punished for a trivial mistake in preparing the prince's robe. Jiho choosed to look the other way, feigning ignorance.

Princess Hae-won was engaged to Royal Park Ho-jin, the State Councillor's son, and everyone knew that .

Despite his ostensibly kind appearance, he had a cruel and ruthless nature that contrasted with his looks.

Everyone was aware of his reputation for meanness, yet many royal concubines were eager to wed their daughters to him, enticed by his status and wealth.

Among them, the third concubine, Kim Young Hee, stood out. She, too, desired a union between her daughter and Park Ho jin.

However, her motives go beyond mere familial connections; Young-Hee was known for her manipulative and cunning nature, making her pursuit of this advantageous match even more calculated.

But Park Ho Jin, bound by royal decree, was engaged to Princess Hae Won under the king's command.

Concubine Kim Young Hee was sitting at her seat mixing ink with ink stone. There were written and blank paper in front of her on table.

" I asked for you because I have a mission for you" expressed Concubine Young Hee to her nephew Kim Hwan .

Kim Hwan with all due respect, "I will take all orders and do everything according to your wishes."

Kim Hwan was completely under Concubine Young Hee's control. She promised to marry her second daughter Ja Young. Because he loved her second daughter Ja Young, he did everything she asked him to do.