
Chapter 3: "You can just call me Lis."

In the vast space of whiteness, a woman and a ball of yellow light stands across each other. The woman, now calm, straightens her back and looks at the yellow light ahead of her in an amused way that says 'What you just said made me laugh. You can go on and say more now.' The poor system, not understanding the nature of this woman, thought that she was insane and might need some professional help because what she did just now was out of the norm of what they had expected.

"This is one of the most interesting moments that I ever had the pleasure facing and I have faced quite a few." The women with the cruel laughter seemed very amused about the whole situation and not quite believing what was happening, because honestly who expects this?

"Well, for you things are going to get more interesting."

"That's fan-fucking-tastic because I loathe to be bored. Huh. So, what is the reason why I'm here anyways?"

"To start from the beginning, I am an advanced artificial intelligence from the far future in a different universe that was created in order to bring balance to the multiverse. You, along with other chosen ones from all over the galaxy and universe are going to do a series of missions for 'God'. You will go to different worlds that may be similar to your original world or completely different ones where magic and dragons are the norm, all in order to act as the 'Villain' of that world. Unlike the other systems where the heroes save the story it will be you, 'The Villain' to save the world and bring the necessary balance to that universe. Make no mistake though, you will not act as the typical hero because it will not always be about saving somebody or something. You will have to destroy or save the universe only according to the data that is given to you by me." System 007 seems to go on about the situation that the women will have to face going to these different worlds.

"Honestly, all of this sounds like some kind of insane prank. Can you prove that what you are saying is real? " The woman still seemed amused but there was still some confusion that showed through her eyes.

"Very well. What should I do to make you believe me?"

"Give me information, something that I only know and no one else." A smug smirk made it up to the women's lips as she patiently waited for the answer.

The System 007 was quiet for a couple of seconds until it made a 'Ding' sound.

"Ding! The host's name is ____ _________, born on March 1, 1977, aged 43 years old in California, USA. You didn't know your parents as you were abandoned in a hospital as soon as you were born. You were put in the foster system, jumping from foster family to another for a couple of years until you mysteriously disappeared when you were 8 years old. The authorities gave up on the search and declared you dead but in truth you were living in the streets, surviving by stealing and pickpocketing from the people in the streets. Never really went to school but regardless a bright girl who managed to learn most everything she picks up. Joined a couple of gangs that burglaries homes and shops, always left after a couple of months being with the gang. And it seems from there you took up much harder and more sophisticated jobs that made you quite the bit of money. Already, by the age of 18 years old, you became a masterful criminal who knew the ins and out of the American criminal underworld. Until now you pretty much broke every single law there is by doing every bit of criminal acts. In total, you're the worst of the worst."

As the system goes on about the details of the women ahead of them, the said women were in a stage of panic and amusement. To her there was no way that anyone can know this much information about her because she never told any of this to anyone and the people who knew anything about her knew better to shut their mouth regarding her.

"Thank you for the compliment. Well, it seems I have no other choice but to believe you. But why would you want me? While I am quite the criminal, I know that I am not the best in America, let alone the world. I may look young for my age but my prime has passed and there are much younger and much more skillful people in the world than me. So why me?" The woman seemed confused about the situation, to her there were better choices out there and if she was the system there was no way that she would choose her. Like come on, her of all people?

"You are correct, there are many other people in your world that could fill your spot with better skills but it seems that they don't have your experience and most importantly your ability to adapt to your current situation."

"So you're just basically calling me old and an unkillable cockroach?"




"Well, it's not the worst thing that someone ever said to me. Also, are you asking for my permission here to be your host or are you just taking me?"

"I have no other choice but to take you. There is no choice in this because you will cease to exist if you reject me and I'm pretty sure you don't want that. Do you?"

"You are pretty dramatic aren't you? Well nice to meet you 'System 007', you already know my real name but don't use it. You can just call me Lis. I hope to get along with you in this loooonng journey of ours."

"So do I, Lis."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

_Little_Xio_creators' thoughts