

Jaxith, a monster slayer whose job is killing monsters for money, suddenly has a terrifying nightmare about a town nearby but the weird thing was a specific girl in this nightmare. The story goes on as Jaxith follow this nightmare until he finds Irene the young demon hybrid and starts protecting her from unknown enemies that gradually uncover some of his dark secrets. the story takes place in Plistura continent divided into six kingdoms with Reldret the head of the kingdoms regulating the relations between the other kingdoms, and the reason for that is due to long historical events. there is one large kingdom for elves called Yarnat, another one for dwarfs called Volgast, the four other kingdoms population are mainly humans and they are Reldret, Kozelsk, Legnica and finally Vidin, the main trading center in plistura, and that's where our story begins. Follow Jaxith and Irene as they face many dangerous situations and the secrets they're going to discover, a lot of enemies, few allies, betrayals and political schemes, will Jaxith be able to protect the young innocent hybrid that reminds him of his old good past? Or will he fail just like he failed before and became the monster he's now? Discord server: https://discord.gg/PQs2FMvt9W if you want to understand anything about the novel I'm available at discord

darkash · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
137 Chs


The night was calm and only the owl sounds could be heard in Ebonmere, Shisk and four guards were frozen from what they were seeing, the man standing before them was supposed to be dead, how was that even possible?

Jaxith looked at them in a cold menacing stare, completely devoid of emotions, a face that Jaxith didn't show since a very long time, but now, he will show only his true self, the wicked nature of the hunter that no one knows about, slowly the dark vapour emerged from his body as he activated the negative abyss, his scarlet eyes were fixed on the guards without moving an inch, complete horror under the light of the moon.

"Isn't he supposed to be dead? Did the old man mix the poison with the drug for the hybrid?", Asked the guard who was inside the inn, Shisk looked at Jaxith in fear.

"No, the inn owner wasn't going to risk anything for the sake of his daughter, he didn't even tell the hunter, if he told him then he wouldn't have left us take the girl, he was dying before me, how did he survive such a strong poison?", Thought Shisk.

"We're not afraid of you bastard!", Said the guard who was inside the inn before rushing at Jaxith, Shisk immediately decided to ride his horse and inform John, this doesn't look good.

The guard drew his sword while rushing towards Jaxith and just before he activated his negative abyss and the guard didn't notice that Jaxith had already caught the hand holding the sword then immediately he twisted his arm aggressively and the bone shattering was heard!

"AHHHHHH!", Shouted the guard while dropping the sword then again in another quick dash from the negative abyss Jaxith swiftly threw the guard on the wooden wall of the inn beside him then one of the guards at the back shoot a bolt from his crossbow towards Jaxith but instantly he turned and caught the bolt with his hand! He turned and with the same unmatched speed he stabbed the bolt in one of the guard's eyes before breaking the wooden part and stabbing it in the other eye leaving the guard screaming in pain with both of his eyes stabbed, one with the bolt's tip and the other with the wooden part!

The guards didn't even notice that Shisk has already left from the fear and now it's beyond fear, a completely ruthless human is going to hunt them.

Jaxith ended the misery of the guard before him by kicking his face ruthlessly by applying the negative abyss too making it stronger and faster and instantly the neck bones broke with a loud voice and so the guard went quiet with blood everywhere around him!

Jaxith slowly turned to look at the three guards before him, they were standing a few steps away from him with a small well to the side.

Jaxith slowly walked towards the guard with the same cold stare and more blood stains, the guards looked at each other in fear, running isn't an option.

"We'll attack together, he won't be able to stop us at the same time.", Said one of the guards before he and the one beside dashed towards Jaxith with their swords drawn and the third one started shooting bolts from his crossbow at Jaxith but Jaxith was just dodging them with the negative abyss easily, the dark aura around him was even increasing his terrifying appearance.

the two guards tried injuring Jaxith with several slashes but they couldn't land a single hit on him from his quick reflections and suddenly, again with the help of the negative abyss used his fist to pierce one of the guards chest like a sword!

Jaxith's hand was protruding from the guards back, the other guard didn't waste time and went to attack Jaxith while he was occupied with the guard dying between his hands but again with those negative dashes and the strange resonating sounds produced by each dash he dashed backwards taking his arm out of the guard's chest then crashing the nose of the guard behind him by his elbow making him stagger backwards while screaming from pain, Jaxith quickly with another dash he grabbed the sword from this guard's hand and stabbed it through his shoulder with another dash pinning him on the inn's wall, the guard didn't even notice that he's now pinned like a photo on the wall with a sword in his shoulder and just before he even think about it Jaxith throw another sword at his other shoulder to completely pin him by the two shoulders and break his will! The guard was screaming from the bones breaking and the stabbing, his nose is broken and the blood around the place became like an ocean.

Jaxith left the guard alive and screaming then turned to face the last guard holding the crossbow who is literally afraid of death, all the guards are dead except him and the pinned one, Shisk isn't around too and the hunter is eying him as his next prey.

Jaxith started walking slowly towards the last guard, this slow and bold steps created a mixture of fear and hesitation inside the the last guard, he tried to load another bolt in the crossbow but his hand were shaking so he kept missing the bolt's place until finally he successfully placed it right and aimed at Jaxith whose body was still emitting the negative abyss under the moonlight, it was a terrifying scene with all these bodies and blood around him and a pinned guard screaming from pain behind Jaxith, the last guard shot the bolt but this time he couldn't even aim it right and it went beside Jaxith who didn't bother to move aside and suddenly Jaxith activated his negative dashes again and in a blink Jaxith was holding him by his neck!

"F***.", Shouted the guard while dropping the crossbow and grasping Jaxith's right hand that was holding his neck with both of his hands but still he wasn't able to move it an inch!

He was looking deep in the eyes of Jaxith, it wasn't a normal look, it's total hatred and anger, the look is enough to send fear in the hearts of whoever looks in those eyes, the guard felt hopeless and without moving his eyes, Jaxith horizontally kicked both of his knees furiously breaking them!

"AHHHHHH, AHHHHHHHHHHH.", Screamed the guard from pain as he heard the bones cracking in his knees, Jaxith was still coldly looking in the guard's eyes who started tearing from the pain, Jaxith still silent from all of this and was watching the guard screaming from the pain and was just, silent!

The guard was now raised above the ground as his legs weren't able to hold him, he noticed that Jaxith was holding him up from his neck and his breath was getting tighter because of Jaxith's grip! He started pushing Jaxith's hand with all his might but he couldn't even release a bit of pressure, he started suffocating in Jaxith's grasp while wiggling his body, the pain from his legs were unbearable but he was still trying to move anything to escape Jaxith's dead grab and finally Jaxith head-butted him hard in his nose sending him falling in his back!

"AHHHHHHHHH, ENOUGH PLEASE!", Screamed the guard while holding his nose and felt that his nose bones were crushed inside his skill and the feeling of internal bleeding was obvious, he didn't care though and started pulling himself backwards while the blood was missing his clothes and face before he felt dizzy from the nose hit.

Jaxith looked at him boldly with his bloodstained face without a single trace of emotions, he walked towards him then pulled him by the hair and dragged him until they reached the well close to the inn, exactly in front of the pinned guard who was seeing what Jaxith was going to do.

Jaxith pulled the guard upwards and placed the back of his neck on the tip of the well so that he was looking at Jaxith's face while his head was dangling inside the inn and his weak body on the land outside the well, his neck was directly on the well, the guard tried removing Jaxith's hand gripping his hair but again he couldn't match Jaxith's strength, Jaxith isn't using the negative abyss now as if he was saving it for a stronger encounter now, he looked straight in the eyes of the soldier.

"Where's she?", Asked Jaxith coldly, the guard was still shaking from fear.

"W-what are you?", Asked the guard in fear while gritting his teeth in pain.

"Wrong answer.", Said Jaxith coldly before activating his negative abyss again and his left free arm quickly with the negative dash punched the guard's face bending his head in the well while breaking his neck bones!

The guard went silent as Jaxith left his hair letting him fall on the ground as a hollow body, Jaxith slowly looked at the final alive guard pinned on the wall of the inn who watched what Jaxith did to the guard now when he didn't answer him.

Jaxith coldly walked towards him and the other was trying to move from the fear emitting from Jaxith's steps.

"I'll talk, I'll talk, please leave me alive, I'll tell you everything I know.", Said the guard in fear as Jaxith reached him.

Jaxith stopped and looked at him in the same cold stare without talking, the guard was afraid but he understood that Jaxith was waiting for him to talk.

"We're the guards that do all the dirty work for the Rascliffes, Alphonse Rascliffe exactly, the noble that all of Vidin knows about, he ordered us to protect his son, John Rascliffe, while he travel to Orstone to find out more about you, but everything changed the night he came to the inn and recognized you, he decided that he will take the matters in his own hands to prove himself to his his father and get rid of you by kidnapping the old man's daughter then sending him her ring and two bottles, one is a strong poison that he assured that it will kill you.", Said the guard in fear.

"O-of course he didn't succeed, you're standing here with all the might given to you by the gods, even Edward, Alphonse's right hand, warned him from missing with you, I heard him talking in fear about this plan, anyway, the second bottle contained a specific drug for the hybrid that have affects on anyone with demonic blood, that's what he said.", Said the guard in fear, Jaxith listened carefully to everything the guard said.

"How did he know how we looked like?", Asked Jaxith coldly.

"I-I really don't know how, e-even Edward didn't recognize you.", Said the guard.

"Where is she now?", Asked Jaxith.

"In that warehouse outside the village, north of the village, please I told you everything I knew.", Said the guard.

"Where did the strong looking guard took my sword?", Asked Jaxith coldly again, the guard looked around him to see the debauchery Jaxith did with bare hands, why would he care about a sword if he can do this?!

Jaxith noticed how he stopped talking them immediately grabbed his lower jaw and opened it, another pull and he will break his jaw!

"I don't repeat my questions twice.", Said Jaxith coldly while staring at the guard's eyes horrifyingly, the guard nodded while muffling and squirming in fear because he saw the brutality and ruthlessness of Jaxith so obviously he can do it if he wanted to, Jaxith removed his hand.

"John, the mastermind behind this f***ed up plan, he wanted to take a look at the sword, he was interested in it, he's keeping it inside his office in the warehouse, please I know no more, forgive me and I'll keep quiet, I'll even travel outside of Vidin, so you won't hear from me again.", Said the guard in fear, Jaxith looked at him while thinking about what he just told him.

Jaxith calmly removed one of the swords pinning the guard to the wall, he let out a faint groan before smiling.

"Thank you, hunter, I'll never forget your kindness, but it wasn't our plan, we just do what we're told to d-, wait, NOOOOOOOO-.", Said the guard before Jaxith interrupted his talk and stabbed the sword directly in his throat fiercely that the sword completed its way inside the wall, turning back and leaving him to bleed to death, the cold stares while walking out of the inn area completely and looking far ahead at the north, that's where the warehouse is, that's Jaxith destination, one of the neighbors heard the screams of the guards and came to see what was happening but when she arrived Jaxith wasn't there, she just found the debauchery and screamed loud!

I'll leave the discord server link if anyone wanted to learn more about the novel, I have just made it as a way to narrow the distance between me and the readers:


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