
Need a Doctor for those Wounds? | Scaramouche (Balladeer) x Reader

In the cold Snezhnayan forest, the Balladeer finds himself by himself, injured and lost. Accepting his dire situation, to his aid comes a mysterious woman who had never heard of him before. Yet, when he returns to the capitol she's there. What will Scaramouche do when his attempts to establish a friendly connection turn to him establishing a romantic one?

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24 Chs

The Knife in Her Back

She nodded and he smiled, "I had this music box in Tenshukaku- it had the same tune that I hum to you. But when you spin it, a dancer pops up from the box. I would always twist it to see her, not caring for the tune. I finally saw the way it looked in my dream, and it looked exactly like you. I mean- exactly ."

He looked up at her and she smiled, "That means you were destined to be with me."

She kissed his cheek, "C'mon- Mama made some nice breakfast."

He got up and they went to the dinner table, saying a prayer and beginning to eat. 

  "F/N- could you bring the apples?" her mother said.

  "On it," she got up and left.

F/N closed the door and Scaramouche was left alone.

  "I had a bad feeling about you- when F/N told me who you were," her mother began.

Scaramouche hoped she kept a positive impression about him, he would hate to have to kill her parents.

  "But- getting to know you- I'm glad you're with her than some other random person from Snezhnaya."

He smiled, "Aw- thank you, I have no intention to treat her anything less than perfect. Although- I'm not well-versed in romantic relationships, your daughter has made it infinitely easier."

  "I'm glad," D/N smiled.

F/N came back and scratched her neck, "Forgive me, Mama, I couldn't find them."

  "Ah- I must have forgotten to buy them then, apologies my child," she smiled.

  "No worries- I'll go buy more if you want," she said.

  "Not now- I'll buy them later, don't worry yourself," M/N smiled and F/N sat back down and they continued.

  "Thank you for your hospitality- but I hope you understand- I must return to my colleagues," he said.

  "We were just leaving as well," D/N said and M/N beside him. 

They left M/N and D/N arm in arm in front of them and F/N frowned.

  "I'm seriously going to gag," she whispered, "this is so embarrassing."

  "What?" he shrugged, "you do the same thing."

She looked at him, "And I do it better!"

  "Of course doll," he nodded.

Signora and Childe were waiting for them in front of the Barbatos statue, M/N and D/N leaning over the railing.

  "How is acting all nice?" Childe asked.

  "I'll shove your ginger face so fucking far into the dirt your neighbours will be fossils," Scaramouche hissed.

  "I hope he behaved himself," Signora nodded.

  "He was wonderful," F/Nclapped. 

  "Oh my gods!" a woman exclaimed, "Nico! What are you doing up there?"

The others looked up and saw a child in the hands of the statue.

  "Oh dear!" M/N and D/N turned and the Harbingers looked up.

F/N looked up and blinked.

  "How did he get up there?" she asked.

  "He loves climbing," his mother panted, "oh Nico come back down!"

  "I'm scared!" he wailed.

  "Nico!" F/N waved, "I am F/N- I'm a doctor, you can trust me okay? Can you please come back down? I'll catch you!"

  "No you won't!" he cried, "you'll drop me!"

  "If I catch you I'll buy you a candy apple!" F/N said.

  "Promise?" he asked.

  "I pinky promise!" she held up her pinky.

He nodded and cautiously dropped himself from the hands. She was ready and she caught him in her arms.

  "Hyup," she looked down at him, but his eyes were closed.

  "Oh my- Nico!" his mother exclaimed, "Nico? Nico!"

F/N looked up at her and laid down Nico. 

  "What's wrong? Why isn't he opening his eyes?"

F/N grabbed a penlight and shone it into his eyes, she was on her knees and smiled.

  "Nico will be alright," she said, "since he's young- he fell into a shock coma from the fall."

  "A shock coma?" his mother asked.

  "Don't worry- it happens all the time with kids," F/N picked him up and handed him to his mother, "they're young and their bodies are underdeveloped to handle that kind of bodily trauma. Don't worry, although it's called a shock coma, he'll wake up in two hours maximum. If he doesn't, come find me. Oh- and here's some more for the candy apple I promised him. Make sure to keep him from climbing that again."

  "Thank you so much," she smiled and carried her child away and F/N placed her hand to her cheek and smiled.

  "Almost makes me miss the kids," she smiled.

  "If we fall- can we get candy apples too?" Childe jumped on the balls of his feet.

  "Try it- see what happens," Scaramouche lifted his hand and Childe whimpered as he cowered, "Coward."

  "I'll buy you candy apples, all of you- I have a friend who works in a tavern," she clapped.

  "Drinks?" Childe perked.

  "No- candy apples," she narrowed her eyes.

  "Fine," he nodded.

Scaramouche hissed at Childe.

  "He's hissing at me!" Childe whimpered.

F/N rubbed Scaramouche's back and he stopped and frowned, "I hate my idiotic coworkers."

  "Huh- what did I do?" Signora gasped.

  F/Ntried to keep them away from each other and they entered. To her joy, the redhead was working behind the bar. He looked up his eyes narrowed at the Harbingers.

  "Diluc Ragnvindr," she smiled and tilted her head.

  "F/N L/N," he smiled back and left the space behind the bar they hugged and he patted her back.

  "It's been a while," he crossed his arms, "surely you haven't joined back with the Church, have you?"

  "Archons no- I can't stand that place," she waved off.

He chuckled and smiled, "Wonderful- it would be a shame to see you frowning at Church on Sundays."

  "Agreed," she nodded.

  "What have you come here for then?"

  "Well- I came here here to get four candy apples," she lifted up four fingers.

  "Of course," he snapped and the other worker prepared them. 

  "Have you talked to your parents yet?" he asked.

  "Of course, I ate dinner with them last night," she said.

  "Excuse my vulgar words about your father, but-" he looked to the side, "shouldn't he. . . step down from deputy?"

F/N sighed, "I agree with you- I love my father, but he is too stubborn to retire."

  "And your mother- she is still Priestess," he said.

  "Indeed," F/Nnodded, "she won't step down either. How is Kaeya? I saw him yesterday-"

  "Don't discuss him with me," he looked to the side and F/N froze, "we had- a falling out."

  "A falling out?" she asked, and Diluc nodded.

  "I also left the Knights- they were too- unorganised for my liking," he said, "my father has also long passed since you left."

F/N gasped, "Seriously? Mr. Crepus- but-"

Diluc got up from the high chair and itched his nose, "it was tragic for all of Mond- but I do not wish to weigh you down with this news that occurred years ago."

  "I offer you my deepest condolences," she bowed and he waved it off.

  "No need- your mother gave condolences already, a multitude," he said.

  "Of course she did," F/N hummed.

  "So- what's with you- you're a nurse now, no?" he asked.

  "Doctor," she corrected and his eyes widened.

  "Pardon my disrespect then, Doctor L/N," he smirked.

  "Oh please," she waved off, "I suppose you go by Master Diluc, now, no?"

They both laughed and Diluc clutched his stomach, "Oh goodness."

F/N smiled and he gave her the four candy apples, "here you are F/N."

  "And here you are," she gave him a bag of mora.

He smiled and took it, "Be well- come by sometime, our new dandelion wine will be sure to impress you."

  "I'm sure- bye-bye now!" she waved.

They left and she gave them candy apples. She saw Scaramouche's pensive face and she patted his shoulder.

  "He's an old friend of mine," she reassured, "his father runs the wine industry in Mondstadt, I suppose he runs it now. We went to elementary school together ever since we were born. I learned how to make some really nice juice from his mother. Kaeya is his adoptive brother, I wonder what falling out they had."

She patted her chin shrugged it off opened the wrap and bit into the caramel-covered apple.

  "Amazing," she mewled.

  The others nodded, Signora and Childe leaving and Scaramouche sat with her on a bench on the edge of the city. She leaned on his shoulder.


  "What?" he asked and turned to face her. 

She kissed him and he was caught quite off-guard. When she pulled away she licked her top lip and smiled.

  "You had some caramel on your lips," she smiled.

  "Seriously," he hissed, "and you couldn't have just told me?" 

  "What's the fun in that? I'd much rather kiss you."

He huffed and she smiled, "annoying brat."

He looked down at her, his scowl melting and he sighed, " My annoying brat."

He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and she smiled.

  "Yay!" she clapped and he shook his head.

  They were walking about, but a sudden strong wind made everyone look up, a purple rock, ripped the sky in shreds. Leaving a trail of burning fire behind. Scaramouche looked at it and tilted his head up. He placed a hand on her shoulder.

  "I'm sorry F/N," he said, "I have to go."

He ran off- the shopkeeper looking as F/Ncarried a book in her hands.

  "Hm-" she huffed and F/N faced her, "Sorry about my partner."

  "No worries," she waved off. 

  She bought the book and then went to the Knight's headquarters, being warmly greeted by everyone. She picked a few books to read and went to the hotel and stayed in her and Scaramouche's room. She lay on her stomach, reading the book, the blanket on her shoulders. Scaramouche chased after the meteor. The impact almost blew his hat away. He was caught up with mysterious voices.

  "Paimon doesn't think this is a good idea!" a floating pixie bobbed up and down.

  "It's okay Paimon," Lumine reassured, "I'm the one with the sword."

  "And the royal Princess Fischl is here to aid her entourage in cases of dire need!" the blonde laughed, the raven simply flapping his wings. 

He made himself known and waved.

  "Greetings- are you all here to investigate the meteors too?"

  "Who are you? And why are you dressed weird?" the pixie asked.

Scaramouche almost let his smile drop, "I'm a vagrant from Inazuma, a wanderer of sorts."

  "I see," Paimon smiled, "well- I'm Paimon, this is Lumine, Fischl, and Oz."

  "Nice to meet you all," he smiled.

Lumine saw a person lying on the ground, "seems like someone else got to the meteor before us."

Scaramouche looked at him and narrowed his eyes.

  "Must have been what affected Leonard," Lumine added.

  "Who?" Scaramouche hummed.

  "The meteors seem to put people in trances once they touch it," Paimon said.

  "Interesting," he placed his hand on his chin.

  "I must bestow my agreeance to you Inazuman vagrant, I firmly believe that this predicament befalling my subjects is a matter of utmost importance," Fischl smiled.

  "Excuse me?" he raised a brow.

  "She means that she believes that this issue needs to be dealt with before people get seriously hurt," Oz translated.

  They nodded and he hung around with them, he pulled himself away and went back to Mondstadt. He went to one of the shops, he bought a beautiful gemstone necklace. He saw the way it sparkled and turned the walls behind him purple and he smiled. He walked through the night, surprised that not everyone was asleep. He went to his room, and he was about to call for F/N, but she was asleep. He sighed and grabbed the book she was reading and put it on her bedside table. He changed and laid beside her, pulling her to his chest. His breath pushed her hair away and he patted it down again. F/N was getting dressed, tying on her apron. 

  "Good morning F/N," She turned to him and he smiled, rubbing his eyes.

  "Good morning," she went to his side and kissed his cheek he smiled and pulled her to the bed.

  "Close your eyes," he said, "and if I catch you peeki-"

  "I won't," she covered her eyes with her hands and he grabbed the necklace and attached it to her neck. 

  "Open," he said and she looked down at the gemstone made of the lightest amethyst, the gold clinging to it and she smiled.

  "Wow- this is beautiful," she whispered.

  "Happy birthday," he kissed her cheek and she looked at him.

She hugged his neck tightly and he rubbed her back.

  "Thank you Scara," she smiled and he smiled.

  "Yeah, yeah," he scoffed, "let me change, will you? I'll take you to dinner too."

She smiled and clapped, "That sounds wonderful."

  "What do you wanna do?"

  "I was going to go to the large oak tree in Windrise," she smiled.

  He nodded and they walked there. He leaned against the trunk of the tree, but she was kneeling in the grass, her fingers plucking the windwheel asters.

  "Oh- I'm surprised to see you here," he perked his head up by the voice of the Pixie.

He waved.

  "Good morning," he said.

  "Who's this?" Lumine asked and F/N blinked.

  "I'm F/N- a doctor," she said.

  "A doctor? I didn't think we had those in Mondstadt," Lumine tilted her head.


  "She's a doctor from Snezhnaya," Scaramouche kicked himself from the tree, "she came along with me to study the meteors, right F/N?"

He squeezed her shoulder and she looked up and he looked down at her with cold eyes.

  "Right," she nodded.

Lumine and the others looked at her and nodded, "So what are you doing here?"

  "It's my birthday- I just wanted to relax and come here," she held the bundle of windwheel asters in her hand.

  "Don't mind if we join you?" Lumine asked and she shook her head.

  "No- go ahead," she nodded.

She intertwined the windwheel asters and made a flower crown. 

  "Do you have family here F/N?" Paimon asked.

  "Mhm-" she nodded, "my mom and dad live here."

  "Any siblings?" Lumine asked.

  "Nope," she shook her head, "just me."

  "Have you maybe seen a boy who looks like me?" Lumine asked, "I lost my brother."

  "No- I'm sorry," F/N shook her head, "if I do find him- I'll let you know."

  "Thank you," Lumine pulled her knees up.

  "Greetings my loyal subjects, your Prinzessin Fischl has returned to bestow my royal decree on you," Fischl waved with Oz beside her.

F/N looked up, "royal decree?"

  "Play along?" Lumine nudged her and F/N got up.

  "Oh- but of course, my apologies your Royal Highness," F/N curtisied, "may I give you a gift of my utmost apologies?"

Fischl blinked and so did the others.

  "Yes- let's see if it is worth the Prinzessin's time," Fischl swatted.

F/N showed her the flower crown, Fischl smiled like a giddy child placed it on her own head and crossed her arms.

  "I am feeling emotions of being pleased, every princess should have her trusty animal companion and a crown to signify their status," Fischl giggled.

F/N smiled and clapped, "Yay. Come sit with us."

  Fischl sat on the other side of F/N and they were playing with the grass blades and Paimon was floating beside them. Scaramouche wanted to be just alone with F/N- but the others were so nosy. He gritted his teeth.

  "It's getting late," F/N said and hugged her arms, "I should get back to Mondstadt."

  "Why?" Paimon wailed, "we were having so much fun."

  "Monsters come out at night- and archons knows what else," she rolled her eyes, "I don't have a vision to protect myself."

She smiled, "it was fun with you all."

She waved and Scaramouche went beside her.

  "Dinner?" he asked.

  "I'm starving," she hummed, "who were they- and how did they know you?"

  "I met them yesterday by the meteor," he hummed, "I didn't tell them I was a Harbinger, and they don't know my name, that fucking pixie keeps calling me big hat wanderer though."

F/N chuckled wrapped her arms around his and smiled.

  "Y'know despite them being there- Windrise was fun," she sighed.

  He nodded and they went to a restaurant, having a fancy dinner. One with Scaramouche saw F/N enjoy. She was happy, fancy dinners were her favourite with Scaramouche, although any time they spent together is her favourite. They went to his room and she went to sleep beside him. In the morning, he was getting dressed.

  "I'm going to go with those imbeciles more," he said as he was adjusting his belt, "I might be back late, but don't worry about me."

She nodded and he adjusted his hat, he placed a hand on her waist and kissed her and she smiled.

  "Stay safe," he whispered, "idiot."

  "You too," she smiled and he left.

  She grabbed her book and read it on the benches behind the Cathedral. Scaramouche was in the open, finding a woman beside the brigade of makeshift adventurers. 

  "Hi!" he waved and walked to them, the woman with pigtails gasped, grabbing onto Lumine and Fischl, a bubble of hydro popping in his face. 

  Annoyance spread through his veins, his ensemble of bodyguards reporting back to him. He narrowed his eyes, that woman had to have the answers to it. He went back into the city. He had to stay away from F/N, he had to stay on his mission. He found the woman going up a flight of stairs, and he ran to her.

  "Hey-" he waved and she turned to him.

  "I have no need for you Fatui scum," she hissed.

  "Listen- you might have misunderstood," he smiled, "I'm just here for the meteors, I was looking for someone as well-versed in astrology as you to help me."

  "You? Ask me for help?" she asked and he nodded.

  "Of course," he had to clench his fist to stop the cringe, "who else?"

  "Meet me at Windrise, midnight, don't be late," she hissed.

  He nodded and she closed the door behind her. He smirked, slowly walking down the stairs, knowing his plan was secure. He waited in the branches of the Windrise tree and he saw the woman climb up and looked around.

  "I'm here," he whispered and she gasped and looked behind her and saw him.

  "Oh- you actually showed up," she blushed.

  "Of course- I am a man of my word," he said.

  She sat down and patted the stone beside her. He sat down, hugging his knees and she showed him the power of reading the stars. However, her voice became sloppy and her head bounced from his shoulder. He gasped and looked at her. His eyes were wide and he almost gagged. He moved, placing her head on the concrete. He snapped his fingers, and a Pyro soldier bowed to him.

  "My Lord?"

  "Carry this- thing back to her house," he said.

He walked away, going back to his room in the hotel. F/N was asleep, the book below her head. He once more pulled the book out and lay beside her. He moved a piece of her hair behind her ear and smiled.

  "You're beautiful," he smiled.

In response, she almost took a deep breath and turned from one side to another, her hand scratching her neck. He smiled and nodded.

  "Definitely beautiful," he nodded, placing his head to her back and holding her close.

  He woke up earlier before the sun woke up and got dressed, leaving her in the bed. He left, walking around Mondstadt, hopefully able to join the adventurers. Yet, he couldn't find them, but he did find the astrologist, the self-proclaimed Mona Megistus. He tapped the tree and she turned to him, the two capes floating in the water behind her. He waved.

  "I didn't see you there," she grinned.

  "Of course, you didn't," he crouched by the water's edge.

  "What are you doing here then?" she asked.

  "Hopefully- to get to know my teacher better?" he asked, she blushed, looking away and nodding.

  "I'll allow it," she said and they left. 

  He walked beside her, her mouth too chatty for his pleasing. He enjoyed F/N's silence, she gave him peace of mind, allowing him to hear his thoughts. This- woman , was the polar opposite, she wouldn't stop talking. He hated talkative people. Yet, he needed more information. F/N didn't find Scaramouche anywhere, despite looking for him high and low. She lost all hope, she was reading another book, sitting on the couch in the lobby of the hotel.

  "Hey- F/N," Childe shook her shoulder, she looked up her eyes tired and dark circles riding down on her, "Woah!"

She sighed and looked back at the book, "how can I help you?"

  "We were just wondering- how you were holding up," Signora said.

  She shook her head and left. They watched her leave, she went to the statue of the seven, sitting on a bench, reading the novel in her hand. Saying that Mona was nothing but annoyance to Scaramouche, would be an understatement. She was nothing to him, merely a tool to get a book he needed. Mona blushed at his every comment, flattered at the fact that she had a Harbinger devoting his time and energy to her. He even invited her to dinner. He tried to press years of friendship and trust into one month, completely betting on the fact that her attraction to him would do his work for him. He hadn't returned to the hotel in a month either, he would have to beg F/N for forgiveness, he knew it already. He was walking with Mona as she giggled and pushed her hair back.

  "So- Scara," she looked up at him and blushed.

  "Yes?" he asked.

  "Would you like to come to my home? For dinner?" she asked.

He nodded and smiled, "it would be my pleasure."

She nodded excitedly and he left. He sat on the docks of Mondstadt, his feet in the water as his hands were on his lap.

  "Hey," he froze and turned behind him.

  "What do you want Childe?" he asked.

He sat beside Scaramouche and looked at him, "it's about F/N."

  "F/N?" he asked, "what happened? Is she okay? Was she hurt?"

Childe shook his head, "she's not acting like herself. She misses you."

Scaramouche sighed, moving his legs in the water, "I'm almost done with this mission."

Childe sighed, "I don't think it's wise to place your mission above her, but she's not my lover."

  "Exactly," Scaramouche hissed, "so don't get in our business."

Childe stood up and dusted his hands off, "I just hope you're being smart with what you're doing."

He walked away and Scaramouche looked at his feet in the water, "I don't know if I am."

  When the sunset, he went to Mona's home. She awaited him, she was more in flashy attire. He greeted her and they stood in front of her door. F/N was just picking up some more medicine, passing through the same alley, but seeing the indigo male, she hid behind a house, seeing him with another woman. Her breath stopped and her eyes widened. He placed a hand on her cheek, biting the inside of his cheek and gritted his teeth before placing his lips on hers. F/N's heart broke, as if the last few thumps echoed in her head, her limbs vibrating and her eyes watered. Her cold hands shook, the medicine in her hands almost falling, but she caught it and she placed a hand over her mouth. 

  "Come on, let's go inside," he placed a hand on her back and they went inside.