
Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Some time in the future Humanity conquers death! life continues, on and on in the endless stretches of a virtual paradise called Elysium. or at least that's what the Brochures used to stay. Elysium was no different from Earth, the only difference is that with each new reincarnation, you get a chance to live differently, better, and a chance to achieve more with pieces of your memories from your old life intact. But Elysium needs balance, why? no one really knows. but to keep that balance the death classes were created, and any who comes to posses such class or the traits that come with it; gains the ability to deliver the (True Death) a fitting end to immortality and endless life. and as such people with these classes are feared and hated. Now Rezar is spawned in a prison mine to serve a sentence of all eternity and all reincarnations as a slave. and all for a crime he doesn't remember commiting but knows that he did, now forced to live based on consequences from a life he also doesn't remember. but he tries to look at the bright side, there's much to achieve........the only downside would be the fear people have for him, after all.........who would want to shake hands with the Son Of Death. The cover image is made by UFAN studios! https://discord.gg/aCbKJX permanent discord link. Please check out my other WSA novel Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

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Blood Night (I): A Target

It was hard to determine between the three camps of the goblins, the tailed fox, and the merchant company who they had an altercation with them the first time; which of them were the bigger threat and needed to be taken care off. But given that the merchant company hasn't made any sort of move, the tailed fox's had no idea about their existence, and the goblin king should probably be finding out about them right about now. Management and watching how the territory grew wasn't really his style, or maybe it was, but he really couldn't pay much attention to them when there were threats to be neutralized.

The foxes were a threat because of his own greed, which makes them a target to be conquered. The merchant company where rivals he had gotten the best of, they'll be back for retaliation but it seems it wouldn't be any time soon. Rezar suspected they were probably waiting for him to build up the territory a bit, before sending either someone to negotiate with them, or a force to wipe them off the face of the earth. And that left the goblin king that had out rightly decided to attack them.

His choice of action cemented him as an enemy and the biggest threat that he had to take care of at the moment, so Rezar would be going after the goblins instead. But before he could do that, he had to get geared up. With the arrival of the Melves (Muriel Elves) his worry about weapons seemed to have been reduced a bit. While they were more technologically oriented, they had enough, magical abilities to mold, shape, change, and enchant a material, and then create other sort of materials from scratch. And with Alistair as his assistant, they were all too willing to make a new set of gear for him.

[Mark 1 Plasma Core Magical Bone Scythe// Magic +35%, Power +20%// all skills +30%// a first version hybrid scythe of magic and technology made from the spine of monster snake and coated with refined magical metals. The blade of the scythe was formerly the pincers of monstrous ant queen, and attached with an enchanted technological core that generates vast amounts of heat around its blade, giving it the ability to cut through metal. This scythe is only a prototype and can be improved. // Durability: 100/101]

The name of the weapon was a handful, but the scythe itself was over two meters tall, with its blade being half a meter wide. The edge of the blade has a red outline from when it would heat up, and while this wasn't the chain scythe that his reaper class was supposed to use, this scythe served a purpose given that it was trifecta weapon. Technology was just coming into play in Elysium so it should be pretty rare to see a weapon that combined tech, magic, and physical attacks into one. Later Alistair offered to design swords and firearms for him, and get him a pair of smaller scythes or sickles as he had grown attached to the previous ones.

But none the less with the scythe and his all black get up, he looked every bit the dark necromancer king the whole world thought he was. Ant Tony was almost ready to be evolved, but he needed to be in a few more battles. But since he was sort of Rezar's official mount, the ant was lightly armored so as not to affect his speed, increase his defense, and had his pincers enhanced and replaced with implants. It was sick looking and downright scary as pincers made of chitin compared to those made of refined obsidian steel was downright scary. and it was after those pincers were made did his territory get its first perk.

[Tech Savants: +15% to all creations or advancements of science and Technology]

With that Perk Rezar stopped imagined cavalries of armored ants and wolves and started imagining an army of undead bionic ants, it was a scary but somewhat beautiful thought. But everything was arranged, and even though many tried to argue, chief amongst them Screet and Jason, Rezar still chose to travel alone. For one he felt that he needed the silence and the personal adventure, which quite frankly was something he's not had since he became a slave.

It would also be easier for him to escape should something come up, and if he so chose, he was still a one-man army with his annoying ability of not being able to die. In the end they couldn't argue much as he loaded Ant Tony with a bunch of saddle bags that were pretty much empty. He had retrieved an inventory from Tetum, in this case a braces with a 5x5 space. Each box could be stacked with similar materials till a hundred, the saddles were more of a habit to make Ant Tony seem more like a mount.

"You Know you don't have to do this… at least not alone." Gynaika said to him as he mounted meter and a half tall giant ant.

"I know, but I want to. What's the point of being a leader if you can't do what you want? Besides don't worry, I'll keep myself safe."

All she could do was nod, in all honesty, no one but Priest knew why he was really going out this time. And while many of them might think it was because of his thirst for adventure, only he and priest knew it was because of his thirst for blood. For better or for worse Rezar had become a vampire, and he was hungry all the time. To truly deal with this he had to go feed and he would rather not eat his own people, and at the same time he had to understand his abilities as a vampire. Because ever since he became one, it was not just skills he received, his stats too increased and what he saw shocked him. So he was going out to hunt and to learn control over what he could only assume was…. Limitless power.

NAME: [Rezar Deathwind] [age:16] [Race: Lesser Dhamphir (Half-human/ Half-Vampire] +

CLASS: [Advanced Miner(lv5) (0/24,000)] [Advanced Necromancer(lv5) (0/70,000)] [Death Lord(lvl1) (0/30,000)] [N/A}

EXP: [Normal Exp: 8,880] [Battle Exp: 123,648] [Quest Exp: 46,060]

TRAITS: [Son of Death] [Angel of Death] [Daylighter] [N/A]

STATS: [Power (TIER 5): 250] [Speed (TIER 5): 250] [Defense (TIER 5): 250] [MAGIC (TIER 6): 300]

BONUS: [+85% To All Death and Black Magic] [+55% To All Mining Activities] [50% Damage from Light & Holy Magic. 40% Damage from Fire & Lightening Magic. 40% Resistance to All Elements Except Fire and Lightning] [+50% to Power, Magic, Mental and Defense. You cannot be killed except by an Item of Holy or Demonic Might] [You have all the strengths of a vampire and few of their weakness. -30% bloodlust, -100% damage from sunlight, +25% to blood magic]

sorry for not updating yesterday but I had no data or Money to get any. so the chapters could not be uploaded.

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