
Necromancy in a Demon Slayer

In a world plagued by demons and the constant struggle of demon slayers, an unknown threat arises in the form of a necromancer who was thought to be nothing more than a legend. With his powers over death and the ability to command the undead, he tips the balance of power in the ongoing war.

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3 Chs



Once upon a time there was…

"A demon who is powerful that everybody fear him!" my little reader will say at once.

No, children, you're wrong. Once upon a time there was boulder in the middle of… forest.

"Water Breathing: First form - Water Surface Slash!"

"Water Breathing! Water Wheel!"

The boulder bore witness to the events unfolding before it, it could not help but feel a sense of detachment from the spectacle of the fight. It watched as the combatants clashed with their wooden swords, announcing each technique with great flourish and showmanship.

To the boulder, the whole display seemed rather cringe-worthy. It could not fathom why the combatants felt the need to shout out the names of their techniques in such an ostentatious manner. From the boulder's perspective, it all seemed rather silly and unnecessary.

Nevertheless, it remained a silent observer, stoic and unyielding, as the fight raged on before it. It could sense the energy and power emanating from the combatants, and it could appreciate the skill and dedication required to master such techniques. But for the boulder, it was all just a passing spectacle, a brief moment in the grand scheme of things.

As the boys and girls practiced their skills, they were subjected to a cruel and unforgiving environment. Wooden stakes flew in their faces, traps covered in sharp bamboo strips lay in their path, and boulders were hurled towards them in the middle of the road. Despite the danger and pain, they persisted in their training, repeating the same movements over and over again.

They knew that only by enduring and mastering the harsh environment could they become stronger and more capable in the face of real danger. For the boys and girls, there was no room for weakness or hesitation. They had to be sharp, agile, and quick-witted to survive the brutal challenges they faced. Each day they pushed themselves harder, honing their skills and refining their techniques until they became second nature.

Sometimes the boulder want to felt what they feeling, it want to talk, it want to touch the sword, it don't want to be boulder anymore.

It don't want there alone in the forest, loneliness overcome it feeling.

Anyway, did it even have feelings?



Let's go back to the beginning , to where it all begins.


Lazarus had always been a cautious driver, but that day he made a fatal mistake. A car ran a red light and crashed into his vehicle, killing him instantly. Lazarus's last memory was the sound of shattering glass and twisted metal.

But then, he found himself in a strange place. It was a peaceful garden, with lush greenery and colorful flowers all around him. In the center of the garden stood a towering tree, its branches stretching towards the sky.

As Lazarus looked around, he saw a figure approaching him. It was a being of light, radiating warmth and kindness. "Welcome, Lazarus," the being said. "I am here to guide you."

Lazarus was confused. "Guide me where?" he asked.

"To the afterlife," the being replied. "But first, you have a choice to make."

"What choice?" Lazarus asked.

"You can either choose to be reincarnated, and start a new life, or you can move on to the next realm," the being explained.

Lazarus was taken aback. "Reincarnated? You mean I could live again?"

"Yes," the being said. "If you choose to be reincarnated, you will be given a new life, with all the joys and sorrows that come with it. You will have the chance to learn and grow, to love and be loved, all over again."

Lazarus thought for a moment. He had always believed in an afterlife, but the idea of starting anew was both tempting and daunting. "What about the other option?"

he asked.

"If you choose to move on, you will enter the next realm, where you will find peace and enlightenment," the being explained. "It is a place of infinite possibilities, where you can learn and explore to your heart's content."

Lazarus felt torn. He had so many unanswered questions about life, death, and the universe. But he also longed for the simplicity and purity of the afterlife. Finally, he made his decision. "I choose to be reincarnated," he said.

The being smiled. "Very well," it said. "Your new life awaits. May it be filled with love and wonder."

And with that, Lazarus felt himself drifting away, towards a new beginning.

As Lazarus drifted away, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. The idea of starting anew was both thrilling and terrifying.

What would his new life be like? Who would he become? But as he floated through the void, he began to feel a strange sensation. It was as if his soul was being pulled in a thousand different directions, each one tugging at him with equal force.

Suddenly, he was surrounded by a kaleidoscope of colors and sounds. He saw flashes of different lives, each one more vivid and real than the last.

He saw himself as a child, running through fields of wheat with his siblings. He saw himself as a teenager, falling in love for the first time.

He saw himself as an old man, surrounded by loved ones as he took his final breath.

The visions came faster and faster, until they merged into a blur of sensations and emotions.

Lazarus felt joy and sorrow, pain and pleasure, love and hate. He felt himself being pulled in a thousand different directions, torn between conflicting desires and fears.

And then, just as suddenly as it had started, the visions stopped. Lazarus found himself standing on a dirt road, surrounded by tall trees and a clear blue sky. He looked down at his hands and saw that… he has no hands…

Under the scorching sun, the world comes alive with vibrant energy. The air is filled with the sweet melodies of chirping birds, and the rustling of leaves adds a rhythm to the lively dance of nature. As the sun drips its hot rays down upon the earth, it seems as though even the air itself is dancing to the beat of summer's vibrant pulse.

Yet, Lazarus felt a deep sense of confusion and despair. He looked down at his hands and saw that they were missing. He panicked and tried to move, but his body wouldn't respond. It was then that he realized that he had been reincarnated as a boulder.

The vibrant energy of the world around him felt like a cruel joke. He couldn't hear the sweet melodies of the birds, or feel the rustling of the leaves. He was alone, and he couldn't help but wonder why God had done this to him.

"I am a boulder?"

He was a human in a boulder skin?

What love? What wonder? It's a scam!

Is there someone who would love him as a boulder!

No shit, Jesus Christ!

"Thats why it so simple, no further question, the god just smile and let me reincarnate without exchange or something… because that god is scammer! What love! I don't even have a dick!"

Lazarus hatred to god reached to heaven!

As he wallowed in his despair, he released a dark aura that scared away some animals nearby. He felt like he was drowning in his own negative emotions.

At that moment, he heard a sound that bring him a sense of hope, a trumpet of angel? A music of hope?

No, it a sounds of system ringing in his ear.

[Your hatred to God has awakened your inner power!]

[Unlocking Legendary Class, You may only choose one.]

[Anti-paladin: Anti-paladins are often skilled warriors, proficient in the use of heavy armor and weapons. They may also possess dark powers granted to them by their patrons, such as the ability to drain life force from their enemies or control undead creatures.]

[Dark Druid: Dark druids often possess a deep connection to nature and the power to manipulate it to their will. They may have the ability to call upon the forces of darkness and decay, summon creatures of the night, or unleash powerful curses.]

[Warlock: Warlocks draw their power from otherworldly entities, such as demons or devils. They may have access to dark spells, such as curses or spells that cause pain or suffering. Some warlocks may also be able to summon demons or other creatures from other realms.]

[Chaos Mage: Chaos mages draw upon the power of chaos and entropy to disrupt the established order of things. They may have the ability to create chaos or cause things to break down or fall apart. They may also have the power to manipulate probability or reality itself.]

[Death Mage: Death mages specialize in death and decay magic. They may have the ability to drain life force from their enemies, raise the dead to serve as minions, or unleash deadly plagues and curses.]

[Necromancer: Necromancers are masters of death magic and the manipulation of the dead. They may have the ability to raise undead creatures, control the minds of the dead, or drain life force from their enemies.]

[Shadow Assassin: Shadow assassins are often skilled warriors who specialize in stealth and deception. They may have the ability to move silently, blend into shadows, or create illusions to confuse their enemies. They may also be able to summon shadow creatures or use dark magic to harm their foes.]

"Why did I choose to become a necromancer? Well, for one, the power is undeniable. With the ability to raise the dead and control them, I'll have an army at my command. No one will be able to stand in my way."

"And the advantages go beyond just raw power. With necromancy, I can cheat death itself. I can bring back loved ones who have passed, or extend my own life far beyond what would be possible through conventional means."

"Of course, there are risks involved. Necromancy is not a practice for the faint of heart, and the cost of such power can be high. But for me, the benefits outweigh the risks. I will become a master of death and decay, and none will be able to stand against me."