
Birth of an army( part 2)

Aaron sat in the empty nest and started to think about how he will improve his army and a thought came to mind . In the city there was a display of dinosaur bones some big as the buildings .

Aaron didn't want to waste time because he knew that the students will be returning to the academy soon . So he needed to act fast so he immediately put on his mask and disappeared from CV view and reappeared in what looks like an indoor park filled with people .

Too many he thought as he opened his beak and let out a loud crow like cry . The people crawled down in fear .


A pile of small figure bones grew rotting flesh on its white smooth bones , it eyes glowed with an evil green light and it immediately pounced on one person savagely taking their life .

[Resurrection ]

And many more boney creatures awakened and slaughtered the men and women in the building he had resurrected four small dinosaur skeletons and it was already a bloodbath , the justice enforcers parked on the front door and saw disgusting small creatures pouncing from person to person devouring them .

As Aaron was busy resurrecting more bones and zombies he heard a loud bang on the doors and men wearing armor came in holding guns in there hands , the started to shot the rotten creatures but proved too fast they escaped to other parts of building leaving the room silent .

The enforcers looked around the building and saw blood everywhere but no bodies it seemed as if they have vanished , one of the four enforcers saw a trail of blood and followed it into the next room . He moved slowly making sure that he doesn't make his presence heard but he was already seen .

After walking a bit he stops and lights a cigarette to smoke . He flicked the match stick and to light as he felt some sort of thick liquid dropping on his hand extinguishing the flames .

He looked up to see a pair of green eyes staring above from the ceiling , he was about to raise his gun when the creature landed on him with its jaws immediately locking into his head . He screamed in fear as the creature dragged him out of the room while crushing his skull .

His partners turned back after hearing the screams and the next thing they saw was a headless body of their colleague flying to the outside of the room . One ran for his partner and the other two approached the door , but before they could act an further out jumped a skeleton with rotting flesh .

One of the enforcers at the door immediately turned his hands into stone , and waited for the creature to attack but it didn't it just looked at him trying to intimidate .

Ugh !!

The other enforcer who went to check on the other one screamed in pain as a similar creature was digging her flesh out of her back like a chicken scratching in the dirt .

What the hell is going the enforcer with stone hands screamed , but no one had the answer at moment .

Two more creatures appeared from nowhere and now it was four against two . The skeletons snapped at the two officers but didn't attack , and a man came out from a distance his head was a skull of a crow and the body was big but covered in thick leather .

Is that the crow the news spoke of he is much bigger said one of the enforcers activating his powers too .

Aaron walked closer to them and the panicked immediately the stone hand blasted his fist against one skeletons and broke it's jaws of the other one let out his hands and white light blasted through the skeletons turning the four into pile of bones and immediately attacked .

Five powerful stone attacks collided with Aaron's new body and nothing seemed to happen he looked at the man with an expressionless as he harmed him to the side .

The man's feet flew into the air and crashed into the wall face first , a loud bang was heard . Sir the light blasting enforcer screamed as he ran to check on him .

By that time the four dinosaur bones rejoined and grew more rotten flesh , the immediately ran for the attack by the time he could react sharp teeth had already sunk into his shoulder and blood started to gashed out of his body .

[Blood Magic ]

The blood of the man started to concentrated into the air forming a sphere , the dinosaur jumped away as soon as they saw the sphere forming .

Then out of the blood sphere came out chains if blood with spears at tip of them . They rushed through his skin with such speed his flesh was turned into peaces of meat .

The sphere be come smaller due to most blood forming the four spear chains pulled the man up from the ground and last one pierced his heart .

[New skill unlocked due to action ]

[Blood imprisonment LV 2]

[Enforcer level 3 killed gain 19 XP ]

Glad to see a new skill let's test it on you sleeping beauty Aaron looked at the unconscious enforcer .

[Blood Imprisonment LV 2]

Aaron instinctively touched his back and blood appeared of thin air and started to draw some sort of devilish marks , immediately sank into the man's skin .

Surprised nothing was happening Aaron stepped back to check the skill explanation .

[Blood imprisonment : A skill that places the victim under paralysis for as long as the user dies or breaks it , the user is also given the ability to control his victim's blood inside the body .

After receiving such information Aaron realized he could hear the blood of the sleeping man and actually see it move through his his every inch .

He understood better how the skill works and took 30 mana from his infinite pocket of mana , he used it to heat up to the blood and caused it to rush .

The man immediately screamed from horror as his blood started to move at such speed and heat the caused the veins to burn up and blasting out of his rocky body killing him .

[Killed Enforcer LV 7 25 XP earned ]

In the pool of blood there was a shining orb beside the man . And what's these Aaron pick it up and it transformed into a great mace a perfect tool since his new body had all the strength .

[ Mace of the Berserker Strength+10 Stamina + 12]

Aaron could feel the power that came with the mace as he held it up with one hand , now that's what I call a game changer Aaron laughed to him self but still remember his objective of having more soldiers .


The two enforcers who were brutally killed rose from the dead but they didn't look pale nor move mindlessly , they were fully resurrected with fresh flesh .

[ Enforcer Level 3 ]

[Enforcer Level 7 ]

[Dark dimension ]

The dark cloud appeared and he ordered his resurrected minions to enter the black cloud and they did with no issue .

[Teleportation ]

Aaron returned to the nest and immediately activated the dark Dimension to further plan in a safe