
Magical Weapons

The way captain Leko had approached the team was utterly unexpected. Bardeelus thought that he cut all ties with this man, the moment they left his ship, but that was not the case. 

Leko seemed more than thankful, and sported half a smile which even his family didn't see ever so often. One would even be weirded out by this composure, because his offer as a whole, was too good to be true!

At some point, while they were reaching the shoreline, the team even got suspicious. The captain had been awfully quiet, so they started fearing for the worst, and expected an ambush!

No one had a reason to ambush them, but they had to play safe nonetheless. Bardeelus stalked the perimeter for any possible foreign heartbeats, but didn't find any. 

There were a bunch of people in the perimeter, but their hearts were calm, as they all seemed to be minding their own business. No one was approaching them, especially not in hostile groups!