
"Stupid orb!"

Throughout the past half-hour, Bardeelus just wanted to fall asleep. He wanted to crash, and sleep for a solid sixteen hours at least, but the current situation forbade him from doing so. He couldn't relax just yet.

He saw something bizarre, too bizarre even, to the point where he questioned his own sanity. Bardeelus was cranked up with the properties of a seahorse's soul right now, and with that considered, he had to question everything that he was seeing!

In this particular situation, he questioned himself, because he never saw a soul with utter, complete free-will before! He killed the mamoothadus, but its soul refused to become his property for some reason, it just wandered around freely.

The mamoothadus' soul kept shouting out too, it begged. "Orb…! Give me back my body!"