
Necromancer: King of The Scourge

(Alternative English Title: Disastrous Necromancer ; Necromancer! I Am a Disaster ) Chapter Update Schedule: Everyday The game has come to reality, the rules of the world have been subverted, and mankind has entered the era of national career change. Monsters are rampant! There are countless secret realms, dungeons, and abyss! Horror and treasure coexist! Danger and opportunity coexisted! Only by becoming a job changer! Leveling up and becoming stronger! Only then could one stand at the top of the world! On the day of the job change, Lin Moyu became the only hidden profession, Necromancer. Get god-level talents, and Just a Level 1 talent increased all his skills by 10 times. Obtain a god-level passive skill and transfer all damage to the summoned creature. From then on, as long as his summoned creatures did not die, Lin Moyu would not die. "Endless god-level skeleton warriors!" "Billions of Lich Mage!" "Countless undead bone dragons!" "Can you handle it?" Under the curse, the gods turned into bones. Corpses burst, the sky fell, and the world collapsed. "I sit on the Divine Throne of Skeletons, walking between life and death." "I am the catastrophe!" Disclaimer Everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, please leave a review below, just found the novel and liked it so, I wanted to rewrite it here.

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19 Chs

Chapter 5: Faster And Faster Upgrade Speed

Lu Yun waved to the person who came, "Patriarch Xia, please come and sit down."

Xia Dongyang, the head of the Xia family in Xihai City, was Xia Xue's father.

Since there was still room at the table, Xia Dongyang sat down without ceremony.

"Hello, principals," he greeted them after taking a seat.

Xia Dongyang had a resolute appearance, not angry but arrogant.

Lu Yun poured Xia Dongyang a cup of tea, "Patriarch Xia is here to see Xia Xue."

Xia Dongyang smiled, "In the past few years, Xiaoxue has been taken care of by Principal Lu."

Lu Yun waved his hand dismissively, "I didn't do anything special. Xia Xue is very intelligent, and her job transfer was also very successful."

Xia Dongyang said, "I heard about it from my family. I just returned to Xihai City today. Unfortunately, I missed Xiaoxue's job change."

Lu Yun knew that Xia Dongyang was very busy and didn't have much time at home.

"We were just discussing whether Xia Xue can reach level 5 by the end of today's 12-hour dungeon. She wants to be admitted to Xia Jing Academy, and the difficulty is not small."

Xia Dongyang said, "It shouldn't be a problem. Even if it's a little close, it doesn't matter. I can ask someone for assistance."

Lu Yun shook his head, "I suggest you don't do that. I know Xia Xue's character. If you do, she will resent you."

Xia Dongyang sighed, for he knew her well.

Xia Dongyang changed the subject, "I heard that you changed jobs yesterday, and your school has a hidden job. Congratulations. I don't know what kind of job it is?"

Lu Yun's face lit up, "The name of the profession is Necromancer. It's a profession I've never seen before. It can summon skeletons. I don't know if it's powerful or not."

"Not all hidden occupations are powerful, and it's not uncommon for weak hidden occupations to appear."

"Can you summon skeletons? It sounds a little sinister."

"Moreover, the name 'Necromancer' doesn't seem very nice."

"Dealing with the spirits of the dead is bound to make people's imaginations run wild."

Lu Yun saw Xia Dongyang's thoughts, "Don't worry, the kid Moyu doesn't talk much, but he is a good kid. His sister was admitted to Xiajing Academy last year."

"If Xia Xue goes to Xia Jing Academy, maybe you can still ask Lin Mohan to look after her."

With Lu Yun's reassurance, Xia Dongyang felt relieved.

Having known each other for many years, he knew Lu Yun's character best.

In the novice instance, Lin Moyu received a message from the skeleton warrior.

[The limit distance has been reached, and it is impossible to go further away.]

At this time, the farthest skeleton warrior was already 500 meters away from Lin Moyu.

The skeleton warrior stood 500 meters away and stopped moving forward.

Lin Moyu also knew that the skeleton warrior must keep a distance of less than 500 meters from himself.

Seeing that several other skeleton warriors were about to reach this distance one after another, Lin Moyu could only order them to come back.

It's impossible to be a shopkeeper by throwing your hands away, so Lin Moyu had to choose a direction to delve deeper into the dungeon.

Ten skeleton warriors fanned out in front of him, keeping a distance of about 100 meters from Lin Moyu.

Any monsters on the road would be instantly killed by the skeleton warriors.

In the fourth hour of entering the dungeon, Lin Moyu reached his third upgrade.

[Name: Lin Moyu]

[Occupation: Necromancer (unique)]

[Level: 4 (0.00%)]

[Power: 40]

[Agility: 40]

[Spirit: 80]

[Equipment: None]

[Summon Space: 10/40, Skeleton Warrior (Quantity: 10)]

[Talent: Comprehensive Amplification (Level 1, Uniqueness)]

[Passive Skill: Damage Transfer]

[Active skills: Soul Flame (Level 4), Summon Skeleton Warrior (Level 4)]

After upgrading, Lin Moyu continued to summon skeleton warriors.

At this time, the spiritual power consumed to summon a skeleton warrior had reached 25 points.

He leveled up three times consecutively in four hours.

With more skeleton warriors, the upgrade speed did not decrease much but rather accelerated.

Lin Moyu took his skeleton army and officially stepped into the second half of the novice dungeon.

A large number of level 5 monsters and level 6 monsters began to appear.

But in front of the skeleton warrior with a strength attribute as high as 450, they were defeated with one strike.

[Kill level 5 blue wolf, experience +50]

[Kill level 6 black panther, experience +60]

For Lin Moyu, the efficiency of killing level 1 monsters was the same as killing level 6 monsters.

So the higher the level, the better, and the higher the monster density, the better.

Three more skeleton warriors were summoned, totaling 13 skeleton warriors wreaking havoc in the novice dungeon.

The experience value increased rapidly. With more skeleton warriors, the upgrade speed did not decrease but increased.

"At this rate, it will take less than an hour to upgrade again."

"In the twelve hours on the first day of the novice dungeon, can I directly upgrade to level 8?"

"It's twice as fast as I expected. After reaching level 8, I can go to the outskirts of Xihai City, where there are higher-level monsters."

Lin Moyu had already planned his upgrade route in his heart.

To go to the outskirts of Xihai City required the school's approval; otherwise, the city guards would not let him out.

Level 8 was the minimum standard and could not be lowered.

[Kill level 7 brown bear, experience +70]

As Lin Moyu continued deeper, level 7 monsters began to appear, and it was also a one-hit kill.

The novice instance was created for novices.

The intensity of monsters was low, the overall environment was simple, and the security was much higher than in the wild.

So even though Lin Moyu easily leveled up and spawned monsters, he still didn't take it lightly.

He remembered Lin Mohan once returning from the outskirts of Xihai City, bloody and injured.

She had told Lin Moyu very seriously that the lion fights the rabbit with all its strength, and he should not be taken lightly under any circumstances.

Lin Moyu kept this sentence firmly in his heart.

Now he followed the same principle.

[Level: 4 (99.00%)]

Lin Moyu looked at his stats and was about to level up again.

13 skeleton warriors were killing all around, and his experience was steadily increasing.

Compared to the previous level, this upgrade was faster, taking only around 50 minutes.

"The number of skeleton warriors has increased, the monster density is higher, but the killing speed hasn't changed."

"This is why the upgrade rate has not decreased but increased."

Lin Moyu analyzed his current situation.

Now he had reached the depths of the novice dungeon, with level 6 and level 7 monsters everywhere.

Only the highest level 8 monsters did not appear yet.

The increased monster density here caused him to gain experience faster.

The skeleton warriors were like tireless fighters, constantly harvesting the monsters' lives one by one.

The only downside was that monsters in the novice dungeon didn't drop any loot.

After all, this was a novice dungeon - a place for new professionals to adapt to actual combat, very different from the wild.

In the novice copy, almost all monsters were weakened overall.

The only exceptions were the level 8 monsters, which maintained the same strength as wild monsters.

When reaching level 8 and facing those monsters, players should already have considerable combat experience.

The novice copy ends after level 8.

Therefore, level 8 monsters acted as a bridge, allowing novice professionals to experience the strength of wild monsters in advance.

That way, when truly going to the wild to fight, they wouldn't be caught off guard.

With the level up light beam appearing again, Lin Moyu finally reached level 5.

His attributes increased and skills improved.

The skeleton warriors' strength also increased, with all attributes gaining another 100 points.

[Killed a level 7 brown bear, experience +70]

[Killed a level 7 brown bear, experience +70]

The skeleton warriors did not stop due to Lin Moyu's level up, still tirelessly seeking out and killing monsters in seconds.

From the moment Lin Moyu entered the instance, the skeleton warriors never stopped.

"Hey, the leveling has slowed down."

Lin Moyu found that after reaching level 5, the upgrade speed greatly decreased.

Originally at level 4, killing a level 7 brown bear would grant about 0.2% experience.

Only needed to kill 500 to level up.

But after level 5, killing a level 7 brown bear only brought a 0.1% experience increase.

Then 1000 kills were needed to level up.

The leveling speed had doubled the requirement.

"Based on this speed, it is very difficult for ordinary professionals to reach level 12 in just one week."

"Even if we leave the copy and go to the outskirts of Xihai, there is not enough time."

"Xiajing Academy's exam is really difficult, and I don't know how my brother got promoted to level 16 last year."

Lin Moyu calculated that to take the Xiajing Academy exam, he must be at least level 12.

To reach level 12 within a week, then in the novice dungeon, he must reach level 8 within 3 days at least.

After level 8, go to the outskirts of Xihai to hunt more advanced monsters.

Only then would it be possible to rise to level 12 within a week.

Thinking about it this way, Lin Mohan being able to advance to level 16 last year was really very, very fast.

Lin Moyu released his skills, exhausted his mental power again, and added 3 more skeleton warriors.

A total of 16 skeleton warriors were constantly seeking and killing monsters.

For Lin Moyu, the time spent finding monsters was much higher than killing them.

But killing over 1,000 monsters and assigning 16 skeleton fighters to it wasn't much of an issue.

At most one more hour and he could be promoted to level 6.

This grind meant more fighting experience for him.

Lin Moyu kept moving forward, the skeleton warriors opening the path, finding all the monsters hidden in the grass one by one.

After walking for a while, the dungeon terrain finally changed.

The prairie ended, and a forest appeared ahead.

Lin Moyu knew this was the end of the novice dungeon.

The level 8 monsters were hidden in the woods.

"It took 6 hours and 42 minutes to reach the dungeon's end. Less than 7 hours, and I am the only one who can get this far."

It had only been 7 hours since the dungeon opened, and most people probably only reached level 3.

Even Xia Xue was at most level 4, or even less.

Lin Moyu believed he could level up faster than anyone else.

He kept walking towards the woods, wanting to see how strong the unweakened level 8 monsters were.

Would they be enough of a match for his skeleton warriors?

It was also good preparation for going into the wild tomorrow.

The Skeleton Warriors opened the path ahead, running into the forest one step ahead of Lin Moyu.

There were clicking sounds in the forest as they ran swiftly, searching for monsters.

"No enemies?"

The warriors didn't find any monsters.

Lin Moyu felt strange and followed them in.

The moment he walked into the forest, a branch violently lashed out.

The branch fell on Lin Moyu like a whip, lightning fast.

The speed was so fast that Lin Moyu had no time to react.

Yet the powerful seeming branch caused him no harm at all.

Lin Moyu didn't even feel the slightest impact, as if there was an invisible shield outside his body, protecting him.

Passive Skill: Damage Transfer.

Any damage he took would be automatically transferred to his summons.

He would not take damage until the summoned creatures died.

It was truly a divine skill, not much worse than a god-level talent.