
Necromancer: King of The Scourge

(Alternative English Title: Disastrous Necromancer ; Necromancer! I Am a Disaster ) Chapter Update Schedule: Everyday The game has come to reality, the rules of the world have been subverted, and mankind has entered the era of national career change. Monsters are rampant! There are countless secret realms, dungeons, and abyss! Horror and treasure coexist! Danger and opportunity coexisted! Only by becoming a job changer! Leveling up and becoming stronger! Only then could one stand at the top of the world! On the day of the job change, Lin Moyu became the only hidden profession, Necromancer. Get god-level talents, and Just a Level 1 talent increased all his skills by 10 times. Obtain a god-level passive skill and transfer all damage to the summoned creature. From then on, as long as his summoned creatures did not die, Lin Moyu would not die. "Endless god-level skeleton warriors!" "Billions of Lich Mage!" "Countless undead bone dragons!" "Can you handle it?" Under the curse, the gods turned into bones. Corpses burst, the sky fell, and the world collapsed. "I sit on the Divine Throne of Skeletons, walking between life and death." "I am the catastrophe!" Disclaimer Everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, please leave a review below, just found the novel and liked it so, I wanted to rewrite it here.

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19 Chs

Chapter 3: God-Level Talent, God-Level Passive, Unbeatable Xiaoqiang

Xia Xue was 1.7 meters tall, with a graceful figure and an extremely delicate, small face. Many regarded her as the school's goddess of beauty.

It was a pity that Lin Moyu was taller at 1.85 meters, even Xia Xue needing to look up at him.

"Lin Moyu, I want to compete with you."

Lin Moyu looked at her with a questioning expression.

Xia Xue knew Lin Moyu disliked talking much, so she said directly, "Whoever gets better grades on the final exam between you and me, do you dare to compare?"

"Oh." Lin Moyu grunted and walked around Xia Xue.

Xia Xue stomped her feet, "That's it, I won't lose to you forever."

Xia Xue originally thought her rare elemental mage occupation today could let her surpass Lin Moyu.

Unexpectedly, Lin Moyu ended up with a hidden job instead.

No matter how strong the necromancer was, it was clear she had lost out again.

Xia Xue would not admit defeat.

Lin Moyu walked back home.

The house was empty.

Lin Moyu simply made himself something to eat.

The room furnishings were very simple, with almost no furniture.

A photo stood out.

In the photo were Lin Moyu, a young beautiful woman, and an elderly woman with gray hair.

In the sunshine, Lin Moyu was smiling in the photo.

Completely different from how he looked now.

Besides him, the young woman and old woman were also smiling in the picture.

The photo was taken three years ago.

He had crossed over time, inheriting the original owner's memories and emotions, developing a very deep affection for the two people in the photo.

On Earth in his previous life, he was an orphan with no family or ties.

Here he had relatives, and he treasured them deeply.

It was a pity the good times didn't last long.

Two years ago, his grandmother passed away.

A year ago, his sister also went to Xiajing Academy.

Now he was the only one left at home.

Lin Moyu's words became less and less, he grew more and more cold.

"I'm going to Xiajing Academy too," Lin Moyu resolved firmly in his heart.

Not for any other reason, because Lin Mohan was there.

It was just that the exam for Xiajing Academy was too difficult - last year Lin Mohan was the only one from Xihai City admitted.

There was a knock at the door outside.

"It's Principal Lu."

Lu Yun stood at the door with a bag of things.

"Muyu, here is some food, take it and eat first."

"I'll bring you fresh supplies in a few days."

Lin Moyu took the food, "Thank you."

Lu Yun nodded, "I will enter the dungeon tomorrow, so get some good rest."

Over the past year, Lu Yun would send some food every few days.

This was what he had promised Lin Mohan he would do.

Last year, Lin Mohan was admitted to the prestigious Xiajing Academy as Xihai City's #1 student.

But Lin Mohan didn't want to go because he wanted to stay and take care of his younger brother Lin Moyu.

Once at Xiajing Academy, one couldn't return for at least three years.

Lu Yun kept counseling Lin Mohan and promised to take good care of Lin Moyu.

Only then did Lin Mohan agree to attend Xiajing Academy.

You know, in a city like Xihai, having a student make it into Xiajing Academy is a great honor.

This was especially true for No. 1 Middle School and Lu Yun.

Lu Yun kept his word, dutifully caring for Lin Moyu this past year.

At night, Lin Moyu practiced his skills.

His spirit power had recovered, allowing him to summon another skeleton warrior at any time.

In his left palm, he held a bright red gemstone.

This was the only thing he had brought with him when crossing over.

As he raised his hand to summon, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

[Detected that the host has awakened as a necromancer profession.]

[The occupation meets the requirements, and the strongest talent system is being bound.]

[Start to extract the origin of the world and optimize skills.]

[Skill optimization completed.]

[Congratulations to the host for awakening the unique god-level talent: Comprehensive Amplification (level 1)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the passive skill: Damage Transfer.]

Lin Moyu was shocked, and immediately checked his attributes.

[Name: Lin Moyu]

[Occupation: Necromancer (unique)]

[Level: 1 (0.00%)]

[Strength: 10]

[Agility: 10]

[Spirit: 20]

[Equipment: None]

[Summon Space: 1/10, Skeleton Warrior (Quantity: 1)]

[Talent: Comprehensive Amplification (Level 1, Uniqueness)]

[Passive Skill: Damage Transfer]

[Active Skills: Soul Flame (Level 1), Summon Skeleton Warrior (Level 1)]

[Comprehensive Amplification (Level 1): All skill effects are increased by 10 times.]

[Damage Transfer: All damage suffered by the user is borne by the summoned beings.]

[Soul Flame (Level 1): Burns the target's soul, causing burning damage scaling with the user's spirit power and skill level.]

[Summon Skeleton Warrior (Level 1): Summon a Black Iron Skeleton Warrior.]

His basic attributes hadn't changed, only a talent and passive skill were added.

But both of these were incredibly powerful boons.

The talent, the only god-level one, even at mere level 1, could increase all his skills by 10 times.

How insanely strong this talent was, Lin Moyu could no longer accurately describe.

The passive skill's effect was equally astonishing, truly god-tier.

All damage was transferred to his summons instead.

In other words, as long as his summoned beings didn't die, he was effectively immortal.

To kill him, one had to destroy all his summons first.

Just how overpowered this passive was went without saying.

If he had thousands of summons, Lin Moyu would be comparable to having an immortal body.

This passive ability was completely unheard of.

After a long while, Lin Moyu recovered from the shock.

He found the ruby in his left hand was now missing.

"So it was you."

Lin Moyu activated his skill and summoned the black iron skeleton.

A vortex appeared before him.

Accompanied by a tooth-grating, rubbing sound, a black iron-level skeleton warrior emerged from the vortex.

On the surface, there was no difference between the black iron-level skeleton in front of him and the black iron-level skeleton he summoned in the afternoon.

The shape hadn't changed much; it was just like the one from the garbage dump.

However, appearances can be deceiving.

[Black Iron Skeleton Warrior]

[Power: 150]

[Agility: 150]

[Spirit: 150]

[Physique: 150]

[Skill: None]

Despite their similar appearances, the attributes had undergone earth-shattering changes.

All attributes had increased tenfold.

Not only strength, agility, and spirit, but a tenfold increase in physique basically meant a tenfold increase in the skeleton warrior's vitality and defense.

Coupled with the damage transfer skill, it would be incredibly difficult to kill Lin Moyu.

Lin Moyu also released the skeleton warrior into the summoning space and found that its attributes had been multiplied by ten as well.

The across-the-board increases had a significant impact.

With 10 points of mental power remaining, Lin Moyu summoned another black iron skeleton.

Then he began to meditate.

Meditation is the best way to restore mental strength and can replace sleep.

Quite a few students at the school were capable of doing that.

The next morning, Lin Moyu woke up on time.

His mental strength had been fully restored.

Three black iron skeletons stood faithfully in front of him, motionless like guards.

With the soul fire beating in the skulls' heads, there was a gust of gloomy wind in the room, and the temperature dropped several degrees.

"It's very good in summer; we don't have to worry about the hot weather," Lin Moyu thought to himself, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up.

He used Summon Skeleton again, summoning a fourth Skeleton Warrior.

Then, he sent the four skeletons to the summoning space.

Retaining 10 points of spiritual power and carrying 4 black iron-level skeletons that had increased tenfold, Lin Moyu considered it more than enough.

With 150 points of strength, even a level 7 or 8 knight warrior would be no match.

A bus was already waiting at the school gate to take them to the copy location.

When they arrived at the dungeon, it was already overcrowded.

It wasn't just No. 1 Middle School that came to the novice dungeon; almost all the students who had completed the job change in Xihai City would come here.

There were a total of 6 middle schools in Xihai City, and more than 800 students had changed jobs yesterday.

Most of them became living professionals.

There were less than 200 people who could come here, not even a third.

The students stood together, and the school teachers went to go through the dungeon admission procedures.

"Old Lu, you're in charge this time."

"A rare main battle class is not enough, and a unique hidden class is really impressive."

"In the past two years, your No. 1 middle school has been amazing. Last year, Lin Mohan came out and entered Xiajing Academy. Are you going to knock on the door of Xiajing Academy again today?"

Several principals gathered around and chatted enthusiastically.

Lu Yun's face was flushed at this time, "Xia Xue and Lin Moyu are really talented. If there's a chance, I really hope they can be admitted to Xia Jing Academy."

"Xia Xue? Is she the young lady from the Xia family?"

"And Lin Moyu, why does this name sound so similar to Lin Mohan?"

Lu Yun said, "Xia Xue is the eldest lady of the Xia family, and Lin Moyu is Lin Mohan's younger brother."

"Ah, no wonder. The Xia family's bloodline inheritance is exceptional. As for Lin Moyu, these siblings are truly amazing."

Gao Yang nudged Lin Moyu, "Do you want to form a team together?"

Facing Gao Yang's invitation, Lin Moyu shook his head.

Gao Yang feigned anger, "You brat, do you look down on me?"

"I, this young master, sincerely invite you. If you don't give this young master a reasonable reason, I'll never let it go."

He looked angry, but the smile in his eyes had already betrayed him.

Lin Moyu ignored him, and within two seconds, Gao Yang changed his expression again.

"Boss, why don't you form a team with me?"

Lin Moyu said lightly, "Team leveling is slower; solo leveling is faster."

Gao Yang asked strangely, "How do you know?"

"I read more books," Lin Moyu rarely replied.

Gao Yang rubbed his head, obviously not convinced.

At this time, Xia Xue suddenly said from the side, "Lin Moyu is right. If two people form a team, although killing monsters is faster, the experience needs to be divided equally between the two."

"The speed of killing monsters in a two-person team can be increased by up to 50% to 60%, but the time spent finding monsters is fixed, so the overall efficiency slows down."

"According to the experience summed up by the predecessors, dungeons below level 10 are suitable for solo grinding. Dungeons above level 10 are suitable for team formation."

Xia Xue explained very clearly, and Gao Yang, not being stupid, understood after thinking about it.

At this time, Lu Yun came over.

"Except for Xia Xue and Lin Moyu, all main combat occupations must bring several auxiliary occupations into the dungeon."

"Don't think about leveling up alone. You need to know that you can't do without support when you go to high-difficulty dungeons in the future."

"Usually, I refuse to bring support, and I look for support when I need it. How can there be such a good thing?"

"To put it bluntly, instead of looking for helpers you don't know, it's better to find your own classmates. At least you have a classmate friendship, and they won't run away alone if you're in danger."

What Lu Yun said was very clear and true.

It calmed down those who were originally planning to go solo.

If the main battle class doesn't have support, the support's upgrade speed will be very slow.

Someone asked, "Why don't Xia Xue and Lin Moyu need support?"

Lu Yun cleared his throat, "The two of them are different. Xia Xue is going to be admitted to Xia Jing Academy and needs to level up quickly."

And Xia Xue wouldn't stay in the novice dungeon for too long, at most two days; Xia Xue would leave here soon.

"As for Lin Moyu, I don't know his profession or his combat power. You can ask the support classes if they would like to team up with him."