
Necromancer: King of The Scourge

(Alternative English Title: Disastrous Necromancer ; Necromancer! I Am a Disaster ) Chapter Update Schedule: Everyday The game has come to reality, the rules of the world have been subverted, and mankind has entered the era of national career change. Monsters are rampant! There are countless secret realms, dungeons, and abyss! Horror and treasure coexist! Danger and opportunity coexisted! Only by becoming a job changer! Leveling up and becoming stronger! Only then could one stand at the top of the world! On the day of the job change, Lin Moyu became the only hidden profession, Necromancer. Get god-level talents, and Just a Level 1 talent increased all his skills by 10 times. Obtain a god-level passive skill and transfer all damage to the summoned creature. From then on, as long as his summoned creatures did not die, Lin Moyu would not die. "Endless god-level skeleton warriors!" "Billions of Lich Mage!" "Countless undead bone dragons!" "Can you handle it?" Under the curse, the gods turned into bones. Corpses burst, the sky fell, and the world collapsed. "I sit on the Divine Throne of Skeletons, walking between life and death." "I am the catastrophe!" Disclaimer Everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, please leave a review below, just found the novel and liked it so, I wanted to rewrite it here.

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19 Chs

Chapter 14: I Am The Biggest Weakness

Lin Moyu completely understood.

The biggest weakness of the skeleton army led by him was itself.

If there was a powerful enemy, instead of engaging with the skeleton warriors, it would be better to keep attacking himself.

That would also be dangerous.

However, damage transfer was not a complete solution either.

Now that he knew his weaknesses, Lin Moyu would naturally find ways to compensate for them.

The Goblin King's body was torn apart, and blood poured down like raindrops.

It was six or seven meters tall, with skeleton warriors on its shoulders, back, chest, and even its head.

A radiant light erupted from the Goblin King's body, it jumped up violently, and then fell heavily to the ground.

With a roar, all the skeleton warriors on its body were blown away.

Even the skeleton warriors on the ground were shaken back.

Skill: Shockwave!

Then the Goblin King's eyes glowed, and it opened its mouth wide, spraying out flames.

The flames burned the skeleton warriors.

Lin Moyu felt the vitality of the four skeleton warriors rapidly disappearing, and they were on the verge of death.

With a heartbeat, he immediately recalled the four skeleton warriors to the summoning space.

The Goblin King's flames continued spraying out, preventing the skeleton warriors from approaching.

"His skills must be interrupted."

A flame also appeared on Lin Moyu's palm.

"Soul Flame!"

The flames fell silently onto the Goblin King's head.

The goblin king suddenly let out a terrifying scream, and the flame spray was immediately interrupted.

The soul flame ignored defense and directly caused spiritual damage.

Its attack power was determined by skill level and mental strength.

Although Lin Moyu's spiritual power was only 400 points, and the skill level was only 11, after the 20-fold increase, the soul flame's attack power could not be underestimated.

The skeleton warriors quickly surrounded and continued to attack desperately.

Lin Moyu kept using the soul flame to attack the Goblin King, preventing it from using its skills normally.

A minute later, the Goblin King fell to the ground unwillingly.

[Killed the Goblin King, experience +40000]

[Obtained a bronze-level weapon, the Goblin King's Dagger.]

[Obtained bronze-level Knowledge Robe and armor.]

[Obtained the Goblin King's crystal nucleus.]

As the prompt appeared, Lin Moyu's body also emitted an upgrade light.

He finally reached level 12.

It took little more than an hour to solo clear the Nightmare level dungeon, allowing him to gain over 1 level.

Very efficient.

Lin Moyu checked his loot.

[Goblin King's Dagger: Bronze Level, Strength +10, Dexterity +10, Assassin skills increase by 3%, available after level 12.]

[Knowledge Robe: Bronze-level armor, Spirit +10, Constitution +10, shortens mage skill cooldowns by 5%, available after level 12.]

The dagger was useless to Lin Moyu, so he just stored it and could sell it for money later.

"My profession is a necromancer, which should also belong to the mage class."

"However, my skills differ from other mage skills. There is no cooldown, so the robe's effect seems useless."

"Adding 10 points to spirit and constitution is not bad."

After all, it was only level 12 equipment, so the requirements could not be too high.

Lin Moyu immediately equipped the Knowledge Robe, increasing his spirit and constitution by 10 points each.

In addition to the equipment, there was also the Goblin King's crystal nucleus.

The Goblin King's nucleus was larger than low-level monsters', and more beautiful.

It was as red as a ruby, emanating warmth when held.

Obviously, this crystal nucleus was very unusual.

The nucleus could be exchanged for 100,000 gold coins.

Lin Moyu was a little surprised.

The nucleus was more valuable than the two equipment pieces.

His mental power was fully restored after leveling up.

Lin Moyu immediately summoned 4 skeleton warriors.

The summon skeleton warrior skill upgraded to level 12, requiring 110 spiritual power.

Though he now had 510 spiritual power, he could still only summon 4.

The level 12 bronze skeleton warriors now had 3800 points in all four stats.

Able to freely enter and exit this dungeon instance, Lin Moyu walked out in a good mood.

Lin Moyu suddenly appeared at the instance entrance.

His skeleton warriors immediately drew everyone's attention.

The key was their special, cold and evil appearance that made timid people avoid looking at them.

"He's out."

"Didn't expect him to come out alive."

"Could he really have solo cleared the dungeon?"

"Only a handful can solo dungeons, I think this kid is overconfident..."

"No, look at his robe, is that a Knowledge Robe?"

"Yeah, it really is a Knowledge Robe."

"Unbelievable, the guy who can solo a dungeon is right in front of us."

Lin Moyu didn't care what others said.

The dungeon entered a 12-hour cooldown before he could re-enter.

Having cleared it, he lost interest in grinding regular mobs.

Their experience was too little, killing over 10 was worse than one dungeon mob.

Finding them everywhere was too troublesome.

The 12-hour cooldown was perfect for meditating to restore mental power and summarizing this dungeon trip's gains.

Lin Moyu quietly walked aside and sat where no one was around.

A skeleton warrior faithfully guarded him.

This dungeon trip had unusual meaning for him.

Most importantly, it let him understand his weaknesses.

As well as better use of skills.

If used well, Corpse Burst was an unparalleled attack skill.

Soul Flame could interrupt enemies' skills, and its spiritual attack ignoring defense was very powerful, even giving the Nightmare boss trouble.

Lin Moyu summarized the experience, sorted out the gains and losses.

He meditated as skeleton warriors stood guard.

Over a hundred people were at the dungeon entrance, but none dared approach Lin Moyu.

Mainly because his skeleton warriors looked too scary and frightening.

That was fine, no one would bother him.

Lin Moyu just waited for the cooldown to pass so he could re-enter the instance after 12 hours.

His mental strength gradually restored during meditation.

When entering next time, he could summon 4 skeleton warriors again.

As night fell, Lin Moyu finished meditating with his mental strength almost fully recovered.

Piles of bonfires burned at the instance entrance, many people gathered roasting meat.

The aroma was pervasive, intensified by added seasonings.

These experienced fielders were well prepared, unlike Lin Moyu who only brought sweet potatoes.

Feeling hungry, Lin Moyu wanted to eat his sweet potatoes but realized he had given them all to the mischievous Ning Yiyi.

Thinking of her cute appearance, Lin Moyu couldn't help smiling a little.

Instead, he took out steamed stuffed buns and ate them bite by bite.

"Brother, want to come have some food?"

Someone waved at Lin Moyu. They were roasting unknown but fragrant meat.

A man in his 20s, likely an assistant judging by his attire.

Lin Moyu slightly shook his head, declining the kindness.

The man didn't insist and ate the barbecue himself.

"Wang Yi, why'd you call him over?"

"Yeah, that's a weirdo. He hasn't spoken since arriving."

"And that undead summoner beside him is kinda scary."

The young man Wang Yi disagreed, "I think he's normal, just doesn't like talking."

"And look, though he hasn't spoken, he's never provoked anyone."

"I don't think he's as hard to get along with as you think."

Wang Yi also put a large barbecued meat piece on a plate and walked over to Lin Moyu, "Brother, have some meat instead of just buns."

Lin Moyu looked at him but didn't speak.

Wang Yi kindly smiled, left the plate in front of Lin Moyu, and left.

Detecting no issues with the grilled meat, Lin Moyu slowly picked it up and took a bite.

The barbecue tasted good and was very fragrant.

Not far away, Wang Yi also offered Lin Moyu a piece of meat, wearing a sunny smile on his face. At that moment, Lin Moyu felt his smile was somewhat similar to Gao Yang's.

After filling his stomach, Lin Moyu entered a meditative state again. With the skeleton warriors by his side, he didn't need to worry about safety.

Finally, the 12-hour dungeon cooldown passed, and Lin Moyu's mental power was fully restored.

"This time, I should be able to rise to level 13," he thought as he got up and saw the dungeon entrance crowded with people.

Two groups appeared to be facing off. One group stood at the dungeon entrance, completely blocking it and preventing anyone from approaching. Wearing uniforms and holding sophisticated weapons, they looked like an army.

Those confronting them were people who had originally been waiting outside the dungeon entrance. Although numerous, they looked scattered and couldn't compare to the other party's overwhelming presence.

"Your Dynasty Guild is too domineering!" someone protested.

"Why won't you let us enter the dungeon?"

"That's right, why not? The dungeon doesn't belong to you alone."

"It won't affect you if we enter."

Many voices joined in protest.

A mage with a staff stepped forward from the Dynasty Guild ranks. "Our young president is completing a task in the dungeon, and you are not allowed to enter until his task is finished."


"Your Dynasty Guild is too domineering!"

Professionals continued protesting, but no one dared take action.The main reason was the Dynasty Guild's overwhelming strength that deterred conflict.

Wang Yi was among the protesting crowd, his sunny smile replaced by anger. Lin Moyu walked over and stood beside him. "What's wrong?"

Surprised that Lin Moyu spoke to him, Wang Yi whispered, "The young leader of the Dynasty Guild wants to complete a task in the dungeon, so we're not being allowed in."

Lin Moyu's eyes showed doubt. What task required blocking the whole dungeon entrance?

Seeing his skepticism, Wang Yi explained, "They need the Goblin King's crystal core. The drop rate for this core is very low - it only drops once every 100 days in nightmare dungeons."

"You must have seen this mission on the exchange, right? It was actually issued by the Dynasty Guild itself. But no one has ever completed it."

"It's ridiculous - the Goblin King's crystal core is incomparable to ordinary cores. It's worth at least 300,000 gold coins. Even if they offer 100,000, who would sell it to them?"

"Today marks exactly 100 days since the last core dropped, so the Dynasty Guild is determined to obtain it themselves this time."

What a coincidence. The dazzling ruby-like 'Goblin King's crystal core' sat in Lin Moyu's storage space. The Dynasty Guild would inevitably fail this attempt.

Originally, Lin Moyu had planned to sell the core for 100,000 gold coins in two days. But listening to Wang Yi now, it was obvious the core was no ordinary item.

"What's its use?" Lin Moyu asked in a low voice.

"An alchemist can process the Goblin King's crystal core into a Goblin King Ring," Wang Yi replied. "The ring increases all attributes by 10 and upgrades all skills by one level. It can be used at level 15 and is known as the strongest jewelry below level 40."

Such a powerful attribute boost was indeed extraordinary. Especially having all skills upgraded by one level - for novice professionals, it would make them godlike.

Wang Yi continued, "It's said the young Dynasty Guild president is about to be admitted to Xia Jing Academy, so he's determined to obtain this equipment. The Dynasty has no shortage of alchemists, and other materials are prepared. All they're missing now is the Goblin King's crystal core."

Understanding the situation, Lin Moyu smiled and walked towards the dungeon entrance. He didn't care about any Dynasty Guild hindering his leveling progress.