

 ### Chapter 1690: The Escaping Little Grass, Tree vs. Tree

The illusion has no entrance and looks no different from ordinary space. Only by stepping into it can one feel its presence.

Those who react quickly can immediately use the escape talisman to leave, while those who react slowly will fall into the illusion.

Once trapped in the illusion for more than ten seconds without leaving, the escape talisman will lose its effect.

If the soul is strong enough to resist the illusion, then there will be no problem.

The danger of the illusion is not high, and not many people get lost in it each year.

Lin Moyu activated his Soul Eye and saw something unusual.

Some faint ancient rune fragments were slowly floating in front of him.

The ancient rune fragments were like petals, very beautiful.

In the Soul Eye, they emitted a hazy glow, mesmerizing anyone who saw them.

Even Lin Moyu was momentarily lost in thought.

"The power of the illusion has a subtle effect."

"In some ways, it is similar to the black water of the Black Rain Secret Realm, but more hidden."

The black water can be seen and touched, but the illusion here is invisible and untouchable, making it hard to guard against.

Lin Moyu prepared himself again, fully activating his soul defenses, and stepped into the illusion.

The invisible ancient runes released an equally invisible force, penetrating Lin Moyu's soul world.

The power of the illusion's rules was very peculiar and pervasive.

Lin Moyu's steps paused, his eyes flashed with brilliance, and then he returned to normal.

The power of the illusion had no effect on him.

Lin Moyu's soul level was too high, having reached the other shore realm. Ordinary illusion power was less effective than a direct attack.

In fact, dealing with illusions is simple: as long as your soul is strong and your Dao heart is firm, the illusion will have no effect.

After entering the illusion, the lost skeletal god generals reconnected with Lin Moyu.

The skeletal god generals stood not far from him, less than a hundred meters away.

Lin Moyu observed the illusion, a misty world filled with thin fog.

Visibility was limited.

The fog was full of ancient rune fragments, continuously affecting the soul.

Lin Moyu activated his Soul Eye, seeing through the illusion world.

The illusion was not large, with a diameter of only about a kilometer.

But for many cultivators, a kilometer area was like hell.

No one knew what they would see or experience inside.

Lin Moyu scanned the area and walked forward.

In the center of the illusion, a small grass was growing.

The grass was very peculiar, with only one leaf, shaped like a miniature maple leaf.

The grass was blood-red, as if dripping with blood.

"It's not an ancient rune."

Standing in front of the grass, Lin Moyu was slightly surprised.

The secret realm was evolved from ancient runes, and everything inside was composed of runes.

It seemed real but was actually illusory.

However, the grass in front of him was real.

It had no ancient runes on it.

Lin Moyu couldn't understand this grass that had suddenly appeared, which overturned his previous knowledge.

Without understanding, Lin Moyu did not immediately try to pick the grass.

He searched the surrounding area, covering the entire small illusion, and found nothing unusual.

This indicated that the key point was the peculiar grass.

Lin Moyu also noticed that within ten meters of the grass, there were no ancient rune fragments.

The grass seemed to have a mysterious power that repelled the ancient rune fragments.

Within ten meters of the grass was a safe zone.

"How peculiar!"

A skeletal god general appeared beside him and tried to pick the grass.

The skeletal god general grasped the grass and pulled hard.

The grass did not move.

The skeletal god general, with its immense strength, could not pull out a single grass.

The grass remained intact, with its blood-red leaf shining brightly, as if mocking the skeletal god general.

After several attempts, the grass still did not move.

Seeing that the skeletal god general was not in danger, Lin Moyu decided to try himself.

He grasped the grass and pulled hard.

The grass did not move.

"That's not the right way to pull it."

Lin Moyu tried once and immediately gave up, realizing that the grass required a different method.

The grass was so peculiar that it reminded him of the immortal tree seedling given to him by Zhu Qiwu.

"If I'm not mistaken, they should be treasures of the same level."

"Such treasures cannot be obtained easily."

Physical strength was not enough, so he tried using soul power.

His soul power extended, forming an invisible hand that grasped the grass.

"Hee hee!"

Suddenly, Lin Moyu heard a burst of laughter.

In an instant, the entire illusion exploded.

Even Lin Moyu was affected, his vision filled with chaotic images, and his thoughts stalled for about 0.1 seconds. When he regained his senses, the grass was gone.

A small crack appeared on the ground, indicating that the grass had burrowed into it.

Everything happened too quickly, catching him off guard.

Even Lin Moyu couldn't react in time.

A red light flashed from the crack, and Lin Moyu quickly retreated.

The red light shot into the sky, turning it blood-red.

This time, the sky remained blood-red and did not return to normal.

Lin Moyu sighed inwardly, not expecting the grass to escape on its own.

He felt a bit disappointed that the treasure slipped away.

But the secret realm had already changed, and he had no time to dwell on it.

The urgent task was to find the method to enter the second stage amidst the changes in the secret realm.

"The mission reminder mentioned that the most dangerous stage is when the sky turns blood-red."

"But the source of the danger is unknown."

Lin Moyu communicated with the skeletal god generals in the secret realm. At this moment, the skeletal god generals were spread across every corner of the secret realm, and any changes would not escape their notice.

Soon, information came back, and Lin Moyu's expression changed.

The maple forests had come to life, with the trees merging to form gigantic maple trees.

Each tree was over a thousand meters tall, exuding the aura of a god, with terrifying combat power.


A massive branch whipped through the air, crossing a great distance to strike.

The skeletal god generals intercepted it, clashing with their swords.

With a loud bang, the skeletal god general was sent flying.

The branch was also repelled by the impact.

But more branches followed, attacking from all directions.

The trees in the maple forest merged into giant maple trees, each over a thousand meters tall.

Their branches turned into whips, capable of crossing vast distances to target Lin Moyu.

Facing the overwhelming branches, Lin Moyu remained calm.

A large number of skeletal god generals appeared around him, slashing at the branches.

He also ordered the skeletal god generals near the giant maple trees to launch a siege.

The skeletal god generals had a numerical advantage, with a million against a hundred, an overwhelming superiority.

The battle was intense from the start, shaking the entire secret realm.

Both sides fought fearlessly, engaging in a life-and-death struggle.

The resurrected Golden Maple Tree God Sovereign targeted one of the giant maple trees, its branches whipping like a lash.

The branch struck the giant maple tree, breaking off large pieces of bark and branches.

The giant maple tree retaliated fiercely, with millions of branches whipping back, both sides tearing each other apart. The battle between the trees was spectacular.