
Chapter — 3 He Smiled

And so it begins Yuhan's battle phase.

— Elemental Hero Divine, Attack Obelisk The Tormentor!

Divine Neos was facing against a purple Obelistk, with infinite attack, but at this moment, Yuhan once again made his move.

— At this moment, Divine Neos effects activate, I can banish as many Elemental Hero, Neos or Neo- Spacian monsters from my graveyard, Divine Neos gains 500 ATK for each monster banished.

Taking a huge chunk of cards, all of them vanished, increasing Divine Neos by 10000 ATK.

— It's pointless, Obelisk's ATK is infinite, Obelisk! Destroy Devine Neos with God Hand!

As the Obelisk attacked came closer, Yuhan smiled with satisfaction.

— Divine Neos effect activates, until the end of the battle phase, it gains the effects of all of my banished monsters! Neos Wiseman effects activate! Divine Neos cannot be destroyed by battle!

With a monotone voice voice Atem continues.

— But you will still take an infinite amount of damage.

As both monsters clash, Divine Neos was still standing and Yuhan's life points were no going down.

— Neos Warrior effect, neither players take battle damage from battles involving this card, and now! Elemental Hero Grand Neos effect activates! When it battles a monster, that monster is returned to it's owner's hand!

With a sudden glow, Obelisk left the field flying back to Atem's hand.

— And lastly, Obelisk might be immune to destruction while on the field, but not on your hand, Elemental Hero Marine Neos effect activates! I can destroy one random card on your hand, but Obelisk is the only card left!

With and explosion of light coming from Divine Neos, the Egyptian god in Atem's hand was gone.

— I attack Slifer the Sky Dragon with Number99: Utopic Drag-

— Slifer's effect activates, when attacked all monsters in an area of 20 spaces around it loses 2000 ATK!

As thunder breath is shot, targeting Number 99: Utopic Dragon, Yuhan makes his move.

— Number 99: Utopic Dragon's Effect activates! When targeted by a card or effect, I can detach one unit, negate the effect and destroy that card!

A breath of light comes out of the Utopic Dragon's mouth and colides with the incoming Thunder breath, the clash of the two sent a shockwave through the battlefield.

—Slifer cannot be banished or destroyed by card-

— But the effect is still negated! And Utopic Dragon's attack continues!

Slifer had 0 ATK points, and Utopic Dragon with 4000 ATK, the battle was decide until a trap card rises from Atem's side of the field.

— Trap card, Prideful Roar! I pay 4000 life points, to increase the ATK of Slifer The Sky Dragon by 4300 Points, Slifer destroy the Utopic Dragon with Thunder Force!

The tides have turned, Utopic Dragon was destroyed, but that was the plan all along, as his Life Points went down, a Quick-play spell card raises from Yuhan's side of the field.

— Quick-play magic! Rank-Down-Magic Utopia Fall! When a Number Monster is destroyed I can special summon from my graveyard all the XYZ units attached to that monster!

As the Utopic Dragon hits the field defeated, the stars orbiting it shot up and landed on the field.

— Come to the field, Number 39: Utopia! Number C39:Utopia Ray! Number 39: Utopia Beyond! Number S39: Utopia Prime! Number 39: Utopia Roots!

An army assemble on the battle field, but the effects of the Rank Down Magic was not over yet, as a golden galaxy formed on the field.

— Utopia Fall also allows me to XYZ summon a monster using the monsters special summoned this way.

That was indeed one of the hardest monster to summon in the game, because it requires the player to have 5 Numbers monster with the same number on the field, in this case 5 Number 39 XYZ monsters at the same time.

— Origin of creation, come to the battlefield!Number 100: Numeron Dragon!

But it was worth it, as the Numeron Dragon was just as unbalanced as the Egyptian God cards, and was specially a counter to Slifer the Sky Dragon.

— Numeron Dragon gains 1000 ATK for every XYZ unit attached to it! Numeron Dragon, attack Slifer the Sky Dragon!

At this moment Slifer's effect activates again.

— When Slifer battles a monster, that monster loses 2000 ATK points!

— At this moment, Numeron Dragon's effect activates! During the battle phase if a spell, trap or monster effect is activated, I can attach a XYZ monster from my graveyard to Numeron Dragon and negate that effect!

Not only did Numeron Dragon not lose any ATK points, it increased by 1000. At this moment Atem makes his move again, the last most troublesome effect of Slifer the Sky Dragon.

— Slifer's other effect activates, once per battle phase I can draw a card, and if it's a monster, the attack is negated! Draw!

Showing his card, it was Kuriboh, but it was not all.

— Slifer's effect activate, every time I draw a card, Slifer gains 1000 ATK points. And the attack of your monster is negated!

Slifer's ATK just went up to 5300, and the attack was negated, but at this moment Yuhan smiled looking at Atem.

— Number 100: Numeron Dragon's effect activates! When his attack is negated by a card effect, I can detach an XYZ unit from it, and activate a spell or trap card from my graveyard, and I choose, Double Up Chance!

As one of the orbs of light explode in a rain of golden particles, a spell card is activated from Yuhan's graveyard is activated.

— Double Up Chance's effect activates by targeting a monster on my side of the field that had it's attack negated during this battle phase, it's attack is doubled and it can attack once again! Go, Numeron Dragon! Breath of Creation!

About to take 4700 damage, Atem makes his move.

— Kuriboh's effect activates! The battle damage from this attack is negated!

— But your monster is still destroyed! And with it, Numeron Dragon's last effect is activated, by sending Number 100: Numeron Dragon back to the extra deck, Slifer The Sky Dragon cannot be played for the rest of this duel!

Yuhan learned from his past duels against Atem, sending the Egyptian Gods back to the hand, they'll just be summoned again in the next turn, send them to the deck, and they'll be drawn next turn, so the only way is to ensure those cards can't be summoned again.

— Two down, one to go! Crimson Dragon, Attack The Winged Dragon of Ra!

Both monsters had 5000 ATK but things were about to change.

— During the battle phase, Ra's effect activates, I can pay 1000 life points to increase it's ATK by 1000 points, and all monsters in a 20 spaces area around it loses ATK by the same amount!

A scorching hot sunlight shines in the field, but this did not stop Yuhan. As both dragons clashed, Yuhan took a 2000 life points hit, but at the end of the attack, both dragons were still standing.

— Crimson Dragon cannot be destroyed by battle, and now, Crimson Dragon's effect activates, at the end of the battle phase, I can send him back to the extra deck, any monster that battled Crimson Dragon this turn, is sent face-up to the extra deck!

An effect monster like the Winged dragon of Ra has no way to be summoned from the extra deck, this was his last move against the god cards, but now it comes the cost for that.

— Devine Neos Effect activates, at the end of my turn, Devine Neos is sent back to the extra deck, And now Crimson Dragon Effect activates, at the end of my turn if a card has been sent to the extra that by it's effect, Crimson Dragon gets sent back to the extra deck.

The field was completely empty, but in this face-off, Atem's eyes were looking at Yuhan, for the first time in this duel, it looked at him directly, and smiled.

— It's my turn now, prepare yourself Yuhan! Draw!