
Naughty companion

In the mystic realm, a place steeped in ancient magic and wonder The boy and his classmates were there on a school outing, researching a project aimed at improving brain power. As they explored the mystical abode, the boy suddenly slipped and fell into a blood pool. As he struggled to regain his footing, he noticed the red blood in the pool had already begun to penetrate and find its b way into his body and assimilate with his human blood, and it clicked as he saw a silhouette staring at him. It was an ancient seven-colored snake, and as it entered his body, he felt an incredible surge of power coursing through him, but his wish remained unfulfilled because he would not share his body with the exotic beast. Little did he know that this chance encounter would make him the target of powerful people in the city who were eager to possess the snake's power for themselves. His father, a mysterious figure who had always been distant and enigmatic, knew that his son was in danger and immediately sent one of his most trusted disciples to protect him. The disciple was a skilled warrior, trained in the arts of combat and magic. He whisked the boy away to another university, far from the prying eyes of those who sought to capture him. It was there that the boy met someone he loved deeply, and they spent many happy days exploring the campus and getting to know each other. Meanwhile, his best friend back at the formal university missed him terribly. Becky was a smart and ambitious girl, but she was also trapped in a world where her father used her as a pawn to inherit more power and influence. Despite this, she remained fiercely loyal to her friend and could not bring herself to betray him, even though it meant going against her father's wishes. As the boy's story continued, he met many other girls, each one more extraordinary than the last. But no matter how much he tried to move on, he could never forget the girl he had left behind. And so, the cycle of love and loss continued as the boy struggled to keep himself and the people he loved safe in a world full of danger and intrigue, all while harboring an ancient and powerful entity within him.

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10 Chs

Receiving a transfer letter

Receiving a transfer letter

After his morning class, Herig hurried to Wen's office, arriving promptly at 11:00am. As usual, Wen was standing in front of her bookshelf, lost in her studies. Herig was struck by the impression she gave: a scholar who could never get enough of the knowledge trapped inside the pages of her books.

Wen beckoned Herig to take a seat, barely acknowledging his greeting. Herig's mind raced with curiosity, wondering what this meeting was about. As Wen approached her chair with the sound of her expensive high heels echoing through the room, Herig sensed that this meeting was going to be uncomfortable.

Finally, Herig found the words to speak, "Good morning."

Wen simply replied, "Morning."

There was a tense pause as neither of them spoke. Herig felt his nerves getting the best of him, and his companion, Yu'er, was deriding him for not being manly enough in front of Wen. Yu'er even suggested that Herig switch places with her, claiming that Wen was only wearing a cold facade to scare people off.

However, Herig couldn't help but notice that Wen's demeanor was different than usual. He was surprised to see that she was really struggling to make a decision, something he wouldn't have noticed if not for Yu'er bringing it up.

Curious, Herig asked Yu'er why Wen was having trouble making a decision. "It's because she's having trouble making a decision about you," Yu'er replied cryptically. "But I don't know the details."

Confused, Herig turned back to Wen and quickly asked her why she had asked him to come.

Wen hesitated before finally responding, "Herig, I have a transfer letter for you. You will have to go to West Dragon University."

"But why?" Herig asked, feeling a wave of disappointment. "I just started at Diamond University. Why should I be transferred to another university?"

Yu'er interjected, "Can't you see that something is wrong here?"

"What do you mean?" Herig asked, feeling more and more confused by the minute.

Wen explained, "It is important, and it has to do with your thirst for knowledge. Diamond University cannot give someone like you, who seeks ancient wisdom, the knowledge you crave. I have spoken with the school president, and he agreed that you should transfer to a different school that caters to those without divine power like you. It's for the best."

Despite the fact that Wen was mistaken about Herig's divine power, he felt compelled to agree with her. Yu'er also affirmed Wen's words, which only served to confuse Herig more.

"I am surprised that I have to leave the school and transfer to another university," Herig admitted.

"It is really important; trust me, you'll understand later," Wen said, her demeanor softening for the first time in Herig's memory.

"How many days do I have left to prepare myself for West Dragon University?" Herig asked.

"Only until tomorrow," Wen replied sharply, returning to her cold demeanor.

"That's too quick. Why is it so urgent?" Herig asked, feeling increasingly frustrated.

Yu'er cut in, "You have to leave the city quickly. That's what she means."

"But why?" Herig asked, feeling more and more like he was in the dark.

"Tomorrow, pack your things and take the first train to West City. You can go now," Wen instructed, worried that she might reveal something she shouldn't.

As Herig made for the door, Wen tossed him a letter. "Read this after you've boarded the train. But remember, only read it when you're inside the train,"

Herig couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about the whole situation, but he didn't know what to do about it. All he could do was follow Wen's instructions and hope that everything would work out in the end.

Herig slumped in his chair, feeling listless as other students around him engaged in lively conversations. A fire cultivator student occasionally hurled an agglomerated ball of fire at the chalkboard, creating a spectacular sight as the board became engulfed in flames. The board was then decorated with roses by a creative wood elemental student, giving it a stunning appearance that captivated everyone in the class. The atmosphere was filled with male testosterone and ladies' progesterone, generating a harmonious buzz of youth that filled the room. Despite not taking part in the lively activities, Herig couldn't help but feel nostalgic about this environment and would always cherish it.

"You're spacing out and out of this world," Becky snapped her fingers in front of Herig, jolting him back to reality.

He looked at his best friend, the intensity in his eyes putting her on edge. "Hey, why are you looking at me like that? The look really scared me," she said, trying to regain her composure.

"What's wrong with you since you came back from Miss Wen's office? You've been acting really strange," Becky asked with concern etched on her face.

Herig was surprised. He realized that he had been looking at things differently lately, and he couldn't quite explain why. Yu'er's influence was beginning to take hold, and he was becoming more reserved, preferring to keep things to himself rather than share them with others. He couldn't even bring himself to tell his best friend that he would be leaving the city.

"I am sorry, Becky. It's nothing. My eyes just stung with pain. I must have some dirt in my eyes. Can you help me blow them?" Herig said shamelessly, hoping to divert her attention.

"Hump! pervert," Yu'er said, calling out his shameless act.

"My eyes are really stinging. The result of me opening them for so long. I really spaced out for real," Herig muttered, accidentally saying it aloud. Becky and Yu'er were skeptical about his excuse.

"No, I never doubt you. Come on, dear, let me nurse you," Becky said with a giggle, grabbing his face and pulling him closer.

As she blew softly into his emerald eyes, Herig felt like he was in a romantic movie. Her succulent lips formed a hole shape that was a work of art, and he couldn't help but feel entranced by her beauty. The activity in the class came to a standstill as everyone watched Becky tend to Herig, who felt like he was in heaven. He knew that her beauty was like a timed bomb, and he savored every moment of it.

Herig suddenly noticed the scent of sulfur and gunpowder in the air. "It's ok, Becky. I am feeling alright now," he said, clearing his throat.

Becky was oblivious to his words, and the boys in the class almost hung themselves watching her tend to Herig. "Becky, I'm really ok," he said, feeling nervous about the boys' reactions.

"Oh, you really are ok... but you still look uncomfortable," Becky said, clueless about the boys' lecherous thoughts.

Herig almost fainted, wishing he could tell her that she was making him the enemy of all men. "No, I am comfortable," he said, trying to keep his cool.

The boys around him were gnashing their teeth in envy. "You go to hell! Who wouldn't enjoy the queen's special service? God, give me the power to murder this Herig right here, right now," they thought to themselves.

"Ok, if you say so, Herig, there's something I'd like to ask you," Becky said

Herig sensed that she was truly serious. "What is that?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Remember when we explored the mystic realm and I told you that you would have some fortitude encounter?" Becky asked him.

Herig was surprised by the intensity in Becky's voice as she asked him, "Yes, I do. But why are you asking?" He became cautious, sensing that she was serious and remembering Yu'er warning not to reveal anything about his encounter in the mystic realm.

Becky noticed the frown on his face and decided to change the subject. She was pained to see that Herig, for the first time, was giving her the cold shoulder. It was as if he had lost trust in her and was trying to hide his precious secret.

"Never mind," she said, biting her lower lip to suppress the pain she felt inside. "I was only worried about you. It takes two days to see you again in school after the incident, so don't mind me."

Herig was equally bitter, as this was the first time they had had a barrier in their understanding. Seeing Becky's pain and the realization that he had let her down, he knew he had to smooth things out.

"Becky, I really appreciate you, and you know I always will. You are my best friend, and I only have you."

"I know," Becky said, her tone down. "You don't have to explain. I just can't help but feel a little down, noticing your hesitation to answer me for the first time in years."

"Becky, there are just things I can't say, but believe me, I trust you, and my hesitation is for a good reason," Herig said, trying to reassure her.

"I know," Becky replied, understanding. "Everyone has their own secret that they can't share with anyone."

As they walked out of the classroom, Herig asked, "Becky, do you care to walk with me?"

"Sure," she replied readily, sensing that something remarkable was about to happen.

As they strolled through the garden, they spent some quality time standing on the sloping edge that revealed the landscape open to the East city. Herig looked at Becky tenderly, and she received his pure intention and deep care. Through their eyes, every word that couldn't be exchanged between them through words was conveyed.

To reassure her that he held her in high esteem in his heart, Herig reached for her soft hand tightly, knowing that this might be the last time they would share together. After all, he was going to another school, and it would take him many years to come back. There was no guarantee that either of them would remain the same. But today, this day, would always be held dear to them both as the day they affirmed their existence.
