

"Zhao Lifei, you madman! what trouble did you cause this time?"

Zheng Haodang was on full guard with his 'big sister' around. This girl wouldn't call upon him so sweetly if she didn't want something.

"Can't I just come with you and chat?" Zhao Lifei puffed her cheeks, not looking guilty at all.

"Well, you have the contract ready right?" Zhao Lifei asked Zheng Haodang with Anticipation.

"Yes, but do tell me what you want first, those greedy eyes of yours gave you away." Zheng Haodang was no way buying that she was sweet talking to him for the contract. "Well..." even after being caught Zhao Lifei shamelessly requested, "Little Cheesecake and Little bean want to go to the amusement park...and I can't go with them, so would you–"


"Come on! won't you do big sister a favor?"

"Zhao Lifei! how do you only rember your 'brother' when you want to me to be your kids' babysitters?"

"Please? I will owe you one."


"Hehe." Zhao Lifei grinned to the ear, "You're shameless." Zheng Haodang gave up in the end.


After signing the Contract with YunHai Entertainment, Zhao Lifei sat in a high end restaurant waiting for someone. This person was taking his time in coming to meet her, it could be he was busy.

Zhao Lifei had to meet the person today so she didn't mind waiting long. Lu Yining came up to her seat and sat down right in front of her. "What did you want to discuss about?" his elegant and refined voice reached her ears and she smiled a sly smile. " Look at this."

She opened up a photo on her phone and placed it in front of the man's face.

The man stared at the photo of the two children in front if him, his refined face darkened as he stared into her eyes. he knew very well that the children were his, this woman was the only one he slept with, besides, the children carried his feature, especially the little girl.

"Marry me." a voice made him come out of his daze. "You..."

he was surprised by the woman's words. In fact, he was surprised by the whole thing, how could this girl have his children behind his back?

His handsome face was complicated as he furrowed his brows, "You must have brought the contract, huh?"

"Indeed." Zhao Lifei took out the marriage contract on which she had already signed.