

Three dangerous women Three successful experiment Three gorgeous female Three malicious vixens Supernatural creatures existed but their existence was hidden so well that humans had come to believe that they were simply folklore and didn't exist. Determined to show the world the existence of supernatural creatures and the glory of their superiority, some group of scientist began to venture into the darkness, creating insanity out of sanity , turning light into darkness, turning peace into chaos and transforming three beautiful, innocent children into dangerous, heartless and ruthless weapons, successfully creating the world's most dangerous people. Natasha Bain could have had a perfect life. Being a gorgeous kid everyone loves, and extremely doted on by her mother, her childhood was filled with happiness even without her father, until tragedy struck. She went missing and was later found but wasn't the same, gone was the happy-go-lucky beautiful child. She was now a girl with no desire to live, no heart to love and now despised for the eyes she once was loved for. She had to transfer to a new school where another whole new world was waiting for her. A responsibility she couldn't escape from and a guy she couldn't just run from no matter she tried. She was despised, hated and scorned but she didn't care. Hell, she never bothered about what others said. Nothing could shake or move Natasha Bain, nothing could make her dead heart beat again or so she thought, until she met him. His beautiful dimpled enchanting smile, his warm loving personality and the vibrant life in his beautiful lazy eyes were enough to make her dead heart beat again, but did she want that? cos in exchange for yielding to the comfort and peace his love brought was her taking the vibrant beautiful life in his eyes.

aurummekid · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs


It was a beautiful morning, the weather was perfect and the atmosphere, lively. Some of the students were chatting, some laughing and some listening to music. A teacher walked in but the students were too engrossed in their own unprofitable activities to notice their average height ,beautiful,always corporately dressed teacher who had just entered the class .

Mrs Whites shook her head at the students, they weren't even aware of her presence. She cleared her throat loudly and that did it.

The students froze in response and

on realizing who it was, all scurried off to their seats, trying to look as prim and as proper as they could look.

"Thanks for your cooperation". she joked causing some of the students to burst into laughter.

Mrs Whites was their class teacher and the class was known to contain the most notorious students in the whole of the school, though it also contained the smartest ones. With Mrs Whites being an easy going teacher, it was often a mystery to other teachers how she always manage to effectively control the students.

Seeing everyone had settled down, she began.

" Well,we have a new student" she started carefully as the students began to murmur. " Our new friend here "she raised the pitch of her voice to maintain decorum," is this year's scholarship champion. She had the highest score in the history of Drenner high's scholarship exam. So in other words, you have another genius in this class".

  The students were starting to show interest in what she was saying. Another smart kid means their class winning the best class of the year again.A title they had won consecutively for three years now.

In country M, Drenner high was one of the most competitive high school to get into. It was a school where almost all the wealthiest and smartest kids in the country go to, this and other facts made it one of the most competitive school to enter.

"And we know what that means right?". She asked rhetorically.  "Another chance to win the best class of the year". She       and the cheered in return.

" Alright then. Come in Miss Bain". Mrs Whites said looking at the direction of the door. The class followed her gaze and it landed on a girl that they hadn't noticed before.

She wore a black hoodie which she pulled low enough to cover her whole face, a purple bag which hung barely on her left shoulder, deep green baggy pants and finally black, cheap looking sneakers. She was covered in clothing from head to toe no one could even see her skin. Even her wrist and fingers were covered as the hoodie was very long. She incited a lot of whispers as she walked in.

"Introduce yourself". Mrs Whites urged patiently.

" Natasha Bain". Her deep yet feminine voice laced with a mixture of boredom and laziness coupled with lifelessness was heard.

A raised brow at her statement, Mrs Whites turned to scan the look on the students face and she saw surprise mixed with expectance on their faces. They stared strangely at her, waiting for her to continue but she didn't. She only clutched at her backpack, looking down.

Seeing the need to, the teacher intervened.

" Since we are done with introductions, you should take your seat.The only vacant seat is next to um....". she paused to look around and sighted an empty seat.

"Devyn!" she concluded, talking to Natasha before she turned to face the class.

"Devyn, raise your hands so Natasha could recognize you". she said but got no reply.

"Devyn.....Devyn.....Devyn!" she called  the last one loudly as a guy at the back sprang up in shock.He looked confused and surprised at the same time as a lollipop dangled in his mouth. He had a black         earpod on, he had been listening to music.

The confusion on his gorgeous face soon turned to shock as he sighted Mrs Whites. He smiled nervously at her but she glared at him.

" Mrs Whites, glad to see you". he greeted cheerfully.

" Well, your facial expression says otherwise" she stated as a matter-of-fact

He followed her line of sight and thought it landed on the sweet in his mouth. He immediately removed the sweet from his mouth and threw it out through the window.

"Sorry Mrs Whites".he said as he itched his head awkwardly but the teacher was still glaring daggers at him.She pointed at her two ears as he then understood. His eyes widened slightly as he pulled out the ear pods and flashed her a wolfy smile but Mrs Whites only shook her head at him, he would always be silly.

" That handsome looking guy over there is your seat mate.".her tone turned warm when she spoke to Natasha.

The girl bowed a little before she headed for her seat beside Devyn admist the murmurs from everyone.

Ignoring the stares from everyone and even her seat partner, she took her seat and started sorting out her stuffs.

" Now, be kind". Mrs Whites admonished, scantily surveying the students's faces. " Be nice to Miss Bain." she added before she took a retreating step.

" Would take my leave now, have a nice day". she said and flashed her signature smile before she walked out.

The students all resumed their dillying  dallying, some staring at Natasha and some ignoring her existence.

" Well ..... ".he stopped realizing he didn't know her name."Sorry, didn't catch your name earlier. Mine's Devyn. Nice to meet you ". he introduced himself, stretching his hand forward for a handshake.

Natasha turned to glance at his hand before averting her gaze back to her books.

" Or not...". Vyn concluded and withdrew his hand. He wasn't even bothered that she snubbed him. He stuck his ear pods back to where they were, doing what he enjoyed best.

Everyone continued what ever they were doing, ignoring the new girl or the weird fact that she was covered from head to toe and didn't seem to bother with the class.The class's  chirping was interrupted by a loud voice.

"Prettiest girl's in the house!!!". a voice yelled as he made his entrance with funny steps. The whole class burst into laughter at Sven's new silly drama.

Sven was the class clown, though a respected one. He was among the richest students in school, hell, he was even among D'5. It was a cheesy name he had come up with for he and his friends, the members being he himself, Terence Waldo, Jace Prescott, the school owner's daughter and the richest yet reserved, Devyn        .

Yeah, that's right, Devyn was the richest kid in school yet he was the most easy going, reserved student you could find. Unlike other schools where the richest, hottest, most handsome guy were assholes and heartbreakers, Devyn was the exact opposite. He was hot, no doubt. Infact hot enough to have been wanted for a model by more than fifty different companies, handsome enough to have up to a million followers on Instagram even though he was no celebrity. His first appearance online was thanks to his best friend. She, being a social media influencer posted a picture of them both on her page and boom, Devyn was blown into limelight. She even created an Instagram account for him but was the one who managed it. That's how poor Devyn's social life was.

Seconds after Sven's hilarious comment, the door flung open and a gorgeous, sexily dressed brunette sashayed into the class.

" Holla! ciascuno" .