

Natara is a teenage girl living a normal teenage girl life in Shunyi until she learns that her life is anything but normal, where she is thrown into another awaiting life for her to live that she knows nothing about. She has a destined fate that she is never going to escape from. In this world, some of us are lucky enough to be born in a world where we get to decide on our destiny to meet our fate. But what happens to those like her, who are born in a world with their destiny already decided and with fate that is already drawn by those who gave them life? It’s a fate where not only is her life at stake but so many others are too, at sixteen she is drowning in a pool of what to choose. Is her life worthy of saving or not? “A woman is a mysterious human being that man will never understand. Sometimes being weak is what makes us strong because weakness isn’t a woman’s failure but our shield. “ Natara nodded her head even though she didn’t understand that sentence. But Maria Susanna kept going on regardless. "Get ready. We are attacking some of our own."

Juliechance · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs


"What are you talking about?" The stranger man looked at her and signed for her to extend to the side on the wooden bench she was straddled on to make room for him to sit beside her and she did.

"I'm Aaron Sanchez, I know we had never had time to properly introduce." He said extending his hand forward for a handshake, Natara looked at it weirdly before she scoffed looking away.

"Do not think I married you for even a second because I am delighted with you or anything instead I loathe you by just your single glance, so fuck off." She says turning to glare at him.

"If it's not a lie, we both know why I am sitting here as your wife so cut the bullshit and get the hell out of my face." She glared him some more before scoffing one more time and turning to look away.

In her mind, the sight of this man had her blood boil, she could not forget him and some stupid women whom abducted her from her family.

Good cause or not, it was against her will.

"Fair enough," She turned her gaze to her husband and ask feeling annoyedly of people in this place. "You too read minds?" He looked forward and nodded his head. "Lady Darker, to everyone who is here, we are here because we know what you are capable of and we believe in the future you could make?"

She looked away. "And I am supposed to care about you?" She asked sarcastically racing at the edge of her voice.

"Well, guess what Antoine, I do not fucking care nor do I give a fucking flying fuck, so how about this get the hell out of my face." She said pretending to not recall of his name correctly and making the mistake of calling him Antoine purposely. Aaron nodded, for his character he was a man of no much words and those he just shared with her to him they were considered too noisy.

He stood up and raised his hand up to her. "Let's go?"

She furrowed her brows. "Are you deaf?" She asked rolling her eyes gladly ignoring him.

The man stood there and just stared at her, at one situation he wanted to laugh and the other he wanted to not care.

To hell with wherever he want me to go with him,

I am going to make this asshole suffer for even considering to bring me here only. Hearing Natara's thoughts made him feel something he never found here for all the years his been living here.

She amused him.

He shook his head knowing the time for that was not then or soon, with a quicker speed like the one of a lightning. He took hold of her and hurried her to where he wanted to take her.

To Natara it was like blinking a few times and then be moved.

"What the fuck Antonio?" She asked angrily.

She turned around to see of where she was brought to be met with the same tree that shielded the altar of where she just got married from was now set with a decorated bed covered by a shield sheet on all four sides of it but even though the bed looked covered by a sheet, you would still see through the cover and make out the what was happening beneath.

You can't name the person in there but you can see what someone could be doing in there while standing outside of it.

Her anger kept multiplying itself as she looked around to people who were busy clearing everything out of the way.

"I'm glad you are doing this?" She turned to the voice of the person speaking to her that happens to be the woman who birthed her. She looked between her and the stupid man. "Doing what?"

"I'm not here to do shit, you asked me to marry the guy so I did, didn't I? What more do you want from me?" Maria Susanna turned to look at Aaron. "You didn't explain to her?"

"Explain to me what? What more than marrying this shit?" Her mother reached for her hand and pulled her to the side in a distance from Aaron.

"Natara, this is a tradition but to you, it's a way of going a different way according to you fate, your father was supposed to sacrifice you as you was still young, pure, precious and a clean sacrifice but to a person, a girl who lost their virginity, they are not considered pure anymore and that's why your father tries to fill your void with six young virgin girls, in term of the six months he purified you and virginity girls because they are pure but the problem is, they all miss your lightness. That's why all this time his sacrifices didn't work."

"So you are telling me I am going to have sex with that man?" Her mother nodded and she gulped. "Woman, I haven't ever had sex with anyone not because of anything but the fear of the pain one goes through, I am not going to do that, no way in hell I am even going to fuck with that abductor." Maria reached for her both hands and took them in hers.

"Close your eyes Natara." She frowned but she still composed herself and closed her eyes with a frown still on her lips. "What do you see?"

"Darkness." She answered.

"The girls that are being sacrificed by your father everyday, live in that darkness from the time they are kidnapped till the time they die and then they are fully taken in an everlasting darkness. Natara some of them wanted to grow old, lose their virginity to their loved ones, fall in love, birth children just like you, but I saved you regardless of what your father would have done to me if I was to be caught. This is not a debt you are paying because you owe nothing to no one, this is me asking you to consider and respect that your life is not yours only." Maria let go of her hands and she opened her eyes looking in her mother's brown eyes and watched as her mother left her standing there without saying anymore. Natara was left standing alone undecided.

She was refusing to this, not because she honored her virginity like some other girls who dreamt to give it away to their lovers, __ No, to her it was not something she was keeping for her husband or the love of her life or anyone. She feared the thought of something being deep in her sex, she wanted no such thing. And to make it all worse she was to sleep with that stupid man.

"No fucking way." She shook her head in denial.

Natara was the type of girl that never tried the use of tampons in her periods but now they were asking her of giving into real sex with an actual man. A man she hated with every fiber of her being.

She closed her eyes and turned to look away at the beauty of the other trees beside her, just refusing to accept what they were asking.



"Thank you for staying over Xavier, it's a big thing to me and to your mother." The boy nodded. "Stop thanking us as if this is not our home, if something is wrong we are the ones to come back home to find a solution if not us then who is going to do it for us?" Ludar said making his father nod in appreciation.

"Let me go see your mother." They nodded and he stepped away leaving them to settle themselves in their rooms.

The moment the family had their rest the other day in the evening. They sat down to talk about what happened and how to address the solution to that problem.

They agreed with Xavier, Ludar and Chanel to move right back in with their parents to find the solutions of what happened while the others were not able to instantly shift their lives back home. They still knew to keep tabs and still look out for something.

Clara Queens from the time she was discharged from the hospital, she hadn't talked to anyone or stepped her foot out of hers and her husband's room. She only ate when it was her husband feeding her and that too happened occasionally because as the doctor said she kept on having nightmares, every now and then she was scared and crying that they took Natara and she couldn't do anything, sometimes they were her dreams other times it was her imaginations taking her mind backwards.

She kept on taking medication she was prescribed to and Timothy hired a doctor to talk to her but she only listened when she wanted and when she didn't, she would cry till she left.

Natara's disappearance took a huge toll on her family in everything.

The rest of the others gathered in Ludar's room getting ready to talk on how things were going to be done but they still had nothing to start from.

"So?" Ludar looked at each and everyone. "I think those people that took Natara are not from here."

Xavier rolled his eyes. "I can't believe we trusted you with this Ludar, yes we know it too they are not from here?"

"Yes, Xavier is right. What we need is where are they from? What kind of power they possess, you see extinguishing someone from the faces of the earth, it's not something anyone can do just like that." They nodded because the things they were discussing among themselves were things each knew on their side.

"But I also figured out that those people's power aren't from science or any kind of technology, because science requires something physical to carry it out, it's not invisible like what those people were doing, we all didn't see anything with them like a weapon or anything happening." Xavier nodded his head. "Remember the time the woman raised her arms in the air and crossed them before pulling them back on her side while fisted?" He asked and they nodded.

"I have a deep feeling that what she did meant something by then, I just don't know what."

"Maybe that was the time she was erasing Natara everywhere?" Asked Chanel but Ludar shook his head at it.

"At that time Natara was still there with us so I don't think she was erasing anything when the guy just stepped away to talk with dad, oh and we should also ask dad about what he talked with that man don't you think so?" They nodded and someone opened the door and they turned to them and frowned.

"Keilla what do you want?" The girl entered and closed the door behind her before leaning on it and looking at them knowingly. "I have something important I can share with you all."

The whole time they have been conversing the girl also had been leaning on the outer side of the door eavesdropping on what they were talking. Now she knew what she had would be beneficial and it would finally make her join them in their team of finding their sister.

"Keilla this is not your everyday drama please step out of my room." Said Ludar as he was standing up to walk and get her out, she held her hand forward stopping him to make any further step. "I first want to know if you guys will let me join you in the rescuing of Natara? I promise you that what I will share with you will surely be of useful?"

They looked at each other and Xavier who had always wanted to get help from anywhere he could find it, was the first to nod his head. "I don't see a problem with that?" He said making Ludar turn to glare at him. "Xavier she is only thirteen we can't take her into this?" Xavier looked at him like he was crazy cause to him, from the very start he never saw any harm in bringing keilla into this.

"Ludar yes she is thirteen but what is the harm if she works with us, she wants to help so what?"

Chanel interjected her idea too. "I think Xavier is right Ludar, look we have nothing and it's not like we are going on a war or something?" Ludar shook his head unbelievably that they were considering this, if it were Keitha he would have understood but keilla to him, she was a young girl that was not even supposed to be knowing of this.

"Ludar, let's combine ideas, you know two is more than one?"

"Do you really want to hear a thing from a thirteen year old girl?" Keilla rolled her eyes from where she was still standing.

"Ludar trust me you will find this useful for sure." She said at Ludar as he looked at his sibling that was nodding for him to let keilla join hands with them, he finally sighed an unbelievably sigh that he was doing this with his baby sister. "Fine keilla tell us?"

The innocent thirteen girl jumped in the air squealing in the process. "Okay, can't believe you allowed this but first promise me you won't back down on your words once you've heard what I am going to tell you?" Ludar shook his head and Chanel smiled at her promisingly.

"Keilla don't worry, me and Chanel are here to not allow him to back down and if he does, we will join hands with you and leave him to feed for himself, right Chanel?" Said Xavier to ease up the girl's worries.


"Okay, so today we went to school and I asked everyone if they knew who Natara was and that she was missing at school but unsurprisingly no one knew, they all asked back who was she including this guy that has had a crush on her since when?" She tapped on her chin thoughtfully on her last words before she continued. "Since I was born probably." She said and Ludar chuckled.

"Can't believe these are the useful information you had for us but you know what good work because we already knew that apart from the people that were in this household when everything went down, no one else remembers or knows who Natara is."

The others also smiled at her nodding their head in appreciation for what she at least did. "Except one?"

"What?" Xavier asked jumping from his seat. "Except what one keilla?"

She looked at them and smirked. "There is someone I found who still remembers and knows who Natara is?"

"Who is that?" Ludar asked while standing up too, Chanel followed the action of her brothers looking at keilla attentively to not miss a word that she was going to say and she just smirked. "It's...
