

Natara is a teenage girl living a normal teenage girl life in Shunyi until she learns that her life is anything but normal, where she is thrown into another awaiting life for her to live that she knows nothing about. She has a destined fate that she is never going to escape from. In this world, some of us are lucky enough to be born in a world where we get to decide on our destiny to meet our fate. But what happens to those like her, who are born in a world with their destiny already decided and with fate that is already drawn by those who gave them life? It’s a fate where not only is her life at stake but so many others are too, at sixteen she is drowning in a pool of what to choose. Is her life worthy of saving or not? “A woman is a mysterious human being that man will never understand. Sometimes being weak is what makes us strong because weakness isn’t a woman’s failure but our shield. “ Natara nodded her head even though she didn’t understand that sentence. But Maria Susanna kept going on regardless. "Get ready. We are attacking some of our own."

Juliechance · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs



The moment she was awoken up again. She was standing under a big decorated tree with full of many different type of flowers of all kinds all over her eyesight.

She was wearing a soft silk red dress that was stripped at both side of her shoulders, the length of the dress went all the way down to the floor, in other circumstances She would have really loved to take a look at herself in the mirror to appreciate the dress as she praised her body for rocking it well at all right sides of it.

She turned to the other side of her and she realized she was standing on an altar and below in the auditorium section was filled with two sets with a way in between the decorated set seatings. Staring at women that were all wearing white robes, she frowned her lips at the situation because the scene looked and seemed typically ridiculous, but when she came to think of it well and wrapping her mind around the fact that this could be her wedding, looking around to confirm that what she was thinking was true, she threw away the flowers that were in her hands instantly, like she was struck by thunder.

She looked out confusedly and angrily not really believing what these people wanted from her? She wanted to cry but she knew that was not going to stop anything or solve anything either. She looked away as she angrily scoffed to herself, who was she? To always be crying in every situation like a baby if she was going to survive in this then she was going to need to act like an adult and wisely.

She raised the dress in her palms then stepped off of the alter and started running, mid way of where they decorated the way to the altar between the two section of the auditorium, she was met by the man that took her from her family and by the look of it, he seemed to be the groom that was going to marry her.

"Oh Maria, mother of the all." She said when she realized what was happening, She stopped and pulled the dress down. "You can't be the man that is going to marry me right? Could you dare?" The man turned to look around, everyone was now witnessing what was going down.

"Lady Darker, I do not think you are supposed to be standing here and not the alter?" Natara rolled her eyes. "Lady darker." She scoffed under her breath.

"Mister whatever, I think you should be making a way for the lady to pass in all your faze act, get the hell out of my way." She said back to him in the same tone they also to be using on her because now she learnt they seemed to be treating her like some sort of treasure and it was clear that this whole thing was not about harming her.

So, in her mind she was thinking why not play and dance around their tunes.

The man moved aside making away for her to pass as he stepped to the side, "oh." She said back to him appreciating the gesture smirking back to the man but before she walked a few feet away her mother joined them.

"Follow me Natara."

The woman said and she didn't stand to wait for an answer from her child, she turned on her giving Natara her back and headed into the forest, Natara being left with no choice she found herself following along the woman in the forest.

She walked wondering how she got there in the first place because she didn't see her walk to them but maybe, she was occupied in her little interaction with the stupid jerk that called himself a man.

The mother was in the front and the child was following closely behind the mother.

They walked a little far away before Maria Susanna suddenly started talking. "Walking in here like this, reminds me of when you were six months and we were escaping from the home of your father." She said not turning around to look at Natara and Natara being helpless in the situation she just kept following her not knowing what to answer.

"It was at night, when I told your father that if he was going to take your life then he was going to first take mine away before getting to yours." The mention of that had Natara stop on her track, her mother caught on it and she turned around to her to see what went wrong.

Natara stopped walking and stood there thinking that those were going to be the last words she was going to listen because if the husband of this woman didn't finish what he started then she brought her here to finish what her husband started, right?

To her the part Maria Susanna expressed of how Natara's father was getting her life after hers, might have escaped her hearing.

"No one who is going to kill you Natara." She frowned then asked. "You read minds?"

The woman turned back and kept going making Natara fall back in steps too now that she was cleared she was safe, she felt no need to worry but she didn't know why out of nowhere she believed the woman. She didn't even know a God damn thing about. "You can too."

"Why can't I read yours if i can?"

"Because you are not in yourself." She frowned but she kept following the woman to where she was taking her.

"The night when we got separated, we first walked through a forest like this, I was in a rush to get you away because you were going to be sacrificed in a few days and I did not want your father to get to us because that would have been the end of it all. So I rushed you out of the house and we ran in the whole forest till we made it and at the end of that forest, the only place I could think of was earth. Your cheek was wounded from a branch of a tree, it killed me to see you bleeding like you were but I had no time to take care of that and that's where that scar on your left cheek comes from, if I still stand a chance Natara allow me to say I'm sorry."

Their journey stopped and when Natara looked forward she was surprised at where they were, they were at a water fall in between the trees and beautiful flowers, she looked around loving the view of it, if there was something she loved as water in this world then it can go survive on it's own.

The woman stopped and brought her hands forward to her child's left cheek just where the scar was, the palm of her hand was facing the scar while the back of the hand was facing her.

A drop of blood, dropped out of Natara's cheek but without hurting her or causing any pain.

She jerked away from the woman's hand looking terrified at what just happened but the woman just turned to stare ahead of them like nothing much just happened, "That was how I was able to find you, hear you, be apart of your life, guide you in everything without being there with you physically."


"The night when we were out of your father's territory we were not safe, I knew you weren't safe with me. We were not on our planet, I was homeless, penniless, only you were of my possession and at the moment you were hurt, I couldn't take care of you, you were cold I could not provide anything for you, so I put myself in the connection with my surroundings and I found you a perfect place to be safe before I found a way to provide it for you myself."

"We were not in our planet? What do you mean?"

"We are not from this world, Natara." What? Bells rang in her head.

"Where are we from?"

"That's not important right now?"

"So, what's important is you leaving me beside a tire of a car." The woman shook his head. "Not internally." Natara furrowed her eyes disappointedly and sadly.

"There are a lot of things you do not know Natara and before I go through with them to you, I want to know if you are on our side?" She turned to look at her mother. "What happens if I am not on your side?"

"Millions of innocent girls keeps on dying till the day your father will part away from earth and if you do that, I highly doubt that will ever stop?" She frowned in confusion.

"I do not understand!"

"Natara this universe we live in is surrounded with a lot of forces, spirits, desires, technologies that slowly and surely kills you people and you don't even want to see it.

First there is greedy of wealthiness, to always want to earn and get more than the others are making.

The chaotic spirits that lurks around the world to be filled in people's lives in order to take control of their functioning.

The desire of power to always be in control and always be in the leadership of the others.

The chaotic of skilled men who keeps on influencing and showing themselves off that they are greater than the others through the strategies of technology.

These are the fights of normal people and they could have been yours if you were to stay as Natara Queens and not as Natara Darker.

And as much as you must be wishing for that, little girl, no one escapes their destiny and if they are lucky enough to, fate is always there to catch up on them.

Your destiny was to die six months after you were born and you escaped that but you fate says that if you don't die by your father's sacrificial then he will be killed by your sword.

Because you are the lightness that was meant to clear him off of his debt that he had to his gods left by his ancestors and you were to take death off of him.

'A pure blood of his most valuable living life.'

In six months you lived with him, you were never allowed to dirty yourself in any kind.

He always presented you to his gods daily at 3am in the morning.

He filled you with his most treasures and hidden strongest power because he after all knew it were always going to come back to him in a new form when he sacrificed you.

I married your father when I was your age, two greatest families of different parallel planet joined hands to make a strong bond for a single strong world, we lived a few more years without conceiving and when we were told that you were going to be given to us, The God of heavens blessed us with making you the most lighter in the evils because of the gift our ancestors did by marrying me and your dad together, at that time I didn't know your father and his family had a fate of sacrificing their first borns of to pay off the debt that was put on their name, when he was told that your blood were of such pure than it can clean him off of everything and the rest of his line and above all it was going to take away his death, he knew he wasn't going to pass on that.

I had been fine with it for the first six months of your life thinking it was your destiny but when the time approached, I realized I could not do it so I run you away,

To this very day, for your father to fill the void of you that he lost, he sacrifices, six innocent clean, young virgin girls to fill up your place but it's never enough because you are different, your blood was turned into something lighter in it for you to be able to save someone before you were even born and you are not like us and that's why these innocent girls can't top up with you no matter how many of them they are. Besides the six months you were with him, he presented you as his sacrifice so they can't except an other when they had accepted you, usually his line sacrificed boys but your father is so obsessed with the desire to acquire to realize that it's not going to work for him.

Now Natara, I want you to think of the total of innocent girls that have died to this very day since I saved your life.

And if you consider yourself to be more valuable and better off than those girls that are dying everyday that you don't want to put a stop on that, tell me now and I will send you back to where you came from but I have to warn you, no one escapes their fate sweetheart. It's so rare." Natara felt her head spin and be filled with strangeness but at the same time it felt like it was full of nothing.

"What tells me that what you are saying is the truth?" The woman tilted his head and turns to stare at the waterfall again.

"It's either you or the girls Natara, there is nothing to prove here for you. Choose and I can only promise you to come through with whatever you chooses."

Natata felt like she was being thrown in a pit of dangerous lions with those girls except of all things she was known to be of, she was never a selfless girl.

If it was right or not, she knew she was not going to turn a blind eye to innocent girls like herself that needed her help.

"I will do whatever it takes." Said Natara without even taking a minute to consider her decision.

"To do what?" She looked at her mother. "I will do whatever you want me to if you promise that after everything I will go back to the Queens." She said and her mother opened her arms and took her in them.

"Welcome to where you belong, Natara." They pulled away and in a blink of an eye they were back to the place decorated for the wedding and she turned to look at it not sure she was the one who just allowed to be doing that.

She turned to the woman and asked again for confirmation. "Is getting married to that man necessary though?" Her mother shook her head.

"Natara, he is not as bad as you picture him to be." The girl rolled her eyes.

"But yes, you two have to get married, trust me darling. Going against that man, I am the only one who knows what to do here and feel at peace too because after everything is resolved, I will take you back to the Queens and back to your life." Natara nodded even though she still had a little nerve in her telling her that what she was doing was wrong.

She still hesitated as she ponded upon why she was believing these strangers so easily.

What they just told her didn't even make a little sense at all, she still did not know of where they were at?

"Now go and start your journey of redemption." She looked at the woman and nodded before walking to the altar and to do all that she accepted herself.

To not back out she kept reminding herself that she was not precious than of the girls that have been dying because of her. If she was saved of that, why can't she then save others if she is capable like they are saying she is.

She stood and kept reminding herself to breath in and out and she did that till she went through with the ceremony of the wedding, they went to eat and drink as she was eating she felt tears in the blink of her eyes when she realized the last time she was eating was the day before yesterday,

she was at her family's mansion with all of her family beside her. Now she was here as a wedded woman and her family back home didn't know of a crazy life she was brought into. How absurd it could be.

She was sitting down at the table eating alone while the people there dancing and singing so horribly to her making her wonder of what century did the people there come from.

She had almost thought that this place was surrounded with only women but today she saw a bunch of men too. She made it her aim to count them but she stopped the moment she realized they were too many for her to go through all of them.

"Let's go the place is set." She turned to look at the person talking to her and then frowned at the man that was standing in front of her that was now her husband. "The place to sell away your virginity rightfully." He continued making her frown deepen.

